Hearing the words, Biligion hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly, agreed with Delageon's suggestion, looked at Gopage, and waited for the leader's decision.

After pondering for a while, Gopage said solemnly: "In this case, we will officially start to decide who will participate in this holy swordsman battle."

"Okay!" Delakion said eagerly. .

Chapter [-]: Seven Sages

"We don't need to fight for a long time." Gopage said solemnly: "Since we are all elves who have mastered the "sword", let's use the "sword" to compete!"

"It's exactly what I want!" Biligion, who was beside him, nodded.

It is usually a little elegant, but when it hears that it is going to fight, it is already full of fighting spirit.

The members of the plasma group who had been watching the three holy swordsmen spirits in the distance were shocked: "Come on!-"

The three elves stand in triangles, staring at each other, full of fighting spirit!Suddenly, as if the time had come, the three elves started sprinting at the same time!

During the sprint, the horns on their foreheads exuded a dazzling light!

Skill: Holy Sword!

The light extended, and it gradually formed a sword shape!

The colors of the holy swords formed on the foreheads of the three elves, Gopaluwon, Delageon, and Birigion, are all different, representing their different attributes!

The yellow ray of Delacion, the blue ray of Copaluion, and the green ray of Birigion!

The three holy swordsmen spirits will finally decide the winner!

With excitement and fighting intent in their eyes, they sprinted towards each other!

In the next second, three holy swords of different colors suddenly bombarded together!

The power is splashing, and the smoke and dust are brought up!

The members of the plasma group, who had been watching this scene, immediately realized that this was the best opportunity, and immediately shot!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A little elves were released in an instant!

They, who were originally hidden around, also showed up in the first time!

"Fragrance Monkey, use jet flame!"

"Mantle Rock, use rock critical strikes on the three holy swordsmen!"

"Heart bat, use mind power!"

One after another command exits in an instant!

A little elf unique to the Hezhong region has appeared!

For a time, all kinds of powerful skills rushed towards the three holy swordsmen elves!

And the three holy swordsmen elves are currently wrestling!

As the leader of the holy swordsmen, Gopaluwon was the first to sense something was wrong and shouted loudly: "The enemy is attacking, an enemy is attacking us! Hurry up and escape!"

Birigion and Delageon also sensed that something was wrong, the power of the holy sword acting on the horn disappeared instantly, and the three elves quickly separated!

With a kick of the front hoof, the three elves instantly left their place.


In the next second, the skills of countless elves acted on the spot, with smoke and dust, and gravel splashing!

The three holy swordsmen elves such as Gopalum have gathered together. Gopalum's eyes are slightly cold, and he whispers: "Humans, why are you attacking us?"

As holy swordsmen spirits who had fought against humans to protect Pokémon, the Copaluons did not have a good perception of humans.

"Didn't it hit..." Asura, one of the Seven Sages, looked at the three holy swordsmen elf who had escaped the first round of focus, and was a little disappointed.

But immediately, his eyes returned to normal: "It doesn't matter if we don't hit, since our plasma group has shot, there must be something to gain!"

"Plasma mass?" Biligion repeated a sentence, and then asked: "We don't remember having a conflict with the plasma mass, why did you attack us?"

"Why?" Another one of the Seven Sages, Rhodes, laughed twice when he heard the words: "Of course he wants to subdue you, how can there be so many whys!"

"What are you talking about with this group of humans?" Terakion shouted: "If you dare to attack us, they must pay the price!"

The battle... is about to start!


Riding on the Leaf Elf, Lin Wen moved at a very fast speed in the Yacar Forest!

As a large gathering place of elves in the Hezhong area, Yacar Forest has many types of elves, and Lin Wen saw many Pokémon that he had never seen before.

If it weren't for the fact that the first priority was to find the three holy swordsmen elves, then Lin Wen would have to take a good look at the entire Yacar Forest as soon as possible.

As the mayor of Feiyun City said, because of the holy swordsman battle, the fighting elves in the Yacar Forest are obviously a little grumpy recently. During the high-speed movement of the leaf elves, Lin Wen saw several wild elves. The battle between them is very crazy, which is rare in normal times.

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However, this also confirms that the three holy swordsmen elves are clearly in the Yacari Forest, otherwise the elves here would not be so violent!

"Shanaido, have you found it again?"

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