"It's you who are shameless!"

Lin Wen no longer had the mood to talk nonsense with this group of idiots, and sneered and shook his head: "I want all my little elves, that's good, I have the ability."

"You can get it yourself!"

Determined, loud and clear!

As soon as the words fell, a Poké Ball was thrown out by Lin Wen!

The light flashed, and the ice elf with an elegant figure appeared in place.

It made a kind cry towards Lin Wen, and then focused on the opposite money hunter team. The intelligent ice elf knew that this was the enemy.

Lin Wen's order followed, "Leaf Elf, use Super Crash! Ice Elf, use Frost Aura!"

At the same time, the three passive skills of Fighting Man, Power of Sect Master, and Elf Control will work at the same time, increasing the elf's attributes by 20% and reducing the enemy's all attributes by 5%.

Determine the enemy, the wind of the king, activate instantly!

Enemy attributes are reduced by another 20%.

As soon as the battle started, the strength of the money hunter team dropped again and again, while the attributes of Ye Elf and Ice Elf increased steadily. God of War Hunter did not expect Lin Wen to break the battle so decisively, and the response was half a beat slower, while Ye Elf, I won't give him any chance!

The leaf elf in the super collision, like a green whirlwind, came to the giant pincer mantis in the blink of an eye, and collided suddenly!

And the ice elf's field control skills, the terrifying slowdown of the frost aura, make the God of War hunter even have no chance to escape!

Frost Aura: A rare skill that can only be obtained by the ice-type Pokémon with special talents, it can emit a powerful frost aura when it comes out, reducing the movement speed of all nearby Pokémon except the ice-type Pokémon by 30%. Inflict an additional ice-based special attack damage related to the special attack attribute value once every five seconds, and the effect of sunny days is halved.

 (Well done) The giant pincer mantis was slammed into the air!As a mount, its attributes are not excellent at all. Under the premise of reducing the attributes, it instantly loses its combat effectiveness!

In an instant!

And the Ares hunter riding on the giant pincer mantis also flew out with the giant pincer mantis, and fell to the ground in an embarrassment, making a scream. Although the pain was not deep, the feeling of falling from the air was still amazing. He was humiliated and thrown into his grandmother's house.


He quickly got up from the ground, and there was no trace of his handsome and domineering just now, only the appearance of embarrassment!

Because of the confrontation between the two sides, there were many players around. When he thought that his embarrassed appearance was seen by countless players, he might slander him behind his back. God of War Hunter only felt anger rising and roared: "Heart of Yang Yan, You will regret it, and the entire Money Hunter Guild will be against you!".

Chapter [-] Hold him for me

"Joke, you are not my enemy now?" Lin Wen remained unmoved.

"Money Hunter Squad, fight!" God of War Hunter roared.

Lin Wen's sudden attack caught the entire money hunter team by surprise. Now that he heard the boss's words, he quickly summoned his main battle elf.

As a symbol of money hunters, the giant pincer mantis is not excellent in most of its attributes, and only exists as a mount.

For a time, the giant pincer mantis was withdrawn from the Poké Ball, and the other Pokémon were released one by one!

As an elite team of money hunters, half of the seven-member team are high-end players who can control two elves to fight, and 10 elves appeared in the field.

Kamui turtle, tyrannical carp dragon, rumbling rock, big rock snake...

However, as soon as they appear, their attributes are cut again and again!Then, under the influence of the extreme aura, the ground frost condensed, the movement speed was slowed down by 30%, and the movement was slow!

"Ice elf! Use the body of extreme ice, and then use the frost teeth to attack the big steel snake!" Lin Wen calmly gave the order, not at all afraid of the large number of enemies.

917 "Leaf Elf, use seed bombs on the enemy!"

Body of Extreme Ice: An exclusive skill unique to ice elves. Only a few ice elves with super talent can comprehend. After use, the body is covered with ice blue armor, and the effect of all ice skills is increased by 50%. The attack will reduce the enemy's speed attribute value by 5 points, and reflect additional ice-based special attack damage based on its own special attack. The state lasts for one minute, and the sunny day time is halved.

A piece of ice blue armor condensed around the body of the ice elf. Then, the ice elf sprinted towards the enemy without hesitation. The powerful power of the frost teeth hit the big steel snake, causing huge damage to it!

At the same time, the seed bombs splashed on the enemy elves and exploded!

The green light erupted, the powerful wood-type energy caused huge damage, and the two elves lost their fighting ability instantly!

The members of the Money Hunter Squad naturally couldn't let Lin Wen attack. Their individual strength was far from Lin Wen, but they had a lot of elves after all, and various orders were issued (bddi) at one time.

"Rumble Rock, use scrolling!"

"The tyrannical carp dragon, destroy the leaf spirit with a ray of death!"

"Ba Dahu, use paralysis powder."

The battle situation has reached the most intense peak in an instant!

"Raichu, use one hundred thousand volts!"

Just as Lin Wen was concentrating on chasing back the ice elf dodging skills, a crisp voice suddenly sounded beside him!

It's a cute night cat!

Beside her, a slightly plump Raichu had appeared beside her, with electric lights flashing on both sides of her cheeks, and she was accumulating power!

Seeing Lin Wen looking over, the cute night cat blinked playfully and said, "Look at me, I'm your teammate, shouldn't it be right to fight with you!"

Lin Wen smiled and did not answer, but concentrated on the battle.

In the next second, a strong current surged into the sky!

Raichu, the cute night cat, has also been on the potential list in the early stage of the game, and his strength is amazing!

What's more, as an advanced Pokémon trainer, Raichu is not the only Pokémon she can manipulate!

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