He thought for a while, took out an item from his backpack, and said, "Hacron, what do you think this is?"

He held a token-like thing in his hand, and in the middle of the token was a mysterious dragon-type elf statue.

Hearing Lin Wen's cry, Ha Kelong reluctantly looked at what Lin Wen had brought out, but just seeing it for the first time, its eyes couldn't be separated anymore!

Harkron's breathing was a little short, and anyone could hear its longing!

What Lin Wen took out was one of the treasures he had harvested from his trip to the Dragon Cave so far!

Dragon totem!

Dragon Totem: Dragon-type elves' exclusive props and mysterious treasures. After watching, they can make dragon-type elves more powerful and comprehend new skills. The specific effect is unknown. .

Chapter [-] Looking for Dragon Eggs

This is an exclusive item for dragon-type elves, and although the effect is unknown, just thinking about it with your mind, you know that it has a great effect on dragon-type elves!

Looking at Ha Kelong's eager eyes, Lin Wen said, "Ha Kelong, as long as you are about to break through the quasi-god boundary, I will give it to you."

Harkron nodded again and again.

Now, Huck Dragon's race value is 522 points, and it is getting closer and closer to the quasi-god mark of 600 points.

As early as when Lin Wen obtained the Hacker Dragon, he determined its cultivation method, that is, to upgrade the level as soon as possible!As much as possible, before reaching the quasi-god level, improve your level and improve your strength!

Therefore, after obtaining the Dragon Totem, a prop that is extremely useful to the dragon-type elves, Lin Wen did not use it immediately.

The reason for everything is because the potential of the lord-level elves is simply too great!

Perhaps through props and other items, raising Hackeron to the quasi-god level prematurely can make it more potential.But for Lin Wen, this is not cost-effective.

Because at present, he needs combat power, powerful combat power!

After fighting the Shadow Team, he was even more convinced of this.

You must know that at this time, he still has a buff on his body. He and the Shadow Team have become mortal enemies, and the chance of the Shadow Team attacking him has increased by 500%.

As an evil npc force, if their attack on Lin Wen is successful, the result can be imagined.

Therefore, Lin Wen urgently needs combat power, and Hakron is the most important point that can improve his combat power at present!

With the inheritance of the huge fast dragon and the memory of the dragon, Hakelong actually does not need the limited attributes provided by the quasi-god at all!

Taking advantage of the fact that it is currently in the Dragon Cave, a map that is extremely beneficial to Hakolong, raising its level and strength, and then breaking the boundary of the quasi-god, this is the most cost-effective behavior, and it is also the most suitable path at present.


After watching Lin Wen took out the dragon totem, Huck Long finally stopped being reluctant to part with the dragon egg, but looked forward to getting the dragon totem.

In this regard, Lin Wen can only say to Ha Kelong: "Ha Kelong, work hard to improve the level! The dragon totem will be yours sooner or later. 〃!"

Immediately, Ha Kelong was full of fighting spirit.

Therefore, Lin Wen and the cute night cat started the search for dragon eggs and the crazy leveling mode.

As a paradise for dragon elves, there are even dragon elves in the [-]s and [-]s!

This makes the upgrade path of Hackron extremely smooth!

Every time I hear Hackron's upgrade prompt, Lin Wen can't stop!

"Ding Dong, the level of your Pokémon mini-dragon has been raised to Lv32, and you will get 35 points of fixed attributes and 3 points of effort."

"Ding Dong, because of your talent 'Jirachi's Blessing', the mini-dragon has gained 1 additional free attribute.

LV32, LV33, LV34, LV35...

During the last half month in the Dragon Cave, Lin Wen and Ha Kelong exerted their utmost strength to improve their level.

At the same time, Lin Wen naturally would not favor one over another, and the old team members were also released one after another, raging in the Dragon Cave and raising their levels.

During this period, Lin Wen and the cute night cat met many players, and many people greeted him out of friendliness.

And affectionately called: "The Great God of Yang Yan"

Of course... it is estimated that no player dares to be rude to him. After all, the tragedy of the three major guilds is still vivid in his mind, and no one would want to provoke such a monster.


There are 10 days left until the end of Dragon Cave.

Dragon Cave 2nd floor, northeast.

Hackron stood in front of Lin's tattoo, confronting a tall Pokémon.

Wisdom is activated

Bite the shark


boss level

Strength evaluation: deep green

The body of the bite land shark is mostly blue, with a red belly that extends down to the lower jaw.The lower end of the red part is a golden yellow diamond-shaped structure, and the snout has a golden cross pattern.

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