Asura noticed this very keenly, and said in surprise: "Intensify the attack! The three of them are about to die!"

This piece of trees here has been damaged by the aftermath of the battle, and there is even a fire that is constantly shining, and the fire is spreading to the outside.

At this moment, a green figure suddenly emerged from the woods next to it, attracting the attention of everyone present!

Gopaluweng's gaze immediately focused on the newly-appeared figure, frowning slightly as he looked at the two elves beside the newly-appeared human, and said in a low voice, "Are these humans here to help again..."

Terrakion couldn't help shouting, "These goddamn humans!"

At the other end, the two leaders of the Plasma Corps, Rhodes and Asura among the Seven Sages, also noticed the sudden appearance of this uninvited guest.

Asura's gaze froze, looked at Ye Elf and Shanaido, and finally focused on the figure that appeared...  

This... is naturally Lin Wen.

After Shanai Duo sensed the battle of the three holy swordsmen elves, Ye Elf's speed increased by a layer, and he rushed towards here at a fast speed.

Now... After finally arriving at the destination, Lin Wen's eyes fell on the battlefield. He looked at the three holy swordsmen elves who had not lost their fighting ability even though they had scars on their bodies. to the other side.

"Well, this is?" Lin Wen's eyes focused on the logo on their uniforms.

It was a shield-shaped badge with half black and half white on the top. On the shield, there was a mysterious symbol composed of anti-Z and P.

Before coming to the Hezhong area, Lin Wen had a simple understanding of the Hezhong area through materials.

Now, at the first sight of this badge, he recognized it.

This is... a plasma mass!

The power of evil in the Uzhong area! The plasma group formed by Mr. N!

No wonder the three holy swordsmen spirits who yearn for justice were shot, it turned out to be the plasma group!Lin Wen suddenly understood in his heart.

While Lin Wen was watching the members of the plasma group, Asura, one of the Seven Sages, was also watching Lin Wen.

The focus of his eyes was on Ye Elf and Shanaido.

Nengcheng 4.4 is one of the seven sages of the plasma group, and his strength is naturally not questioned. Naturally, seeing the strong strength of Ye Elf and Shanaido, he could not help but frown slightly.

Before Lin Wen appeared, in his opinion, the battle to capture the Holy Swordsman Spirit had already come to an end.

Even if the strength of the three holy swordsmen elves is too strong, but under the siege of their many elves, even if some elves lose their ability to fight, the final result must be to win the battle and finally successfully recover the three Holy Swordsman Spirit.

But now... the appearance of this uninvited guest, Lin Wen, undoubtedly caused some changes in the scene.

Because of the sudden appearance of Lin Wen, the battle that was in full swing stopped at this time. .

Chapter four hundred and ninety-one

The three holy swordsmen elves thought that Lin Wen was the new helper of the plasma group.

On the other hand, the plasma group felt that Lin Wen was a variable.

As a result, both sides temporarily stopped.

This is quite beneficial to the three holy swordsmen elves, which can slightly restore their severely damaged physical strength.

After staring at Lin Wen for a while, Asura finally felt relieved!

Because after Lin's tattoo, no second person appeared!

If there is only one person, then nothing can be changed in this battle destined to be won. This is his self-confidence as the Seven Sages!

Thinking of this, Asura suddenly felt relieved, and said to Lin Wen: "This friend, the plasma group is doing business, please cooperate and stay away from here."

As soon as he said these words, he was immediately heard by the three holy swordsmen elves not far away, and Gopaluweng's complexion changed, and he pondered: "Isn't it actually with this group of human beings in the plasma group? "

Asura said that, she is very confident that these 18 new uninvited guests will retreat. After all, in the Hezhong area, their plasma group is still very famous, and I believe that no one dares to trouble them.

But... he didn't know who he met.

This is the strongest player among the current players, the owner of the Yang Yan Heart of the Lord-level elf!

After listening to Asura, Lin Wen's eyes stayed on the three holy swordsmen elves not far away for a while, then an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "What if I don't leave."


Asura almost thought she had heard it wrong.

In the next second, his expression sank.

"Your Excellency, think clearly and offend our plasma group!" Asura threatened.

"Plasma Corps, isn't it an evil organization..." Lin Wen shook his head and smiled: "Anyway, Team Shadow and Team Rocket have already been offended by me. As the saying goes, too much debt doesn't weigh you down, and I'm not afraid to offend you again. There is a plasma ball, and the debt is too much."

Asura's face turned completely gloomy, she didn't know what she was thinking about!

He was pondering the meaning of Lin Wen's words.

They are also evil forces in the elf world. As a high-level cadre of the Plasma Corps and one of the Seven Sages, Asura naturally knows something about the Rocket Team in the Guandu area and the Shadow Team in the Chengdu area. Those are two strengths. The powerful evil organization gave the Elf Alliance quite a headache.

Who is this person in front of him?There is such a big tone, threatening to offend those two major forces to death, and are not afraid of offending their plasma group?

His mind was thinking quickly, and suddenly, a name came into his mind.

That was a name he accidentally saw when he was flipping through the intelligence some time ago.

Thinking of this, Asura couldn't help but ask; "Could it be that you are... the Heart of Yang Yan?"

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