"Jiahe Ninja frog, lurking in the past, use a secret attack on Ba Dahu!"

The Jiahe Ninja Frog quietly hid in the darkness, reappeared, jumped up, and struck him hard behind Ba Dahu!

Ba Dayu cried out in pain and lost consciousness.

The addition of the cute night cat made the money hunter team collapse in an instant!

If Lin Wen came to fight the money hunter himself, although he could still win, it would have taken more time, and the addition of the cute night cat shortened the time a lot.

The two elves of a money hunter team member lost their ability to fight. After getting into the pokeball, he had to summon a weaker elf, and said to the god of war hunter: "Captain, we can't support it anymore. what!"

The God of War hunter gritted his teeth and looked at the environment on the scene. He didn't know what skills the Heart of Yang Yan had. When fighting him, the elf attributes of his subordinates were greatly reduced, and he could not exert his usual combat power at all. !

Under the fierce battle now, most of the main elves of the team members have been damaged.

God of War hunters understand that although they still have other elves that have not been released, the main elves are not opponents of the Heart of Yang Yan, so the substitute, weaker elves, even if they are released, they will only give food and become others' experience points. That's it!


"The guys who thought Hellfire were just too trashy, I didn't expect the Heart of Yang Yan to be so powerful!" The God of War Hunter said helplessly.

Watching the elves of his team members gradually decrease, the God of War Hunter finally couldn't hold it anymore, and sent a message to the ace hunter.

"Boss, we have discovered the location of the Heart of Yang Yan!"

Ace Hunter's reply arrived almost instantly.

"Okay! Hold on to Yang Yan's heart for me, and I'll go now!"

"Hold on?" The God of War hunter smiled wryly as he looked at the situation around him. Now they are all about to be destroyed by the Heart of Yang Yan, how can they be held back?

I can only hope that the boss can come sooner...

At that time, I want your Yang Yan heart to look good!

The God of War hunter dared not say it at such a time. After all, as a defeated person, saying such words would only provoke ridicule, so he had to say silently in his heart.


The Money Hunters Guild came to the Dragon Cave this time, and there were three teams in total.

Among them, a team led by him has six people, but each is an elite who can control two elves!

Before receiving the news from the God of War Hunter, he was controlling the elf, fighting with a more cherished dragon elf, and preparing to conquer it.Now that he saw the private letter from the God of War hunter, the heart of Yang Yan, who had been missing for a long time, finally appeared. He turned around almost instantly, greeted the team members, and prepared to quickly go to the place where the heart of Yang Yan was.

Even the elite-level dragon-type elf who is about to lose the fighting ability behind him is not ready to capture. .

Chapter [-] Lively

Compared with the lord-level elf, what is this elite-level elf in front of him?

Just two steps away, his steps stopped.

As the president of the Money Hunter Guild, the ace hunter holds such a large guild, and naturally he will not be a little fool as Nirvana, the president of Hellfire, said.

On the contrary, he is very smart, very smart.

Because of the big loss under the heart of Yang Yan, the ace hunter made great efforts to collect a lot of information about the heart of Yang ~ Yan.

And when this information was in front of him, even the ace hunter couldn't help being surprised.

This person in the heart of Yang Yan is too evil, _ and also too smooth!

When I first entered the game, by grinding in front of NPCs for more than half an hour, I got my first mission and got Ibrahimovic. Since then, I have embarked on an unstoppable and powerful road.He can always get the most valuable share of any task of any kind!

Glitter Nine Tails, [-]st Prize in Fishing Contest, Minas, Ice Elf, and most recently, a lord-level mini-dragon!

Up to now, looking at the potential rankings, the strength rankings, the spirit of the Heart of Yang Yan is vividly visible, his power has become a momentum, unstoppable!

Although I am not convinced, even the ace hunter has to admit that the heart of Yang Yan is called the first person in the game, and it does have its unique strength and luck!

"No, I can't be the first to go." Money Hunter paused and thought to himself.

"The leaf elves, ice elves, and nine tails owned by the Heart of Yang Yan are all powerful elves. Each of them can leapfrog battles, and their attributes are extremely strong. At this stage, no one is their opponent at all."

"If I go directly to find the Heart of Yang Yan now, even if it is possible to defeat him with the number of elves, I will lose most of my power!"

"In this special map Dragon Cave, there are no restrictions. After the strength is damaged, I am afraid that it will be attacked by Hellfire and the anti-sky dragons, making wedding dresses for others, and letting others pick peaches!"

Thinking of this, the ace hunter made a complete plan: "Let the two guys Nirvana and Long Ao weaken the power of Yang Yan's heart for me, and finally I will enjoy the benefits of the fisherman."

Thinking of all this, the ace hunter immediately sent a message to Nirvana and Longao Tianxia.

"My subordinates discovered the location of the Heart of Yang Yan, which is in the northeast of the second floor of the Dragon Cave."

Afterwards, he turned around and returned to the place where he had just fought the dragon elves, and continued to command.

The other members of the team looked at each other in dismay, and one of them said boldly: "Boss, don't we go to the heart of Yang Yan?"

"Go, how can you not go?" The ace hunter said happily: "But not now, when Hellfire and the Heaven-Defying Dragon Clan get there, let's go!"

This team member is not stupid either. He immediately understood the thoughts of the ace hunter, and he gave a thumbs up and praised: "As expected of the boss, Gao! It's really tall!"

Ace Hunter laughed, feeling very happy.

At this time, he didn't know that his God of War hunter team had been completely lost. Otherwise, he didn't know if he would still be able to stand here and relax so willfully.


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