But from another point of view, Lin Wen alone challenged the elite team of the three major guilds in the Dragon Cave, and the odds he got were only 1 to 2, not more. From this point of view, the dealer who set up the bet was How much you value Lin Wen's strength!

Just when Lin Wen released the nine tails and played a small climax of the battle, the forum exploded again!

【Heart of Yang Yan is awesome!Of the nearly [-] elves of the three major guilds, more than [-] have lost their fighting ability at this time! 】

【Nine tails are so handsome!I'm going to catch one to breed as well. 】

[I want to report the three major guilds, openly attacking players to snatch the elves, is there anyone with me? ].

Chapter three hundred and eighty third evolution completed

[Heart of Yang Yan is the strongest player in the game, let's argue! 】

[The old driver is driving, leaving an email when he comes in...]

[Live broadcast, the three major guilds of the Linwen War, with pictures! 】

Players watching the play have made various exposures in the forum, and the name of the Heart of Yang Yan has become more famous among players!

I am afraid that by now, at least [-]% of the players in the Elf Century are already familiar with the Heart of Yang Yan!

Inside the third floor of the Dragon Cave.

A neatly dressed squad is rushing on its way.

They are the No. [-] team sent by the Lingxi Guild to Longdong!

"Hurry up! Hurry up again!" The soul lamented and urged: "The Heart of Yang Yan is being besieged by the personnel of the three major guilds, we must hurry up and help!"

"Captain..." On the way forward, a team member couldn't help but said: "Are we really here? According to the news from above, the Heart of Yang Yan and the three major guilds are now on the second floor of the Dragon Cave. According to our It will take at least ten minutes to get there, and by then, I am afraid that the Heart of Yang Yan has already been defeated by the three major guilds! How can one person be the opponent of the three guild elites?"

"There must be time!" Soul lamented firmly: "Heart of Yang Yan is now a member of our Lingxi Guild, and even 970 can be said to be a banner. If he is defeated, it will be a huge loss to the entire Guild!"

"If the elves in the hands of the Heart of Yang Yan are taken away by other guilds, then in the case that the enemy is strong and I am weak, it will cause inevitable losses!"

Having said this, Soul Lamentation couldn't help but sighed: "Unfortunately, the No. [-] team is farther away! This is my mistake, we are too focused on the treasures in the Dragon Cave! The news is even better than those of ordinary players. It's late!"

The second team of Lingxi Guild fell silent.

On the way forward, the soul lamented that the appearance of Lin Wen appeared in his mind, and prayed in his heart: "Heart of Yang Yan, God of Yang Yan, you must persevere!"


Main battlefield!

The battle between Lin Wen and the three major guilds was extremely fast!The two sides, you come and go, do not give in to each other!

But as time went by, the disadvantage of Lin Wen's side was inevitably revealed.

Although Nine Tails appeared and joined forces with Ye Elf to sanction more than [-] elves, as (bdaa) said earlier, those who can be eliminated in seconds are naturally weak elves.

And strong, can support to the end.

The three elves at this time are no longer the spirits they had at the beginning of the battle. Their bodies are agile and can dodge many skills. However, under the crushing numbers and under the attack of countless skills, there will always be attacks that hit .

Once hit, it may even cause a chain reaction.

Even the most powerful Ye Elf had a dark wound on his abdomen at this time, and he was breathing heavily.

It was left behind by the jet flame of a fire-type elf after escaping the attack of the strange-jawed dragon. The powerful grass-type recovery ability could not be supported for a while, if it hadn't been passing through the Meteor Lake continuously Baptism, I am afraid I have already fallen. .

Although its stamina is amazing, but under the restraint of attributes, this blow still caused great damage to it.

Moreover, the prolonged fighting time put the physical strength of the three elves to a great test.

They have to pay attention to the attacks coming from all directions, and they have to wait for the opportunity to counterattack. This is a very energy-consuming behavior!

Up to now, even the leaf elves with the most amazing endurance are gasping for breath, not to mention the ice elves and the nine tails. It's really shocking that they are not grass-type elves but they can still endure for so long.

"Gragon Carp Dragon, use Dragon's Fury!"

Of course, the members of the three major guilds would not miss the opportunity to pursue and fight hard. Seeing that the Ice Elf and the Nine-Tails were weak, they immediately stepped up their offensive!

The ugly-looking tyrannical carp dragon opened its huge mouth, and a powerful shock wave attacked the ice elf.

"Ice Elf, dodge... No, use extreme cold support!" Lin Wen shouted.

When the ice elf heard the command, she quickly wanted to jump away, and the next moment she replaced herself with a mouthful of ice to completely surround herself.

In the next second, an amazing shock wave hit the ice elf!

To be precise, it hit the layer of invincible ice outside!

A close call!

At the moment when the ice elf was about to escape, he was acutely aware that the opponent was not physically strong, and he was afraid that he would not be able to escape at all. He could only use the extreme cold support to force his life.

After the end of the extreme cold support, Lin Wen quickly took out the elf ball and took back the ice elf to prevent the opponent from being seriously injured in the wild. He sighed and said silently, "Thank you for your hard work."

Lin Wen knew clearly that the ice elves had fought to the limit.

This can be said to be the hardest battle he has fought since he entered the game!

Just as the ice elf returned to the elf ball to rest, the mini-dragon, which was in an evolving state on the side, finally completed its evolution!

The white light shrouded in it gradually disappeared, and a brand new elf appeared in place.

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