On the way forward, Lin Wen asked.

"Lord Yangyan, not yet." Shanaido closed his eyes and carefully sensed the surrounding environment: "I haven't found the positions of the three holy swordsmen elves."

Lin Wen nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.


The entire Yache Forest is huge. Although Ye Elf's speed is very fast, he has only just explored a small area. If you continue to explore the rest of the area, you will sooner or later find the three holy swordsmen elves.

Thinking of this, Lin Wen put his mind down and continued to search seriously.


From the very beginning, the plasma group has been besieging the three holy swordsmen elves!

They gave full play to the number of elves and caused great trouble to the three powerful elves.

"Fragrance Monkey, use the big character Blast Flame on Birigion!" Asura commanded.

After hearing the order, Saoxiang Monkey released his skills in an instant, and the large-shaped flame rushed towards Bilijion!

Among the holy swordsmen, Birigion is a dual-attribute elf of the fighting type and the straw mat. He has extremely poor resistance to the fire type. If he is hit by skills, he will obviously suffer great damage!

However, it is also the incarnation of agility among the three holy swordsmen!Extremely fast!

I saw Bi Li Jiwong kicked his back foot, and his body instantly stood up, dodging the attacking large-character explosion!

At the same time, with a flick of its forehead, a series of blade blades instantly attacked the enemy!

Flying Leaf Knife!

The large-character explosion was dodged by Bi Lijion, and suddenly slammed on the trees behind him. In the blink of an eye, the raging fire burned along the branches! .

Chapter [-]: Lin Wen Appears

The plasma group took full advantage of the large number of people, and the skills came one after another!

"Mantle rock, use rock crit!"

A huge rock was thrown out and hit the three holy swordsmen spirits!

With their sensitive postures, they all flashed.

Boom, boom, boom!

Pieces of rocks smashed on the trees, and I didn't know how many branches were broken. The tall trees were smashed by the lazy waist and fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the three holy swordsmen elves were very angry, and they couldn't help but increase their ruthlessness!

Their strength is extremely strong, but also, the opponent's elves can become the elves of the plasma group, and naturally they will not be too weak, plus the huge number, the scene has become a deadlock for a while!


Ye Elf's agile figure of "Sanqisan" quickly shuttled through the Yacar Forest.

Just as it turned a road with dense trees, in the telepathy, suddenly came the voice of Shanaido!

"Master Yang Yan, there is a battle going on not far ahead!"

"Fight?" Lin Wen frowned slightly. The thing he most wanted to do now was to find the three holy swordsmen elves, but he had no interest in fighting, and immediately said: "Ye Elf, let's go around, the first goal now is It is to find the three holy swordsmen spirits, and the battle has nothing to do with us."

Ye Elf let out a soft cry and was ready to change direction.

"Master Yang Yan!"

At this moment, in the telepathy, Shanaido's voice suddenly came again, a little anxious.

"What's wrong?" Lin Wen asked.

"The two sides fighting in front of you, the other side, are exactly the three holy swordsman spirits you are looking for!"

"What?" Lin Wen was stunned: "The one fighting was actually three holy swordsmen elves?"

"That's right." Shanaido closed his eyes, obviously telepathically, and replied in telepathy, "I haven't seen the other side of the battle, but they all wear uniforms."

Someone is actually attacking the three holy swordsmen elves?

This was something Lin Wen never expected.

But then, there is anger and nervousness!

You must know that the three holy swordsmen can be related to whether his leaf elves can be successfully promoted to the lord-level template, which is very important!

Who, with such courage, dared to attack the three holy swordsmen elves?

Lin Wen couldn't sit still, and quickly commanded: "Ye Elf, move forward quickly, the three holy swordsmen elves are in front."

When Ye Elf heard Lin Wen's voice, she was instantly shocked, and her speed increased by another level, like a green streamer, swiftly passing through the forest!


On the battlefield, many of the elves of the members of the plasma group had lost their ability to fight and fainted on the ground.

The three elves known as the holy swordsmen are quite powerful in combat!It was not easily defeated.

But at the same time, Gopaluwon, Delakion, and Bilgion also had a lot of scars on their bodies!

After all, they are not invincible. Under the siege of a group of powerful elves, they cannot do everything. While defeating the enemy, they also suffered a lot of injuries. After a long battle, their physical strength is also huge. Under the influence, he breathed slightly.

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