
Template: Boss-level (quasi-god)

Strength evaluation: light blue level

Quasi-god elf, sticky beauty dragon!

Lin Wen looked at the elf egg in the hands of the cute night cat with shocked eyes, and thought in his heart: "Since it is Nianmeilong who came here, doesn't it mean that... this elf egg is the son of Nianmeilong. ?"

The son of Nianmeilong, there is no doubt that it must be a quasi-god elf!

Although it takes two evolutions to reach the quasi-god limit, and in the game, many elves can also use props and other items to upgrade the elves to quasi-gods, but after all, 5.3 is unstable.

And Nianmeilong is like a fast dragon, and Bangira is destined to become a quasi-god elf, very precious!Everyone wants it!

Unexpectedly... the dragon eggs they came to steal this time turned out to be Nianmeilong's eggs!

Lin Wen couldn't help but look at the cute night cat: "Is this luck? Or is it unfortunate?"

At this time, Nian Meilong had come to about ten meters in front of Lin's tattoo, and his whole body was illuminated by the flashing technique, so he could see it clearly.

Although Nianmeilong is tall and not beautiful, it looks like a mixture of slugs and dinosaurs, but it has a very docile personality. .

Chapter [-]: The Battle of Nianmeilong

Therefore, when Nian Meilong walked back home and saw Lin Wen and Duomeng Night Cat, his first reaction was stunned, and he didn't plan to attack.

But... Then, it saw the egg that the cute night cat was holding in his arms.

It seems... a little familiar?

Wait, isn't this my egg? ? ?

No matter how docile Pokémon is, when he sees the elf egg he gave birth to, and his elf baby is taken away, I am afraid that he will not be able to suppress his anger!

After seeing the egg in the hands of the cute night cat, Nian Meilong was immediately angry!

Originally, it went home leisurely. As a quasi-god-level elf, the most top-level existence in the Dragon Cave, its small life has been very comfortable.

Unexpectedly... someone would dare to steal its eggs and rob its offspring!

Immediately, Nian Meilong became angry, strode forward, and rushed towards Lin Wen and the two of them.

13 "Retreat, retreat." Looking at Nianmeilong rushing over, Lin Wen shouted anxiously: "The space here is too small, not conducive to fighting, our advantage lies in the number of elves, let's retreat to that wide space ."

"Okay." The cute night cat hugged the elf egg and nodded again and again, and the two quickly retreated towards the wide space just now, which was Nian Meilong's real nest.

Lin Wen and Duomeng Night Cat had only just walked into the passage, so in just a few short steps, they returned to the place where they took the elf egg.

"Brother Yang Yan, what should I do?" The cute night cat asked anxiously, a little embarrassed in his voice. After all, he just went to someone's house to steal eggs, and now he has been caught!

That is, the other party is a Pokémon, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

Then again, if it wasn't for Pokémon eggs, she wouldn't be able to steal them either.

"Who told you not to put it directly in your backpack, now, you can only fight." The corner of Lin Wen's mouth twitched, and no one was lucky, but he still replied calmly: "Defeat this Nianmeilong, Collect the old and the young together!"

"Huh?" The cute night cat thought he didn't hear it clearly.

"This is a quasi-god elf!" Lin Wen replied, and he looked at the cute night cat; "Little night cat, you don't have a quasi-god elf, right? As long as you defeat Nianmeilong and subdue it, you can get a Big and small!"

Mengmeng Night Cat's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and then became sad again: "But...but I'm not the opponent of this Nianmeilong."

"Don't worry, there's still me." Lin Wen smiled, and he already took out the Poké Ball in his hand that could be thrown at any time: "I'll help you defeat it, my teammates exist for this moment!"

The situation is urgent, the conversation between the two is extremely fast, and the exchange is fast.

At this moment, the figure of Nianmeilong appeared from the exit of the passage!

It came out!

It was found that the egg thief had a great influence on Nianmeilong, making it a docile elf, but at this time it was also furious.

After walking back to his lair, Nian Meilong looked at the two humans standing not far from the opposite, and the eggs of his own children in their arms, and suddenly let out a roar!


Lin Wen could feel Nian Meilong's anger, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, he wanted to help Xiaoye Mao to complete the task. At this time, he could only apologise to Nian Meilong. I believed that after subduing him, Xiaoye Mao would treat them well. .

Thinking of this, Lin Wen no longer hesitated and threw the Poke Ball!

Leaf Elf, Ice Elf!

Plus the Hackron and Nine Tails who were already on the field!

In the face of the quasi-god Nian Meilong who was rated at the light blue level, Lin Wen did not slack at all and released his absolute main force!

At this time, after such a long period of trial of the dragon, the levels of other elves, except Huck Dragon, have also increased more or less.



Template: Lord

Strength evaluation: deep green level


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