Originally, due to the cover of the building, the figure on the Flash Dragon was not seen by the players outside the city hall, but as its figure continued to rise, the body of the Flash Dragon was immediately seen by the players outside. .

"Fuck, what is that?" Some players couldn't help but shouted while pointing to the sky.

After his reminder, more and more players saw the Flash Dragon.A loud exclamation sounded!

"What a big elf!"

"That's the Flash Dragon! I've seen it in the live broadcast, the Shining Dragon of the Heart of Yang Yan!"

"What? Great God Yang Yan has come to our Hezhong area?"

1.1 "It's really a flash dragon! Damn, he's so big!"

"I remember seeing a photo of the Great God Yangyan and a girl in the forum yesterday. It seems that they were on a passenger ship. Is it really the Great God of Yangyan who came to our Hezhong area?"

The players below were suddenly agitated!

Lin Wen has not been in the city hall for a long time. There are many players who watched him enter the city hall before, and many are still around. Now they see the flashing dragon in the sky. Can't see the figure above it clearly, but in the whole elven century, is there a second flash dragon?

Likewise, will there be a second person with a Flash Dragon?

The answer is obvious, no! .

Chapter [-]: The Three Sword Saints in the Forest

They all realized that the flash dragon above the city hall now belongs to the one who entered the city hall just now!

The player that they initially regarded as a novice turned out to be the most powerful player in the current Elf Century, the Heart of Yang Yan!

Lin Wen sat on the back of the Flash Dragon, not paying any attention to the situation around the city hall below.

All his thoughts were on the Yacari Forest!

As long as the task is completed, Ye Elf can be successfully promoted to the lord-level template, which is what he has been looking forward to.

After identifying the direction, Lin Wen instructed the Flashing Dragon and said, "The Flashing Dragon, head towards the east!"

The flashing dragon nodded slightly, and with a fan of its dragon wings, it quickly moved towards the Yacar Forest.

The environment below changed rapidly. With the addition of riders, the speed of the flash dragon was far beyond imagination. Soon, the high-rise buildings in Feiyun City had disappeared from sight.

Lin Wen looked ahead, guessing in his heart what he would experience in the Yacar Forest, and at the same time encouraged himself secretly.

"Hopefully... everything goes well in the future."

Yacar Forest is located in the east of Feiyun City and is a well-known forest area in the Hezhong area.

There are many kinds of elves of various colors gathered here. They are usually quiet and peaceful, and everyone gets along very well. However, due to the recent battle between the Paladins, the fighting elves have become very irritable, which has made the place a little unstable recently. stand up.

Just as Lin Wen drove the flashing dragon towards the Yacar Forest, something big was happening in the Yacar Forest.

In the middle of the Yacar Forest, three elves are gathering together, forming a triangular shape, facing each other!

They are the three spirits officially known as the Holy Swordsman!

Gopalluon, Delageon, Birigion!

One of the elf's shape is more like a sheep, with sea blue feathers all over the body.There are lightning-shaped yellow horns on the top of the head, and the color of the muzzle is lighter.It has small grey spots on its neck and hind legs, and a tuft of white fur that resembles a man's wide tie deep in the neck.The blade on the shoulder is yellow and protrudes outward, and the tail has a similar protrusion, similar in color to the snout.His legs have black belt-like patterns, and the fur on the lower part of the legs is light in color.

This is the calm and calm Gopaluon among the holy swordsmen!At the same time, he is also the leader of the holy swordsman!

The shape of the other elf is more like a cow, with a full forehead, two sharp brown horns that bend forward, an orange face, and an upward pointed object on the top of the head.The two ridges of its back meet at its shoulders, the girdle of its legs is the same colour as its face, black hooves below the girdle, a striped belly, also beige, and a short and thick tail.

This is the representative of the mighty power among the holy swordsmen, Delakion!

According to legend, it can break through the city wall in one fell swoop!

As for the last elf, it is more like a combination of antelope and deer, and most of its body is green.On each side of its head is a horn with a blunt, curled end.Its snout is pointed, and a black line extends from the nose to the back of the head, while the face, hind legs and dark sides of the body are white.There is a pink-tipped leaf on each side of the neck, and the shoulders are covered with lush, grassy down.There are several tufts of spiky hair on its back that converge into its tail.The calf looks like a pair of knee-high boots with pink patterns on the knees.The four hooves are black.

Among the holy swordsmen, it is the representative of agility and speed, Birigion!

The three holy swordsmen are all elves who yearn for justice. They once fought against humans because of the protection of Pokémon.

Because of the holy swordsman battle, the three holy swordsmen spirits gathered in the Yacar Forest!Confronting!

"Gupageon, let's decide the outcome of the battle 々"! The most impatient Delakion said: "I can't wait to fight!" "

The calm-minded Gopaluwong shook his head: "It's not yet time, and there is still a short time before the Holy Swordsmen battle. We don't need to decide the winner so quickly. It's not too late to fight again."

Bilijion on the side nodded slowly: "Yes, what Gopaluwon said makes sense."

Although Delakion wanted to fight eagerly in his heart, he still suppressed his belligerent personality when he heard the words, nodded and said, "." That's fine. "

When the three elves were communicating, no one noticed that in the woods not far away, there were a few pairs of secret eyes staring at them.

"These are the three elves called holy swordsmen, they look really powerful..." said a low voice.

"Yes, each of these three elves has its own uniqueness and is very powerful. If we can conquer them, it will have a very big effect on our future plans!"

The sun passed by, passing over their figures!

They were dressed in this black-gray uniform, with hats with an X symbol on their heads, which made them identifiable at a glance.

The local evil force in the Hezhong area, the Plasma Corps!

The Plasma Corps claims to liberate Pokemon (good money), and makes speeches to promote their ideas.But in fact, they just plan to plunder the Pokemon of other trainers to powerfully arm themselves to achieve ulterior motives!

They had already arrived at Yacar Forest at this time, obviously preparing to attack the three holy swordsmen spirits in Yacar Forest!

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