Those who can make this legendary elf known as the strongest dragon-type elf on the ground agree with it will definitely be terrifyingly powerful!

Lin Wen's gaze stayed in the depths of Yacar Forest for a while, then turned his head and continued to move outside.

He said in his heart, "Maybe... Maybe one day, I may come back here again."


Without Ye Elf's ride, Lin Wen left much slower, but he was not in a hurry, Ye Elf's advanced quest had been completed, the big stone in his heart had fallen, and it was time to take a relaxing walk. As a reward for yourself after completing the task, it is also good!

The environment of Arrow Cart Forest is very good. After leaving the ravaged area of ​​Kyurem, the surrounding environment has returned to normal.

The little elves unique to the Hezhong region all revealed their appearances in front of Lin Wen.

About them... Lin Wenxin is curious, but he doesn't know how to capture them. There are not many precious elves anymore. The elves in his hands are already enough to cultivate. What's more, Lin Wen's goal is now at the legendary level. On the elves, these elite-level, boss-level, and even ordinary-level elves are really disdainful.

Outside the middle of the Yacar Forest, there is an Elf Center. Because the Leaf Elf was injured, Lin Wen came here first directly along the map.

Along the map, Lin Wen quickly came to the center of the elf.

The elf center of Yacar Forest is located in the middle and outer parts of the entire Yacar Forest. When Lin Wen came here, you could see that there were many players inside and outside the elf center.

He passed by and heard a few conversations from the players.

"Hey, have you heard? Recently, a lot of elves have come outside in the Yagar Forest... I don't know why."

"Yeah, I don't know what happened in Yacar Forest."

"Who knows."

"I heard that many people are planning to go into the depths of Yacara Forest recently to see what happened!"

Hearing the players' conversation, Lin Wen stopped slightly, then shook his head and smiled, and walked into the center of the elf.

The root cause of the change in Yacar Forest, Kyurem, has returned to his cave again and fell into a deep sleep. Players who plan to explore the depths of Yacar Forest are obviously doing nothing.

In fact, even if some players really entered the depths of the Yacaru Forest and really saw the legendary elf Kyurem, there would be no clues and effects other than the news that might cause a sensation among the players. .

After all... even himself, as the first person in the game, is still just a scumbag in the face of Kyurem, let alone other players.

The gap between strengths cannot be ignored by anyone.

There were a lot of players in the elf center, and there were also many NPC staff. Lin Wen didn't cause any movement. He approached the inside of the elf center very low-key and handed over the elves to the breeders.

Then...he started to wait.

After a short wait, Lin Wen took back his Poké Ball from the NPC breeder, left the Pokémon Center, and went to a rather remote place in Yacar Forest before releasing the Leaf Elves.

As his first Pokémon, Ye Elf is not as powerful as Flash Dragon in the eyes of the majority of players, but his reputation is not inferior to Flash Dragon.

After all, Ye Elf has been on various lists since he was still Ibrahimovic, and has entered the sight of every player. Overwhelming, the flashing dragon's body is huge, and it brings more the feeling of Weiya's oppression to others. In contrast, Ye Elf has more noble and elegant attributes, and its rather cute appearance is deeply loved by many women. children's likes.

As soon as Ye Elf was released, he couldn't help but let out a joyful cry, rubbing against Lin Wen's side.

"Okay." Lin Wen stopped its coquettish movements, and when he saw Ye Elf recovering his health completely, he finally felt relieved and gently stroked its forehead, feeling a lot more relaxed in his heart.

The lord template promotion task that has been backlogged for a long time has finally been completed, and Ye Elf has finally successfully become a lord-level elf, and his strength has undergone a huge transformation!

And as the level increases, Ye Elf's strength will increase many times faster in the future, far faster than before!

This is Lin Wen's second lord-level elf!

Under the caress of Lin Wen, Ye Elf squinted his eyes comfortably, which was very useful for 713. For it, it was a very happy thing to finally be promoted to the lord level elf, and its own potential to increase.

Although the strength of the Flash Dragon is too terrifying, for the current it, the position of the boss of the elves in Lin Wen's hands has not been regained, but as long as it continues to upgrade its level, then under the same template, sooner or later, there will be catch up. possibility!

After all, the Flash Dragon also has the limitation of the slow growth of the quasi-god, and the subsequent strength improvement will also be much slower.

While gently stroking Ye Elf's forehead, Lin Wen also fell into thought.

For him, the only tasks worth doing at the moment are the lord template promotion quest related to Shanaido, but that, like Ye Elf's lord template promotion quest, involves legendary elves.

When it comes to Legendary Pokémon, if you don't have a clue, trying to find it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Although he also wants to improve his strength quickly, he obviously needs to wait now, waiting for news about Xerneas, or chain quests.

Without clear information, this task is obviously impossible to do....

Chapter [-] News from Dr. Ohno

Then, just wait like this?

Lin Wen frowned slightly. This is not a bad thing. The previous battle made him clearly know that his strength is insufficient and he must improve as soon as possible.

He looked at Ye Elf in front of him, thinking about the plan to level up in the Hezhong area.

He knew that the elves in his current hands, although there were only two elves in the lord-level template, leaf elves and flashing dragons, but other elves, such as Lucario, ice elves, Shanaido, nine tails, each , are all elves with great potential!

But now...they are facing a common problem.

That is, the level generally lags behind people!

Shanai Duo is better. She has reached LV50 without the quasi-god restriction, but similar to the nine tails and the leaf elves, they have the slow growth restriction of the quasi-god, and the level is not enough.

Templates, quasi-god attributes, in the simplest analogy, are all the "potentials" of an elf.

And to upgrade the level is to tap the potential and turn the potential into strength!

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