Minas heard the order and subconsciously wanted to dodge, but it was too late!

I saw two thick vine whips shot from behind Minas and suddenly tied to Minas!

That's Frog Flower!A boss-level wonderful frog flower!

And the commander of the wonderful frog flower is the president of the Money Hunter Guild, the ace hunter!

Seeing that the vine whip of the wonderful frog flower successfully restrained Minas, the ace hunter praised, and then shouted: "Heart of Yang Yan, it is time to calculate our general account!"

"The money hunters guild, attack Minas immediately!"

For a time, all kinds of skills were focused on Minas. The Money Hunter Guild did not focus on one line of elves like Hellfire and the Heaven-defying Dragon Race, but multi-line elves developed together!

So, at this time, the skills of each department came one after another!

Under the blow of such a variety of skills, the damage has already overflowed. Rao is that Minas has multiple defensive talents such as magical scales and multiple scales, and it can't play any role.

Almost instantly, Minas lost his ability to fight. In the end, the Ice Elf raised his hand using Frost Breath, otherwise he would really be damaged in the field.

Lin Wen gritted his teeth slightly, took out the Poké Ball and quickly retrieved the endangered Minas. Looking at the Poké Ball in his hand, he silently said, "Minas, thank you for your hard work."

Then, another Poké Ball was thrown!

"Come out, Kyuubi!"

As soon as the nine tails appeared, they ran towards the enemy, and Lin Wen's order arrived immediately!

"Ice Elf, use the super frost aura, nine tails, use the super flame vortex!"

Super Flame Vortex: The evolved version of the flame vortex, which can create a large number of flames in a short time to bind the enemies in front of you. The enemies surrounded by the flames will suffer continuous damage and burning effects. The skill effect lasts for 5 seconds. Babies cannot be replaced and run away.

The ice elf's super frost aura slowed down all the elves present, and in the next second, a flame vortex covering an area of ​​[-]% appeared in the field!

It surrounded dozens of elves, bound them, and dealt a huge amount of damage!

With the addition of Unquenchable Fire, it has doubled!

Inextinguishable Fire (Profound Truth Skill): Fire-type Pokémon's exclusive secret, which can only be comprehended by Pokémon with extraordinary talents. All scorching damage and duration increased by 100% for Pokémon who have learned this secret. The duration will not be reduced and cannot be extinguished.

As a quasi-god elves, Alola's mutant fire nine tails have extremely powerful skills. These elves are bound by the super flame vortex and cannot escape. The burning damage acts on them, and immediately more than a dozen elves lose their ability to fight. !

And most of these are the elves of the Money Hunter Guild and the Heaven Defying Dragon Race!

The Hellfire Guild, as a fire-type elf guild, has a high resistance to fire-type skills, and of course it is not the target that the nine tails will choose to attack.

With the addition of the Inextinguishable Fire of the Profound Truth, the super flame vortex that lasted for ten seconds ended. The more than [-] elves that were originally attacked by the flame vortex were still standing in place, and only five or six were left. Only!

And they are also affected by the burn state!

As soon as the quasi-god-level Alola Nine Tails appeared, it had a huge effect!

It caused the surrounding players to exclaim.

This made Lin Wen a little surprised.

His initial idea was to rely on the restraint of the attributes of the ice elves and Minas to quickly eliminate the Hellfire personnel, use the mini-dragons to deal with the sky-defying dragons, and the leaf elves as full support!

Now it seems that this plan is still too conservative!

The best defense is to attack!

The power of the quasi-god-level nine tails is clear at a glance!

While you are sick, I will kill you!

Lin Wen did not hesitate at all, and commanded: "Nine tails, use the big character explosion on the elf that is in a state of burns!"

Nine tails nodded, and then used the skill.

A large-shaped flame suddenly burst out and slammed into the hostile elves in front of them. Suddenly, with the addition of fueling the fire skills, these elves fell to the ground one after another!

Add fuel to the fire: special fire skills, which can make the elf in the burning state take an additional 50% of the burning damage.

After Minas lost his ability to fight, in the eyes of the three major guilds, Lin Wen should have completely collapsed, but he did not expect that with the appearance of the Nine Tails, he actually made a beautiful small counterattack!

However, Lin Wen's showtime ends here!

To put it simply, the elves that can be killed are the weaker ones, and the rest are the elites of these three guilds!All the strengths are amazing!

Leaf Elf, Ice Elf, Alola Nine-Tails, join hands to fight against the remaining more than sixty hostile elves!

The scene suddenly became anxious!


Player Forum.

At this time, the forum has been swiped by the news in the dragon cave, and the players in the dragon cave are onlookers themselves, and then post on the forum.

Players who are no longer in the dragon cave regretted why they didn't go to the dragon cave. As a result, after missing the world-shattering battle, they began to contact their friends and friends to ask who in the dragon cave could tell him the news.

There was even a bet on Lin Wen and the three major guilds on the forum.

Who wins and who loses?


The odds of Lin Wen are 1 to 2, while the odds of the three major guilds are 1 to 1.3.

It can be seen that the dealer who set up the gambling game does not think that Lin Wen can defeat the siege of the three major guilds.

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