Lin Wen couldn't help but asked, "Dr. Ohye, did the Alliance make the Master Ball to capture the legendary elves?"

Hearing this, Dr. Ohno gave Lin Wen a deep look, and then nodded slowly.

He paused, then said: "Heart of Yang Yan, as you know, in the elf world, in addition to many legendary elves who yearn for peace and have kind hearts, there are also many evil and powerful legendary elves!"

"For example, like Ifeltar, who nearly destroyed all the creatures in the Forest of Oruans hundreds of years ago, it is a great threat to the entire elf world, and it will be destroyed!"

"Moreover, each of them is not peaceful, and may cause serious damage to the elf world at any time. The alliance must have certain countermeasures."

After listening to Dr. Ohno's remarks, Lin Wen nodded slightly.

This is indeed the case. In the age of elves, there are naturally many elves who yearn for peace, but at the same time, there are also many elves with evil hearts and destructive tendencies.

The weaker evil elves are naturally fine, and powerful trainers can be sent to fight, but which can be called legendary elves, which one will be very weak?

Each one has extremely powerful strength, even surpassing powerful trainers!

In this case, they can be conquered without injury, and the master ball under control has naturally become the first choice. It is no wonder that the alliance has been working on related research!

Moreover, the elf world has been stable for so many years, the role of the elf alliance cannot be ignored, presumably they will not dig a hole for themselves.

Don't be a kind-hearted legendary elf, you won't get angry, if the alliance really dares to use the master ball to arrest the legendary elf unscrupulously, I am afraid it will cause the legendary elf in the entire elf world to be angry. Bounce!

The consequences are extremely dire!

The Elf Alliance can obviously expect this, and it will definitely not kill itself.

Moreover, after all, it is about the master ball... Lin Wen felt that he would definitely gain a lot of benefits by participating in it, and there was absolutely nothing to worry about!

Since it cannot be stopped, it is better to follow the development.

After all, what you hold in your hand and what you know is the most important thing!

After briefly explaining the function of the master ball and the reason for making the master ball to Lin Wen, Dr. Ohno changed the subject.

"For the past ten years, my research on mysterious meteorites has been funded by Silver Corporation, the leader in manufacturing technology in the elf world." He said.

"Silver?" Lin Wen was a little puzzled, not familiar with the name.

"You don't know?" Dr. Oh Ye saw Lin Wen's doubts and understood: "Yes, after all, you are a newcomer in the alliance, so it is normal that you don't know much."

"Anyway, you're about to come into contact with it soon. Let me introduce you to Silver Company in advance."

"I would like to hear the details." Lin Wen responded.

"Silver Company is a company wholly controlled by the Elf Alliance, and it can be said to be the economic lifeline within the alliance!"

"The vigorous development of the alliance can be said to be inseparable from the help of Silver Corporation."

"Moreover, various research matters within the alliance need to be reviewed before they can be funded by Silver Corporation."

After hearing Dr. Ohno's introduction, Lin Wen had a certain understanding of Silver Company.

As the elf alliance covers the entire elf world with huge strength, the daily expenses must be huge!

Therefore, 887, the alliance also has a wide variety of industries from all walks of life. Obviously, Silver Company is the leader among them. After all, the word economic lifeline is not a word for everyone!

After listening to Dr. Ohno's introduction to the Silver Company, Lin Wen asked the question he had just arrived at the institute.

"Dr. Ohno, I remember you said in your e-mail that there has been significant progress on the mysterious meteorite. What is the specific situation?"

"Alliance, a new mysterious meteorite has been discovered recently!" Dr. Ohno said.

"What?" Lin Wen was taken aback.

"Not long ago, the Alliance discovered a mysterious meteorite that fell from the sky." Dr. Ohno repeated.

Immediately, he didn't care about Lin Wen's reaction, but said: "I didn't expect you to come back so soon, I originally wanted to wait for you to come back before leaving with you, but now is just right, you can go see me with me later. Meet the researchers at Silver Corporation."

"A researcher at Silver Corporation?" Lin Wen asked in surprise.

"That's right." Dr. Ohno nodded: "The alliance attaches great importance to the mysterious meteorite discovered this time. Silver Company has sent many experts and is preparing to go directly to the landing site of the meteorite to conduct research.".

Chapter five hundred and eleven the ubiquitous Rockets

"Originally, they were going to take the lead in the Kanto area, and I'm going to wait for your arrival, and then go there together. Since you're back so soon, let's go see the researcher from Silver Corporation now. , and go with them."

"Okay." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

Dr. Ohno raised his arm and looked at the watch on his hand, and said, "It's just right now, let's start now, and we can catch up with their leading team."

While speaking, Dr. Ohno walked out of the laboratory directly.

Lin Wen quickly followed.

Outside the research institute, there are many vehicles for researchers to enter and leave, each with a dedicated driver. After Lin Wen got into the car with Dr. Ohno, the car started quickly and drove away from the research institute.

In the blink of an eye, the institute was left far behind.

"I really didn't expect you to come back so quickly." Sitting in the car, Dr. Ohno said, "Did you come directly from the Hezhong area?"

In fact... his doubts are also normal. You must know that the distance from the Hezhong area to the Guandu area is a very long distance, and he himself feels that the email to the heart of Yang Yan has just been sent. The heart has already come to his side.

"That's right." Lin Wen replied, "Dr. Ohno, I was in Yacar Forest in the Hezhong area when I received your email."

"Yacar Forest?" Dr. Ohno obviously knew this and asked curiously, "How did you return to the Guandu area so quickly?"

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