Lin Wen couldn't imagine it!That would definitely be a very scary existence!The strength is far beyond imagination!

Ye Elf suffered quite serious injuries. Although Lin Wen's rich storage of wound medicines gave him some relief, it was obviously impossible to use it as a mount. Lin Wen directly took Ye Elf. , the ice elf, were all put into the elf ball, and he walked along the road and moved toward the outside of the Yachi Forest.

Because of the massive destruction by Kyurem, in the depths of the Yacar Forest, there was almost no elf in sight, and it seemed very quiet.

Lin Wen was walking on the road alone, thinking about all kinds of things in his heart.

In the past, he once thought that the lord template elf could be an invincible existence!

All of this is the feeling that he has successfully conquered the mini dragon and cultivated it into a flashy dragon step by step.

Flash Dragon, too strong.

The light purple strength evaluation makes it invincible when facing players. Even in the face of most NPCs, it is a high-ranking character, almost invincible.

But after all... just almost.

If faced with a legendary elf like Kyurem, Lin Wen could imagine that the performance of the Flash Dragon might be better than the current Leaf Elf, but there was only one result.

That is, the same defeat!

In the wizard century, there is a setting that players have noticed for a long time.

That is Template > Level > Evolution!

Because of the existence of the template, the elves such as Linwen's Leaf Elf will be so invincible in the early game. Because of the existence of the template, the Flash Dragon will have such a powerful strength, which can be used in the Royal Dragon Trial and in the guild battle. , exerting unparalleled power!

But also because of the existence of templates, even lord-level flash dragons and leaf elves will be defeated when faced with legendary elves who do not have an advantage in level!

Just like the gap between the boss-level template and the lord-level template, the lord-level template and the legend-level template are equally different!

The attributes of the lord level template are: 5-15, and the attributes of the legendary template are: 6-30!

At the highest point, there is a 15-point difference in attributes!

If the level gap is widened again, this is an insurmountable attribute suppression!

The reason why Ye Elf's mysterious sword did not cause any damage to Kyurem was because there was a gap between the two templates, and there was also a gap between levels!

The combination of the two gaps turned into the crushing of the leaf elves by the Kyurem attribute, which caused this situation!

Originally, Lin Wen was very happy in his heart after he came to the Hezhong area and successfully promoted Ye Elf to a lord-level elf.

But now... his mood is not high.

Sooner or later, his opponent will become an existence comparable to divine beasts, a legendary elf.

At that time, with the lord-level leaf elves and flashing dragons, will they be their opponents?

The answer is yes...  


The huge gap between templates makes it impossible for low-level templates to beat high-level templates unless the level difference is too large!

However, the Flash Dragon and Leaf Elf both have the slow growth restriction of quasi-gods, which makes their level increase not fast!

This can be seen from the fact that Ye Elf has experienced so many battles, but now it is only LV39!

The Flash Dragon has a high level of LV62, that is because before level 60, it has no restrictions on slow growth, and it is a map that naturally fits it in the Dragon Cave, and the upgrade speed is fast. inside.

"Perhaps, it's time for me to find a way to capture the legendary elf." This thought suddenly rose in Lin Wen's heart.

After that, only the elves of the same template can fight evenly, otherwise, it will only be a one-sided crush.

Under this premise, we must prepare early!

"Find a way to capture the legendary elf!"

This is something to do sooner or later!

One step ahead now, many steps ahead later!

By now, Ye Elf's lord promotion task has been completed, and what Lin Wen has left is the 5.5 promotion task of Shanaido's lord.

But he really doesn't have much information about catching the legendary elf. Maybe he can get some clues by asking the legendary elf, such as Lugia.

But to ask the legendary elf, let the other party teach you to catch something, it is really... too whimsical.

"Speaking of conquering the legendary elf..."

Lin Wen glanced back and saw a very powerful legendary elf sleeping in the depths of the vector car forest.


Even Kyurem himself said that it was waiting for this powerful trainer.

This is enough to prove that the other party can be subdued.

But the so-called 'powerful' is just a vague concept, and who can conquer the heart of this legendary elf is still an unsolved mystery. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Five Next Steps

"Unfortunately, I'm still too weak..."

Lin Wen shook his head slightly, throwing this unrealistic thought aside.

Perhaps, in the eyes of the players, the strength of the Heart of Yang Yan is already extremely powerful, but after experiencing the battle between Ye Elf and Kyurem, Lin Wen knows that his current strength is different from the "powerful" in Kyurem's words. It doesn't matter at all.

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