I don't know if it's because of the proximity of the lake, but the inside of the cave looks very wet, and the water droplets slide down from the stalactites and fall to the ground, making a ticking sound.

And as Lin Wen and the cute night cat gradually advanced, the distance between the two sides gradually widened!

But when Lin Wen and the cute night cat marched forward for a few dozen meters, they suddenly became enlightened!

I saw that the surrounding is no longer a narrow cave and stone cracks, but a huge space!

It is a huge space with a height of more than ten meters and a length and width of about twenty meters.

Unexpectedly... in this narrow cave, there will be a unique cave!

Lin Wen glanced around in this huge space, and just halfway through, he heard a joyful cry from the cute night cat next to him: "Elf egg!!!"

Lin Wen turned back and saw the cute night cat pointing at a corner in surprise: "Brother Yang Yan, I saw the elf egg!"

Lin Wen followed her hand and looked over, and saw that in the corner of this space, in a small nest arranged by elves, a colorful elves egg was staying there, not yet hatched!

Lin Wen lightly stroked Shanaido who was following him twice, and praised: "Xanaduo, you did a beautiful job!"

In the telepathy, Shanai Duo came with the same happy mood: "Master Yang Yan, this is what I should do.".

Chapter [-]: Sticky Dragon's Egg

Lin Wen smiled gently at it, and then looked at the cute night cat: "Little night cat, let's go and see the elf egg."

"Yeah!" The cute night cat nodded excitedly, and then ran directly towards the elf egg.

Seeing this, Lin Wen shook his head and laughed, and followed after him.

He can understand the little girl's mood, because he is also in the same mood, but because he is older than the cute night cat, he can control it better.

In the ten days since the battle with the three major guilds, in addition to letting the elves upgrade the battle, he and the cute night cat have devoted themselves to finding the dragon eggs, and they have been concentrating on the search. Not a single eggshell was found.

Now... when they all had the mentality of giving up, the dragon egg appeared unexpectedly.

It was definitely a huge surprise.

The two quickly came to the side of the elf egg, and the cute night cat leaned down and gently stroked the elf egg: "Little guy, I finally found you!"

The cute night cat's face is full of joy, although finding the dragon egg does not mean that her dragon trial is complete, but at least she has finally taken a step forward, right?

What's more, getting an elf egg and getting a elf that can be cultivated is a joy in itself.

The cute night cat looked at the elf egg left and right, and the more he looked, the more he liked it, and finally couldn't help asking: "Brother Yang Yan, what kind of elf egg is this?"

"Uh..." Lin Wen hesitated when he heard the question, but he didn't have the ability to distinguish elf eggs, so he had no choice but to say: "I don't know either, but since it is in the dragon cave, it must be the egg of the dragon-type elf! "

"The fighting ability of dragon elves is not weak, little night cat, this time you will not only have the opportunity to complete the trial of the dragon, but also gain a elf worthy of training, congratulations." Lin Wen congratulated sincerely. .

Seeing the sincere smile on the face of the cute night cat, he felt that the efforts he had put in to find the dragon eggs in recent days were not in vain.

Hearing Lin Wen's congratulations, the cute night cat felt as sweet as eating honey, and said crisply, "I still need to write more about Brother Yang Yan's help. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to find the dragon egg."

Lin Wen shook his head: "If you want to thank you, thank Shanai Duo. After all, Shanai Duo found the location of the dragon egg."

"Yes." The cute night cat nodded, then looked at Shanaido beside Lin's tattoo, and said sweetly, "Lily, thank you."

Shanaido saluted gently and smiled at the cute night cat.

It has a good relationship with the cute night cat. After all, one of the two Shanaido who came out of the Meteor Lake is the elf of the cute night cat.

Therefore, Shanaido is also very happy to be able to help the cute night cat.

"Okay." At this moment, Lin Wen interrupted: "Although I don't know what kind of elf's egg this is, we'd better get out of here before its mother comes back. Trouble."

"Mmmm." Although the cute night cat was very excited to finally find the dragon egg, but after hearing Lin Wen's words, he still knew the priority of the matter, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and hugged the elf egg: "Brother Yangyan, let's get out of here now."

"Okay." Lin Wen nodded.The two followed the cave when they came, and were about to leave here.

Just two steps away from holding the egg, the cute night cat couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Brother Yang Yan, do we look like egg thieves now?"

"Well..." Lin Wen looked at the cute night cat when he heard the words, looked at her slightly curved figure holding the elf egg, and suddenly smiled: "Little night cat, it's you, I didn't go with an egg. "

The cute night cat pouted: "Although you didn't carry the egg, you are an accomplice! If it wasn't for your help, I wouldn't have been able to find this elf egg, so it would be fine to form a band of thieves."

Having said this, the two looked at each other and laughed, very happy.

After the joke, Lin Wen and the cute night cat entered from the empty space into the narrow passage when they came in.

Who knows, just as they walked into the narrow passage next to them, Lin Wen and the cute night cat saw a tall figure walking over from the outside...  

It is still a little far from the forest pattern, and the flash technique cannot illuminate its appearance, only a silhouette can be seen.

"This is?!" Lin Wen was taken aback.

As the figure gradually entered, its full picture was also able to appear in Lin Wen's line of sight.

It is tall and strong, and most of its body is purple, very smooth.It has a large tail behind it, and green circles around the tail and neck.The two tentacles are very thick and look strong and powerful.There are slightly disgusting green mucus all over the body, among which the mucus on the hands and chin is the most concentrated and obvious.

Lin Wen couldn't help but exclaimed, "Nie Meilong!"

"It turned out to be Nianmeilong!"

Wisdom skill activated!

Sticky Dragon

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