"Hakelong!" Lin Wen was extremely surprised.

Its entire body is red, and although it has no wings, it floats in the air. Its body is slender like a snake, its head and back are red, and its abdomen is white.There are small horns and wing-shaped ears on the head, a crystal-like red bead on the neck, and two on the tail.

At this point, the evolution of Huck Dragon has finally been completed!

At this time, it no longer has the immaturity of the mini-dragon era, and it looks more determined. After the evolution is completed, the Hakolong who opened his eyes screamed happily at Lin Wen, and then his eyes were full of war. Looking at the enemy!

A new force has arrived!

Lin Wen's confidence greatly increased!

"Okay, Hakron, let me see your power after evolution!"

Hackron is here!

The leader of the army makes a difference!

Ye Elf and Jiuwei were also shocked when they saw Huck Dragon and entered the battlefield.

"Haklong, use Dragon's Fury on the enemy!" Lin Wen commanded.

In my heart, I'm ready for the last fight!

He didn't know how strong the evolved Huck Dragon was, and because of the current situation, he wouldn't be given a chance to check the Hack Dragon's attributes.

However, an accident happened! .

Chapter [-] Tianlong Meteor

Ha Kelong actually disobeyed Lin Wen's battle order and did not use the Dragon's Fury skill.


Lin Wen was stunned in place. This was the first time he had encountered an elves that did not obey his orders!

As the head of the elf, although he is only a junior, this should not happen. The most important thing is that their goodwill has exceeded [-] points.

"What's wrong?" Lin Wen was full of doubts.

As an enemy, Long Aotian was keenly aware of this scene and couldn't help laughing: "Heart of Yang Yan, it seems that the lord-level elf is destined to not belong to you, he will not even obey your orders! Hahaha! Ha Kelong, come to me obediently, our Heaven-defying Dragon Clan will cultivate you into the strongest dragon-elves in history!"

"Huckron, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Wen ignored Long Aoxia and asked Ha Kelong.

Hackron was suspended in the air, turned his head when he heard the sound, shook his head at Lin Wen, and then turned back.

"Hakelong..." Lin Wen murmured.

He couldn't understand Hakron's thoughts for a while, but looking at Hakron's performance, it was not that he was not close to him, but he had his own ideas.

I saw that Harkron, who turned his head, closed his eyes!

The red pearls on its chest and on its tail suddenly lit up, and a soft low murmur came out from Ha Kelong, and the sky suddenly became dark!

Long Aotian frowned slightly, what is this?A talent for changing the weather?

This huge scene attracted the attention of all the players present!

Suddenly, someone watching the epic battle shouted, "Look! What is that?"

A crowd of people followed the fame!

I saw that the sky above the Dragon Cave at this time was pitch black, like the sky in the dark night, with meteorites appearing outside.

There were only a few pieces at the beginning, but soon, the number increased rapidly, a few pieces, dozens of pieces, hundreds of pieces...

"What did I see?" Some players murmured in shock.

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed: "This is..."

Dragon Meteor!

Harkron's boss-level skills!

Dragon Meteor: Summons meteorites from the sky to smash at the opponent. After use, the special attack is greatly reduced by 50%. It lasts for a natural day and cools down for ten hours. The effect of the skill is related to the special attack and level.

Directly throw a big move?This is too confident...

Lin Wen was stunned for a while.

The meteorite flickered for about ten seconds, and finally stopped appearing, but looking above the dragon cave, in the dark sky, there were hundreds of meteorites, large or small, densely packed.

Above the dragon cave, the Buddha was opened to another dimension, and one by one meteorites appeared in it.

All the players were stunned, and even some players who had been broadcasting the battle on the forum forgot to update their posts at this time, which aroused the curiosity of the forum players.

At this moment, the mini-dragon suspended in mid-air screamed!

As if to indicate the beginning of something, the meteorites in the sky have fallen down at a very fast speed!

The goal... the three major guilds!

Long Aotian finally came back to his senses, watching countless meteorites smashing towards him, which made him completely panicked, and roared: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

The same is true for Nirvana and Ace Hunter. This skill has such a strong posture and its power can be imagined. He quickly ordered his subordinates to direct the elves to avoid them.

But...it's too late.

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