Fortunately, it is a grass attribute, whether it is stamina or resilience, it is definitely NO.1 in the wizard world.

Therefore, even after running for so long in this dragon cave with many obstacles, Ye Elf was only slightly out of breath, but those red giant mantises were a little weak, which was undoubtedly something to be proud of.

However, there is worry in its golden eyes.

His master fell into the dark abyss, which made him very worried...  

The Money Hunter Squad behind them was still chasing after them, and the leader in the lead shouted.

"Giant Claw Mantis, speed up, keep up, don't let this leaf elf run away!"

"This is the Pokémon of the Heart of Yang Yan. Although I don't know why the Heart of Yang Yan is not around it, now is the best chance to capture it!"

"Does the captain want to notify other unions to double-team?"

"You idiot! It's the only little elf that is rare in the entire elf century. If we catch it, we will make a fortune. You actually want to call other unions to share dividends?"

"You guys are a little bit ambitious, our union will dominate the elf world with it!"

"Hurry up! It's speeding up again! It's a monster! Don't you understand tiredness..."


At the same time, Lin Wen and his party were also moving fast.

Hearing the news of Ye Elf, Lin Wen was so anxious that he could not wait to fly directly to it and wipe out all those who dared to attack it!

And in Sanaduo's induction, the distance between the two is getting closer and closer.

"Ye Elf! Wait for me!"

Lin Wen said in his heart.

Just around the next corner!

Ye Elf swiftly turned the detour, and was just about to take the opportunity to speed up and shake off the chasing soldiers behind, but suddenly stopped, and even the team of money hunters behind him was a little frightened. Ye Elf, who had run for so long, suddenly stopped. Suddenly stopped, this is definitely weird, not tired.

The reason why it stopped was because a familiar shout came from Ye Elf's mind, it was Shanaido's voice. It didn't take long before he saw a gasping man running fast from another fork in his line of sight. Lin Wen!

Ye Elf suddenly let out a cheerful cry and ran towards Lin Wen.

Lin Wen also saw Ye Elf, put down the big stone he mentioned in his heart, looked at Ye Elf who was galloping in front of him in the blink of an eye, filled with joy, and lightly stroked Ye Elf's head twice, and said, " Ye Elf, it's really good that you're fine!".

Chapter [-] What is death?

Ye Elf squinted his eyes comfortably, and even made two comfortable hums that were slightly like mosquitoes. His combat power was tyrannical. As a king, it is probably only at this time, in front of Lin Wen, that it will reveal itself. This look.

At this moment, there was a loud noise coming from the corner.

"Come on! Don't let this elf run away!"

"Damn, it's too cunning to know how to stop scaring people!"

"Eh? Wait, it's not running! Hahaha, this one and only elf will soon become our money hunter guild!" The team leader, God of War Hunter, couldn't help laughing.

"Captain... the one next to the leaf elf seems to be, it seems to be..."

"Who is it?" The God of War hunter curled his lips in disdain, and didn't look at Lin Wen again at all: "Whoever he is, if he dares to hinder us from catching Ye Elf King, then let him finish it all!"

"There are not so many rules outside this dragon cave! Let's get here as we want!"

"Captain... The person next to Ye Elf King seems to be... the 18th Heart of Yang Yan!" The team member who spoke up before said!

"What?!" The God of War Hunter's expression suddenly changed, and the indifferent expression was taken away from his face almost instantly, and he looked towards Lin Wen.

As one of the top executives of the money hunter, the God of War hunter of course knows that he is now famous, and even made their money hunter guild suffer a big loss.

Therefore, after he saw Lin Wen's face clearly, cold sweat broke out in an instant, and he whispered: "It's really the heart of Yang Yan!"

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"What should I do?" The God of War hunter greedily looked at Ye Elf standing beside Lin Wen, but because of the distance, he didn't see the petite mini-dragon in Lin Wen's arms.

He gritted his teeth sharply: "What are you afraid of! Lin Wen is powerful, but there are seven of us. No matter how powerful he is, can he still be against the sky?"

"The boss has heard the news before that the lord elf that Yang Yan's heart got must be collected by my money hunter. Now that he has encountered Yang Yan's heart, then give him a disgrace and let him obediently take the lord level. Hand over the elves!"

"We money hunters are not the rubbish of Hellfire, and a team will be defeated by Yang Yanxin alone!"

At the same time, Lin Wen's sight also fell on the team led by the God of War Hunter and the team uniforms on them.

"Money hunter?"

Lin Wen frowned and said in a low voice, "It's not enough to suffer a loss once, so you have to come to die a second time? Don't these guys play games with no brains?"

Long before he came to the Chengdu area, Lin Wen had some knowledge of the local guild here through the Lingfeng Guild's president.

Among them, the most notable symbol of the money hunter is the elite team members, each with a giant mantis as a mount, which looks very mighty and domineering.

Therefore, Lin Wen recognized the identities of these guys at first glance when he saw these people not far away.

The money hunter team and Lin Wen did not make a move, they just looked at each other quietly and confronted each other here.

On the one hand, a group of seven people, each wearing the same clothes, has the logo of the money hunter on the chest, and the claws of the giant mantis riding on the crotch look very sharp, flashing cold light, and the seven are arranged together, more It gives people an invisible sense of oppression and looks full of momentum!

On the other hand, it is much more shabby in comparison.

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