"Lord Asura." One of the members of the plasma group asked, "How should we deal with the three elves? After all, they are not ordinary elves, and they are strong."

Known as Asura, it is a strange man with a tall hat and a beard, and he is one of the Seven Sages of the Plasma Corps!

Asura smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then said: "Wait a moment, because of the battle between the Paladins, these three elves will fight sooner or later, let's take advantage of that opportunity to attack suddenly, and it will work!".

Chapter [-]: Ambush of the Plasma Cluster

"Yes, Lord Asura!" the former Plasma Corps member responded.

Asura nodded slightly and said, "This time, the leader of N has given us the task, and he must complete it carefully. Give me a careful look at these three elves. If there is a chance, he will immediately take action and succeed in one fell swoop!"

The members of the plasma group nodded one after another.

"You know, the traces of these three elves are usually not looked for." Rhode, another member of the Seven Sages, added: "Except when the Paladins are fighting, they will appear in the Yachi Forest, and usually want to Finding them is very difficult, we must seize this opportunity!"

In addition to Asura, Rhodes, one of the Seven Sages of the Plasma Corps, is also here. It can be seen that the Plasma Corps attaches great importance to this mission!

Just when the plasma group was hiding and looking for an opportunity to attack the three holy swordsmen elves, Lin Wen was riding a flashing dragon and was heading here at a fast speed!

The speed of the Flash Dragon with the rider bonus is absolutely unimaginable for 987!

Follow the map and fly fast in the sky, and soon, Lin Wen came to the outer layer of Yacar Forest!

The outside of Yacar Forest is a huge mountain with countless trees, tall and dense.

The purpose of Lin Wen's trip to Yacar Forest was to find three elves known as holy swordsmen. If he were to fly at a high altitude to search for them, although the speed would be much faster, the search would inevitably not be too detailed. If it is missed, it is very likely to miss the three holy swordsman spirits.

So when he came to the outskirts of Yacar Forest, Lin Wen directed the Flash Dragon to land on the ground.

Then, he took out the Poke Ball and said, "Little guy, come in."

Flashing Dragon was very hesitant, and glanced at Lin Wen with a bit of resentment, obviously not wanting to enter the Poké Ball.

"Little guy, don't make trouble." Lin Wen patted it and pointed to the dense forest in front of him: "Have you seen the environment here? Next, I'm going in to find three holy swordsmen elves, you are the huge one. If you follow along, it is estimated that you will start to destroy the environment again, come in quickly."

Hearing this, the flashing dragon turned his head to look at the environment of Yacar Forest, and finally lowered his head in frustration and accepted the answer.

The light flashed, and the Flash Dragon was incorporated into the Poké Ball.

Lin Wen put the Poke Ball in place, and then took out two Poke Balls.

"Xanaduo, Ye Elf, come out!"

Bang, bang.

The red light flashed, and the noble leaf elf and the elegant fairy girl appeared on the spot.

"Ye Elf, Shanai Duo, I will trouble you next." Lin Wen said to the two elves.

Shanaido's sensing ability undoubtedly has a huge effect on finding the three holy knight elves in this dense and complex forest, and the leaf elves can be used as their moving tools, moving quickly to increase the progress, in order to find the holy swordsman elves Provide certain convenience.

What's more, this is Ye Elf's lord template promotion quest, and he will definitely be very concerned about it.

Hearing Lin Wen's voice, Ye Elf hummed softly to show her understanding.

Lin Wen directly gave the order: "Xanaido, you will always be sensing the positions of the three holy swordsmen elves. If you find anything, let me know as soon as possible!"

The fairy girl nodded and said in telepathy, "Yes, Lord Yang Yan."

"Ye Elf, then you will take me and Shanaido to move quickly (bicg)." Lin Wen continued, and after speaking, he lightly patted Ye Elf's forehead: "Come on, finish this time. After the mission, you can become even stronger!"

Being stroked by Lin Wen, Ye Elf obviously felt very comfortable, squinted his eyes, and let out a relaxed tweet.

Then... the fighting spirit and confidence condensed in the golden eyes!

With the end of the Royal Dragon Trial, it had always occupied the position of the elf boss of Lin Wen, and finally abdicated from the position of the boss, and even did not participate in the battle very much for a while.The battles he experienced were not very smooth, which made this proud elf very dissatisfied.

My heart is already full of energy!

Now... as long as this task is completed, it can become a lord-level elf, and its strength will greatly improve!With the hope of regaining the position of the boss, Ye Elf has long been full of fighting spirit and is ready to use all his energy!

Lin Wen also saw the fighting spirit in Ye Elf's eyes, nodded with satisfaction, and then stepped on Ye Elf's body.

Because of the high-speed search, Shanaido also came directly to Ye Elf's back, closed his eyes, and began to sense.

Shanai Duo's weight is no different from that of a human girl. For Ye Elf, even if the weight of Lin Wen is added, it will not cause any burden.

"Okay!" Lin Wen pointed at the entrance of Yacar Forest: "Ye Elf, let's go!"

Ye Elf's hind legs charged up, kicked abruptly, and in the next second, galloped in!

The green figure disappeared in place in an instant.

Stepping on the ground and jumping a few times, he entered the forest of arrow cars.

The expression on Lin Wen's face became serious, his eyes were watching the environment that was flying left and right, looking forward to what he found, and at the same time instructed: "Xanaido, if you find anything, please let me know as soon as possible."

"Master Yang Yan, I understand."

The search for the three holy swordsmen spirits has officially begun!


At the same time, in the middle of the Yacar Forest.

After the three holy swordsmen were deadlocked for a while, the slightly impatient Delakion couldn't bear it any longer and said, "Let's not wait, anyway, we will fight sooner or later, why don't we start now? ?"

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