The two complement each other, and neither can be easily ignored!

"Well... you can also take a look in the Hezhong area. Is there any way to conquer the legendary elf!"

Kyurem's powerful strength still seems to be in front of his eyes. It is impossible to say that Lin Wen does not covet the legendary elf in the slightest.

Just as Lin Wen was thinking about the next move, the system suddenly sounded a beep.

"Ding Dong, you received an email from Dr. Ohno."

"Dr. Ohno's email?"

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, and quickly took out the communication device to check the latest information sent by Dr. Ohno.

"Researcher Yang Yan, please return to the Guandu area immediately after receiving the news! We have made great progress in the exploration of mysterious meteorites! We need your help.'"

"Mysterious meteorite? Major progress?"

From Dr. Ohno's words to let him return to the Guandu area immediately, it is obvious that the importance of this matter can be seen. Lin Wen didn't have time to think too much. After talking to Ye Elf, he quickly put it into the Elf Ball. .

Then... Lin Wen took out another Poké Ball.


The light flashed, and the huge body of the Flash Dragon appeared in place.

"Little guy, go directly to the Guandu area!" Lin Wen swiftly jumped onto its back, and then issued an order.

The flashing fast dragon that was just released didn't realize what happened before he heard Lin Wen's command and felt the anxiety in Lin Wen's tone. The flashing fast dragon nodded again and again, and after Lin Wen jumped on its back, The dragon wings unfolded and took off suddenly!

When he came to the Hezhong area, Lin Wen came by a passenger boat. After all, he also planned to let the Flash Dragon take a rest, but Dr. Ohno's tone made Lin Wen realize the urgency of the matter. With the addition of people, the speed of the Flash Dragon is obviously much higher than that of the passenger ship, so he plans to take the Flash Dragon directly back to the Kanto area.

The flashing dragon soared into the sky and soon reached a certain height. Lin Wen took out the map and carefully identified it, and then pointed to the flashing dragon in one direction.

Then, one person and one dragon entered the fast hurry.

At this point, Lin Wen took a deep breath, took out the communication device again, and checked Dr. Ohno's email.

"Researcher Yang Yan, please return to the Guandu area immediately after receiving the news! We have made great progress in the exploration of mysterious meteorites and need your help!"

"Mysterious meteorite!"

There were memories in Lin Wen's eyes, and he was quite surprised. He opened the task panel and focused on one of the tasks.

In truth, this can be said to be the first hidden mission Lin Wen took after entering the Elves Century!Take the first mission!

At the beginning, he gave full play to his shameless spirit in the Pokémon Training Center in Vibran City, and abruptly asked for this task from the hands of a staff member.

Then, in Dr. Ohno's research institute, he got the first elf, Ibrahimovic, and it officially started to take off!

One step ahead, one step ahead!

Ibrahimovic's excellent attributes in the early stage made Lin Wen a great convenience in the early game!

He was able to grow into the current appearance in the Elves Century, become the first player in the true sense, and is also very famous among NPCs. It is true that he is inseparable from his own efforts and high luck value.

But as the saying goes: A clever woman can't make a meal without rice. If Dr. Ono didn't give him Ibrahimovic at the beginning, so that he would have an excellent elf from the beginning, how would he have been ahead of everyone from the beginning?

Everything has a cause and effect. If Lin Wen didn't get this hidden quest and Ibrahimovic as the initial elf at the beginning, what it would be like now, I can't imagine what it would be like!

It is also very likely that it is a look at the street!Mix into an ordinary player!

And now, the original elf, Ibrahimovic, first became a leaf elf, with outstanding combat power, and then became the only leaf elf king in the entire elf world!

Up to now, it has been successfully promoted to the lord template!The potential is huge, and even after it arrives, it will still be an unmatched formidable combat power!

All of this can be said to have been achieved with the initial help of Dr. Ohno!

Even the very powerful green ivy suit he still wears was made by Dr. Ohno where he introduced him!

As the saying goes, the grace of dripping water is reciprocated by the spring, and Lin Wen is very grateful to Dr. Ohye himself. The other party not only gave him the initial elf, so that he can start to lead others in the early stage, but also Let yourself become a elf researcher, an extremely powerful sub-professional!

Needless to say, the power of the Wisdom Eye skill has provided Lin Wen with many times of information, allowing him to predict the enemy's opportunities, which is of great use!

Therefore, after seeing the email sent by Dr. Ohno, Lin Wencai immediately gave up his previous idea and directly drove the Flash Dragon towards the Guandu area!

"." It seems... the previous plan has to be put aside. "

Standing on the back of the Flash Dragon, Lin Wen lowered his head and pondered for a while, and immediately made up his mind.

The matter of Dr. Ohno should undoubtedly be put first, and the things he had thought about before can only be put aside...

Chapter [-] The Second Coming Research Institute

"Speaking of which, this mysterious meteorite mission has been delayed for a long time." Lin Wen thought.

This was a hidden quest he received when he first entered the game in the early stage of the game. When he first received it, the quest requirement: three LV10 elves was a very difficult requirement for him!It takes a long time to get there, but now it's really easy.

But in fact, even if he met the mission requirements, Dr. Ohno never contacted him to complete the mission, which probably had many considerations.

Therefore, this task has been delayed until now!

"Just don't know what the specific content of the mission is?"

The quest of the mysterious meteorite, just like his name, is indeed very mysterious. Lin Wen doesn't know too much quest information. If it hadn't been for the sudden message from Dr. Ohye this time, I'm afraid this quest would have been temporarily forgotten by Lin Wen. Still sinking to the bottom of the task panel.

Riding on the back of the Flash Dragon, Lin Wen thought carefully.Guessing about this mission.

Thinking about it, 720 Lin Wen couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

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