The appendages on his head resemble the engine of a painted plane, giving his head a hammer-like shape.He has four fins all over his body, one on each arm, a dorsal fin and a shark-like caudal fin.There are spikes on the hind legs and arms.He has black sclera and golden irises, and his pupils are usually constricted.

At this moment, the fiercely biting land shark looked at Ha Kelong with a fierce look on his face, and gave a warning roar from his mouth.

Lin Wen didn't care and said, "Hakelong, get ready!"

Harkron nodded.

".々Then..." Lin Wen's eyes narrowed: "Hakelong, use the giant dragon dash on the fierce bite land shark!"

Dragon Clash: A dragon-based physical skill that uses a powerful body to give the enemy a ferocious impact. The larger the weight difference between the two sides, the higher the damage ratio. After the impact hits, the enemy will be stunned for two seconds.

This is the skill that the mini dragon has learned after it evolved into a hakron, and it is very powerful!

I saw Huck Dragon's body suddenly straightened, and the whole dragon body was like a javelin that was shot out, and it suddenly slammed into the fierce bite land shark.

As a level 63 leader-level elf, Lie Bite Lu Shark also belongs to the overlord-level existence in the dragon cave. He has rich fighting experience. At the moment of the collision of Ha Kelong, he suddenly jumped up and avoided Ha Kelong's attack.

At the same time, its claws flashed with cold light, and it quickly swung towards Ha Kelong.

Skill: Dragon Claw!

"Huckron, get out of the way!"

Ha Kelong's wisdom (Li Haozhao) is extremely high, and without Lin Wen's reminder, he sensed the danger, and suddenly dodged, narrowly avoiding the attacking dragon claws.

The battle, in an instant, entered the heat of the battle!

The fierce bite land shark missed a hit and landed on the ground, his eyes exuding a ferocious aura, staring at Ha Kelong.

Apparently, it also knows that Hackron is a formidable enemy!

"Hakelong, use Dragon's Fury!" Lin Wen immediately commanded without giving Liebite Lu Shark the slightest chance to breathe.

As soon as the command sound came out, Hacron opened his mouth, and a powerful shock wave hit the stinging land shark!

However, this strong-biting land shark whose strength evaluation reached the dark green level is not a general one.

The powerful shock wave bombarded the stone pillar behind him, and the stone pillar shattered, turning into gravel and slag. .

Chapter [-] Rapid growth

"What an amazing power!"

Lin Wen's eyes suddenly shrank, it should be a special skill enhanced by the template attribute, even if Haklong, who has the leader of the army, is hit by the front, it may not be safe!

At the same time, the fierce bite land shark struck again!

Its speed is extremely fast, the eyes are full of fierce light, and the dragon's claws light up again, and the target is directed at Ha Kelong.

"Hackron, move at high speed!"

Huck Dragon's speed suddenly increased by a level, dodging the attack of the fierce bite land shark, it already has the ability to suspend in the sky, and it suddenly increased in height at this time!

"Right now, Huck Dragon, use the Dragon God to dive!"

A dazzling light suddenly lit up on Ha Kelong's body. It was suspended in the high sky, and it suddenly slammed down towards the biting land shark on the ground!

Lin Wen couldn't help but think of a sentence: "Have you heard of a palm technique that falls from the sky?"

The Dragon God swooped extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Lie Bite Lu Shark!

Bite Lu Shark has just reacted, and the dodging action has been made, but it is too late for 717!


The huge power of the Dragon God's dive directly hit the body of Lie Bite Lu Shark. This powerful elf, who had already lowered many attributes in the face of Lin Wen and Huck Dragon, couldn't bear it, his eyes rolled in circles, and he lost consciousness. .

"Ding Dong, your Pokémon Hakolong has a level of Lv39, and you get 35 points of fixed attributes and 4 points of effort."

"Ding Dong, because of your talent "Giraqi's Blessing" Ha Kelong has gained 1 additional free attribute."

"It's upgraded again..." Lin Wen looked at Ha Kelong, who was very happy to float towards him after defeating Liebite Lu Shark. He was not happy, but was a little dazed.

Just now, the scene of Hakolong using the Dragon God to dive, reminded Lin Wen of the huge fast dragon.

Perhaps because of the genes inherited from the giant fast dragon, the size of the hakron is much larger than the general hakron, but compared with the huge figure of the giant fast dragon, it is much smaller, and it is insignificant.

But... just now on Huck (bdbe) dragon, Lin Wen saw the shadow of a huge fast dragon.

In my memory, in the Dragon Sanctuary, the huge fast dragon relied on the powerful Dragon God dive skill to instantly kill the silver companion war beast, which was also a lord-level elf, scared away the shadow team and defended the dragon in one fell swoop. Sanctuary security.

Although now, Huck Dragon has not evolved into a fast dragon, and the leader-level fierce bite land shark as an enemy is far less powerful than the lord-level silver companion beast.

However, when using the Dragon God to swoosh, the indomitable aura, the domineering arrogance that I only respected, still reminded Lin Wen of the huge fast dragon.

Ha Kelong walked to Lin Wen, and just defeated an enemy, it was waiting for Lin Wen's praise.But seeing that Lin Wen seemed to be thinking about something, he quietly stayed aside without disturbing Lin Wen.

The cute night cat also noticed something was wrong with Lin Wen, and asked, "Brother Yang Yan, what's the matter with you?"

I was interrupted by a cute night cat.Lin Wen came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "I'm fine, I just think of the giant fast dragon."

"The huge fast dragon..." The cute night cat repeated it gently, and said with a low mood: "I don't know how it is now, how long it will sleep..."

As a teenage girl, she is more emotional than Lin Wen.

"I don't know either." Lin Wen replied softly and looked at Ha Kelong: "When I saw Ha Kelong using the Dragon God to dive just now, I couldn't help but think of the giant fast dragon. After all, the giant fast dragon back then. I have also used this skill, although their current forms are different, but they can see the shadow of the huge fast dragon from them, and they are indeed the top elves with blood relationship."

Having said that, Lin Wen looked at Ha Kelong and asked softly, "Ha Kelong, you, do you miss your mother?"

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