Lin Wen was in pain in his heart. There was basically no difference between going like this and sending him to death, but even so, Ye Elf still did it, and he did it very thoroughly and resolutely!


The next moment, Ye Elf's golden horn had already collided with Kyurem's tall figure, and there was a muffled sound from the ground and air.

Just by the sound, you can imagine.

How much anger and power does Ye Elf's mysterious sword contain, but what is the effect...

On the central battlefield of the ice crystal world, Kyurem's two-meter-tall body remained motionless, and when he looked closely at the surface of the skin that was hit, a layer of solid ice crystals emerged, hardened ice crystals!


Hardened ice crystals have a lot of debris, but after all, they are not broken, and they are amazingly tenacious and terrifying.

So far, how many skills Kyurem has yet to release, no one knows at all, but Lin Wen has already experienced it.

After experiencing the untouchable realm of the legendary pinnacle, he knew how strong he was among the players and how weak he was in the elf world. Whether it was strong or weak, even he himself was a little unclear.

"Is the gap so big?" Lin Wen showed a wry smile, his heart was ashes.

After using the last blow, the Leaf Elf also fell into weakness, and there was no chance of running away, but stood by Kyurem's side, standing firmly.

The situation seemed to freeze, time passed quietly, he was waiting for Kyurem's counterattack, and he had no plan to defeat this level-monster.

But the results are often beyond people's expectations. Kyurem did not fight back, but said: "Dare to attack a powerful opponent, even if you fail, you will not back down. You can already be called a holy swordsman."


Lin Wen turned back subconsciously and saw Kyurem looking towards them.

Compared with the Kyurem who had just met, his eyes were less tyrannical and more calm. Obviously, the current Kyurem has recovered his calm.

What Kyurem said just now was obviously to the Leaf Elf.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

Lin Wen glanced at the weak Ye Elf in his arms, and then looked at Kyurem who was not far away, his tone couldn't help revealing a little surprise: "You mean..."

The system beep suddenly sounded.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanxin, your Pokémon Ye Elf King's mysterious sword skill has been completely unblocked."

Mysterious Sword: Use the long horn to perform a slashing attack. The incredible power on the horn will cause powerful physical damage. Use the target's defense instead of the target's special defense for damage calculation, ignoring 50% of the opponent's defense attribute, and Ignore the increase and decrease of the target's evasion rate ability level and the increase and decrease of the defense ability level.


Ignore 50% of the opponent's defense attribute!

Lin Wen was shocked!

If the mysterious sword had such a powerful power in the previous battle, then it is absolutely impossible for Kyurem not to suffer the slightest damage!

Just as Lin Wen looked at the unsealed mysterious sword skill, Kyurem slowly opened his mouth to Ye Elf with affirmation in his eyes.

"You... are now a new generation of holy swordsmen."

Ye Elf was very weak, but when he heard Kyurem's voice, his golden eyes were still mixed with strong unwillingness.

Although the challenge to the legendary elves failed, the leaf elves have used all their strength!Dare to challenge the legendary elves, this is a powerful performance, even if defeated!

After looking at Ye Elf again, Kyurem shook his head, turned around indifferently, and prepared to leave.

Just then, Lin Wen suddenly shouted, "Kurem!"

Kyurem paused slightly and turned around: "Human, what's wrong?"

"Why do you keep sleeping in the depths of Yacar Forest?" Lin Wen asked, "Besides, why do you want to destroy Yacar Forest after waking up?"

This was the doubt he had long ago.

Kyurem didn't attack the Leaf Elf ruthlessly. If it really wanted to do that, even if Lin Wen entered the ice crystal battlefield, it was still impossible to stop it! .

Chapter five hundred and four waiting for people

Kyurem, who had regained his composure, did not continue to fight, but chose to leave, which made Lin Wen inevitably have a slight affection for this legendary beast elf.

At least, the other party is absolutely different from those pure evil elves!

"I..." Kyurem groaned and looked into the distance.

"I have been burying the truth and ideals in the lost body, waiting for the hero to appear."

It first said a paragraph of unknown meaning, and then said: "I have been waiting for someone."

"Wait?" Lin Wen was slightly puzzled.

"Well..." Kyurem nodded lightly: "I am waiting for a powerful trainer, waiting for him to lead me to fight against powerful elves in various places, I have longed for "Zero One Seven" ."

Having said that, Kyurem shook his head, didn't know what he thought of, and didn't speak any more, but turned around, took big steps, and left with a sway.

Lin Wen looked at its back and wanted to speak again, but he didn't know what to sleep on.

He knew that Kyurem would fall asleep again, and he didn't know when he would wake up.

Perhaps, when it wakes up again, it will be the powerful trainer it calls to take it away and go to fight all over the world!

How strong is a trainer who can conquer Kyurem?

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