After a long time, he withdrew his gaze and exclaimed in admiration: "Heart of Yang Yan, it seems that I still underestimate you."

Dr. Ohno showed a thoughtful expression, and then said: "If I remember correctly, your fast dragon is also a lord-level elves, so now, you already have two lord-level elves."

Lin Wen forehead said: "That's right."

"Tsk tsk." Dr. Oh Ye smacked his tongue, and then said: "This is just right, I can tell you the specific situation of the mysterious meteorite."

Hearing this, Lin Wen immediately pricked up his ears. He has been curious about this matter for a long time. He received a hidden mission at the beginning of the game, and now it is finally showing the tip of the iceberg!

"Speaking of which, I should have told you about the mysterious meteorite long ago." Dr. Ohno sighed and looked at Lin Wen: "But you also know that your strength was indeed limited before, and you were nothing in the alliance. Famous newcomer, some secrets are inconvenient to tell you clearly."

Lin Wen nodded lightly, expressing understanding.

"There is nothing to worry about now. There are many seniors in the alliance who are optimistic about you. You are fully qualified to participate in this mission."

After listening to Dr. Ohye's words, Lin Wen felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart...

This is indeed the case. Among players, his reputation has reached a level that no one can match, and among NPCs, his reputation has also reached a certain height. But also a well-known rookie trainer that most of them know.

The Yang Yan researcher in the Guandu area is almost famous all over the world!

"I have been devoted to the research of mysterious meteorites since ten years. And I have been looking for new meteorites in the elf world." Dr. Ohno began to narrate.

Lin Wen raised his ears and listened very seriously.

"Mysterious meteorite refers to the magical meteorite that fell from the sky and fell into the elf world. Its effect is very huge!"

Having said that, Dr. Ohno paused for a moment and looked at Lin Wen. …

"Heart of Yang Yan, have you heard of Master Ball?"

"Master Ball?" Lin Wen was shocked!

How could he have not heard of Master Ball?

In the Elf world, the most basic item is the Elf Ball. Trainers rely on the Elf Ball to conquer the Elf. With the further development of the Elf Ball, there have been many kinds of changes.

In addition to the most common Poké Balls, there are Poké Balls for capturing Pokémon with different attributes, Healing Balls that can heal Pokémon injuries, Super Balls with a higher probability of capturing, and so on...

And if you want to say the most cheating and most powerful Poké Ball, there is only one!

Master Ball!

According to legend, the master ball catches Pokémon, and it is sure to be successful!

You must know that when using a normal Poké Ball, you need to fight with the Pokémon. After defeating it, you can use the Poké Ball to capture it, which can increase the chance of successful capture.After all, unconscious spirits have weaker resistance to capture.

And the Master Ball doesn't need this at all, not even in battle, it's a Poké Ball that can definitely be captured successfully!The elves can't resist at all!

Lin Wen had a guess in his heart, and he couldn't help but ask: "Dr. Ohye... Difficult 2.1, is this mysterious meteorite used to make the Master Ball?"

"That's right!" Dr. Ohno nodded in acknowledgement.

Lin Wen was shocked!

This kind of master ball actually exists!

Obviously, this kind of Poké Ball can definitely be successfully captured, and the Pokémon used to deal with it will definitely not be an ordinary Pokémon. Anyone who uses a Master Ball to catch a green caterpillar will probably be either out of whack or flooded.

I am afraid there is only one purpose for this kind of master ball, which is to deal with legendary elves!


Thinking of this, Lin Wen's heart became hot. After seeing the power of Kyurem, Lin Wen was thinking about how to capture the legendary elves. Now, the Master Ball is obviously a breakthrough point! .

Chapter [-] Silver Corporation

If it is true that the master ball must capture the elves, then even the beasts must be caught obediently!

But... Now, the question is, will this kind of props that destroy the balance of the game really appear in the fairy century?

Lin Wen had a question mark in his heart.

Dr. Ohno didn't know what Lin Wen was thinking, and continued: "The function of the mysterious meteorite is to strengthen and make the Poké Ball."

"The Alliance found a mysterious meteorite a long time ago, and successfully made a master ball with it." Dr. Ohno said slowly.

"Made a master ball?"

Lin Wen hurriedly asked: "Dr. Ohye... I have also heard the saying about the master ball. It is said that the master ball can conquer any elves, and it will definitely be successful. Is this true?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Wen looked expectantly at Dr. Ohno, waiting for his answer.

Dr. Ohno pondered, then nodded slowly: "Yes, it's true, the master ball made of mysterious meteorites does have this ability."

It really can!


Lin Wen was shocked!

Lin Wen's gaze has changed slightly. This kind of master ball can only play its biggest role when it acts on divine beasts. Especially, the Elf Alliance is a huge organization that includes the entire elves world. Naturally, it is impossible to use the master ball. Used on an ordinary elf.

Then...the purpose of their creation of the Master Ball is instantly clear!

The purpose is... a legendary elves!


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