Hearing this, Ha Kelong opened his eyes wide, not knowing what he was thinking, and lowered his dragon head silently.

Its intelligence is extremely high, and it can understand what Lin Wen and the cute night cat are talking about about its mother, but... Lin Wen and the cute night cat have seen the giant fast dragon swooping with the dragon god, but it does not. Only by imagination.

When it broke out of the egg, the huge fast dragon had exhausted its last strength and fell into a deep sleep.

"Hey." Lin Wen sighed softly.

Suddenly remembering this topic, the atmosphere suddenly became a little low, Lin Wen gently stroked Ha Kelong's back: "Ha Kelong, before you know it, you have grown so big, remember that you were still a freshman a few days ago. The little guy who climbed out of the eggshell has become so powerful now."

Ha Kelong bent down the dragon head, rubbed Lin Wen's cheek lightly, and let out a soft cry.

"However, it's not enough!" Lin Wen's eyes became firm: "If we want to take revenge on the shadow team that caused your mother to fall into a deep sleep, our current strength is far from enough, we must be stronger!"

Having said this, Lin Wen smiled bitterly and laughed at himself: "If I had been strong enough when I entered the Dragon Sanctuary, then with my own strength, I could drive out the Shadow Team, and it wouldn't be the result now. already."

"Brother Yang Yan, that's not your fault." The cute night cat comforted.

"I know." Lin Wen nodded lightly: "To be honest, if any current player is to complete this kind of task, I am afraid there is no way to face two lord-level elves. Even, I am afraid that most players will end up with the final result. I'm afraid it's not as good as us. However, this is not a reason to shirk responsibility."

"In the final analysis, I'm still not strong enough!"

Looking at the caring look from the cute night cat, Lin Wen said with a smile: "Little night cat, you don't have to worry about me, I'm not complaining about myself, I'm just motivating myself to become more motivated!"

When the dead gold old man of the shadow team walked by my side, I made up my mind that the next time I encounter them, I must make them look good!

"So." Lin Wen looked at Ha Kelong: "Ha Kelong, we need to work harder. Do you want to see the guys who put your mother into a deep sleep go unpunished?"

Harkron's eyes were firm and he shook his head sharply. .

The three hundred and ninetieth chapters are all wonderful

"That's good! In the next time in the Dragon Cave, we must continue to work hard!" Lin Wen cheered: "When the time comes, let the guys in the shadow team know what the real shadow is!"

"Hackron, do you have any confidence?"

Ha Kelong roared and nodded sharply, fighting spirit high!

"Okay, that's what it looks like!" Lin Wen patted Ha Kelong's head to show his encouragement, and then said: "Ha Kelong, although the Dragon Sanctuary is now closed because of your mother's sleep, it will be sooner or later. One day, it will turn on again, and then you can see your mother too!"

Harkron nodded lightly, his eyes flashing with longing.

"Okay, let's go!" Lin Wen waved his hand suddenly and pointed in one direction.

One person and one dragon immediately started to move forward with great strides.

Only the cute night cat was left, a little girl shook her head helplessly, and then quickly followed.


In the dragon cave, in addition to the dragon-type elves, as the cute night cat introduced to Lin Wen before entering, there are also a lot of various treasures and props!

However, because at the beginning, Lin Wen and Duomeng Ye Mao had an accident as soon as they entered the Dragon Cave, fell to the fourth floor of the Dragon Cave, and accidentally entered the Dragon Sanctuary, so they did not search carefully.

Now, in order to find the dragon eggs, the two of them scan the dragon cave in a carpet-like manner.

The structure in the dragon cave is complicated, just like a large maze with countless exits. After turning into a fork and going forward for a while, there are often three or four forks for you to choose from.

Even if the exploration degree of the Dragon Cave map reaches [-]%, it is only a general local exploration, and many details are not perfect.

The Yulong family has controlled the dragon cave for decades, and the map of the dragon cave in their hands is only more than [-]% complete, so it can be seen how complicated the interior of the dragon cave is.

After a few days of searching, I didn't find a single dragon egg, but found a lot of various props.

However, most of them have little effect, similar to small things such as wound medicine.

The only thing worth mentioning is... the attitude of the players in the dragon cave.

Because of the intricate passages and the huge area in the dragon cave, it can be said that, except for teammates who move forward together, otherwise, it is difficult for players from two different teams to collide with each other.

After searching for a few days, Lin Wen and the cute night cat met several other players.

There are also team members, and there are also many scattered people-.

After the battle with the three major guilds, Lin Wen's reputation has spread completely. If the players in the Dragon Cave have never heard of the name of Yang Yan Heart, they will be embarrassed to say that they have played this game!

After all, the image is very obvious!

The video of Ha Kelong's powerful Tianlong Meteor was uploaded to the forum by players. Because of this reason, Ha Kelong has a tendency to become a national elf, and every player wants to have one.After all, everyone yearns for a powerful elves.

And because of the need for Hakron to level up, in the past few days, Hakron has been brought by Lin Wen, and he has not even scored the Poké Ball a few times.

Players passing by may not recognize Lin Wen's appearance, but there is such a tall red hakron next to it, and it is inside the dragon cave. Who doesn't know it?

As a result, this kind of dialogue often comes from Lin Wen and the players who meet by chance.

"Hello, Yang Yan!"

Lin Wen: Hello.

"Goodbye God Yang Yan"

Lin Wen's mouth twitched: Goodbye.

"God Yangyan, can I touch Ha Kelong?"

"God Yang Yan, please tell me your secret recipe for becoming stronger!"

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