The role of high prestige is evident!

After so many major events, Lin Wen's reputation has already surpassed the [-] mark and is heading towards [-]. This is definitely a value that others can look up to!

Seizing the opportunity, Lin Wen stopped a researcher who hurried past and asked, "Where is Dr. Ohno now?"

The researcher was probably busy, and was very upset when he was suddenly stopped. He raised his head and was about to reprimand, but he saw Lin Wen standing in front of him.

The reprimand that was about to be blurted out quickly changed, and the researcher's expression changed, putting on a respectful expression.

"It turned out to be Researcher Yang Yan." The researcher said respectfully, then turned around and stretched out his finger: "Dr. Ohye is in that laboratory."

"Thank you."

Lin Wen thanked him, and then walked towards the laboratory he pointed to.

The door of the laboratory was open, and Lin Wen looked at it with a probe and saw the back of Dr. Oh Ye. He seemed to be busy with something, with his head down, and he didn't notice the guest Lin Wen at all.

Lin Wen took two steps forward, coughed lightly, and said, "Dr. Oh Ye."

"Huh?" Hearing the voice, Dr. Ohye turned his head and said in surprise, "Heart of Yang Yan!"

There was surprise in his tone, and he was obviously very happy with Lin Wen's arrival.

"When did you arrive?" Dr. Ohno asked.

"Just arrived at the research institute." Lin Wen replied, "I went to the Hezhong area before, and I received your email just after finishing the work at hand, so I came quickly."

"So that's how it is." Dr. Ohye forehead, put the things in his hands aside, his eyes were careful, and he swept Lin Wen twice, his mouth tsk tsk.

Lin Wen was a little uncomfortable with his weird eyes. It was the first time he saw Dr. Ohye show this look, he coughed lightly, and asked, "Dr. Ohye, I saw your mention in the email. Significant progress has been made in the study of mysterious meteorites, what is the specific situation?"

Dr. Oh Ye didn't answer Lin Wen's question. After carefully looking at Lin Wen twice, he said in admiration, "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it."

After the admiration, he shook his head, not knowing what he was feeling.

Lin Wen was stunned... The question marks in his head appeared on his forehead, and he didn't know what Dr. Ohno was feeling.

He paused for a moment, then asked bravely, "Dr. Ohno...what are you talking about?"

"I'm sighing at my good eyesight." Dr. Ohno smiled rarely, and said, "Now the entire alliance knows your name as researcher Yang Yan, and the chief of the alliance's search department has come to me many times to poach people. Woolen cloth."

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"Is there such a thing?" Lin Wen was slightly surprised and touched his nose.

"Of course!" Dr. Ohno sighed with emotion: "Researcher Yang Yan's reputation is not only known to many people in the Guandu area, Chengdu area, and other areas, but you are a rookie trainer."

"In the Elf League, there has been rumors recently that you are the most outstanding newcomer trainer in recent years!"

Having said this, Dr. Ohno smacked his tongue: "I chose you to help me complete the task, but only valued your patience, but now it seems that patience is only an advantage of a very small part of you."


Lin Wen said humbly, "You have passed the prize, Dr. Ohye."

"That's not true!" Dr. Oh Ye shook his head and said, "Although I often conduct research in the research institute, I still have a certain understanding of Yang Yan researcher who is currently in the limelight!"

Dr. Ohno paused, and looked at Lin Wen with narrow eyes: "In such a short period of time since his debut, he has already defeated the owner of the Eighth Avenue in Guandu area in one fell swoop, obtained the qualification for the regional competition, and has become the best chance of this year. Become a new king, a champion player." Dr. Ohno said with familiarity.

"You have destroyed Team Rocket's evil plan many times. I also heard an old friend in the Guandu area mention to me that when you went to participate in the Yulong Trial, you even helped the guardian spirit of the Yulong family, and defeated the The Shadow Team has stopped the Shadow Team's evil plan and contributed to the stability of the alliance!"

"Researcher Yang Yan, do you know that now in the alliance, some people even regard you as a strong candidate for the next King of Heaven. Your strength is very strong!"

Speaking of this, Dr. Ohno shook his head with some emotion: "When I chose you, I never imagined that you could grow to such a level in such a short time! It's unexpected."

Listening to Dr. Ohno's unreserved praise of himself, Lin Wen also sighed, his strength has really improved rapidly! .

Chapter five hundred and ninth the truth of the mysterious meteorite

But... I am afraid that Dr. Ohno is also watching him all the time, so he can understand so much about himself and can say everything.

Thinking of this, Lin Wen couldn't help but feel even more grateful to Dr. Ohye, and said slightly solemnly: "Dr. Ohye, it is still thanks to your trust that I can grow to this level."

Dr. Ohno shook his head slightly and said, "Gold will shine wherever you go. I just discovered you one step earlier. Your talent potential is really huge, completely beyond my expectations."

"Your current reputation is very big in the league!"

"That's right." Dr. Ohye paused and asked, "Where's the little guy Ye Elf? I haven't seen him for a long time."

It was a long time ago that "Three Three Zeros" Ibrahimovic evolved into a leaf elf, and Dr. Ohno is naturally very clear.

Hearing Dr. Ohno mention Ye Elf, Lin Wen said, "Here." Then, he took out Ye Elf's Elf Ball.

The light flashed, and the Leaf Elf appeared in place.

As soon as Ye Elf appeared, his eyes first focused on his master, and then he found Dr. Ohno next to Lin Wen. When he was still Ibrahimovic, he spent his childhood in the research institute and was very familiar with Dr. Ohno. Dr. Ohno showed a friendly look.

On the other end, Dr. Ohno saw the Leaf Elf being released. He wanted to touch it affectionately, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he stopped in place.

"This is?" Dr. Ohno looked surprised.

He suddenly raised his head and asked, "Heart of Yang Yan, Ye Elf has become a lord-level elf?"

As a doctor who has devoted himself to the study of elves for many years, Dr. Ohno naturally saw the difference between the leaf elves at a glance, and was very shocked.

"That's right." Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then added: "The Ye Elf has indeed become a lord-level elf. To tell you the truth, I went to the Hezhong area to find a way to make Ye Elf a lord-level elf. way."

"Fortunately, I was lucky enough to successfully let Ye Elf complete the promotion."

After listening to Lin Wen, Dr. Ohno kept his eyes fixed on Ye Elf.

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