"You forgot? I have a lord-level flashing dragon." Lin Wen replied.


Hearing Lin Wen's reply, Dr. Ohye said clearly: "It turns out that the speed of the fast dragon is really fast. I believe that under your cultivation, this fast dragon will definitely not be too bad."

"If I have a chance, I will also see it." Dr. Ohno said.

"Well, there will be a chance." Lin Wen nodded.

"I remember when I saw you before, you were just a rookie trainer." Dr. Ohno couldn't help shaking his head and sighed: "In a blink of an eye, it has only been such a short period of time that you have successfully owned two lord-level elves. , the strength is very strong.”

"It's incredible when you think about it."

Lin Wen shook his head slightly, and the two talked again.

The car drove fast, and soon, stopped in front of a port.

Lin Wen looked through the window and saw that above the port, many uniformed personnel were busy.

Around the port, there are countless staff busy, wearing uniform uniforms of the Elf Alliance, looking very handsome.

Next to the port, a huge passenger ship is moored.

On the cabin, researchers in uniform white coats can be seen everywhere.

After Lin Wen followed Dr. Ohno out of the car, Dr. Ohno led the way and walked directly towards the passenger ship.

Along the way, the staff I encountered seemed to be familiar with Dr. Ohno. After seeing him, they all looked at him respectfully and said hello.

As an elves research doctor in the Kanto region, Dr. Ohno's contribution to the elves alliance is enormous.

At the same time... a slightly curious gaze also passed on Lin's tattoo, Yang Yan's heart, Yang Yan researcher's reputation has been very big in the alliance recently, but many people have only heard of this person's name and his Story, but I don't know what Researcher Yang Yan looks like.

So after seeing Lin Wen, they were all very curious, and guessed in their hearts who the young man next to Dr. Ohye was sacred.

Lin Wen, as if he hadn't heard the gaze on him, looked ahead and followed Dr. Ohno towards the passenger ship.

Along the way, he found a lot of problems. Around the port and on the passenger ship, in addition to the staff of the Elf Alliance and the researchers of the Silver Company, there are also many Pokémon trainers who are also on the ship. .

With Dr. Ohno, the two quickly got on the boat.

This huge passenger ship is divided into four floors. Obviously, Dr. Ohye knew something about it for a long time. He took Lin Wen directly to the third floor, stopped in front of a room, and stopped.

dong dong dong.

He knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

There was a response from the room.

Dr. Ohno pushed the door and entered, and the environment in the room also came into Lin Wen's sight.

After seeing the scene inside, Lin Wen was slightly taken aback. Inside, it turned out to be a small laboratory!

In the corner of the cabin, on a large screen, there is a picture of a meteorite, surrounded by data analysis of this aspect.

There were about five or six researchers in white coats in the room. After hearing the door open, they all looked up.

One of them, probably the manager here, looked up to see Dr. Ohno, and said with a slight surprise: "." Dr. Ohno, you are here. "

"Yeah." Dr. Ohno nodded slightly and took a few steps forward.

Lin Wen followed behind.

Lin Wen glanced left and right, and knew it in his heart.

The white coats on the researchers in this room have a chest mark on the left chest, and five small characters of Silver Corporation are written on the bottom. Obviously, this is the researcher of Silver Corporation that Dr. Ohno said.

"How is the situation?" Dr. Ohno glanced at the big screen on the side, and then asked the researcher in front of him.

"The alliance has sent someone to tell the location where the meteorite landed to be guarded." The researcher (Qian Wang's) said: "But we still have to hurry up and set off. I heard that the Rockets also discovered the mysterious meteorite. traces, and plotting in secret."

"Team Rocket!?" Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, these guys are really omnipresent and pervasive.

Silver's researcher glanced at Lin Wen, paused, and then said: "Dr. Ohno, as you know, Team Rocket is not inferior to the Alliance in the scientific research of elf equipment. The research is brilliant, and they also need the mysterious meteorite to make a more powerful pokeball that they can use to control the pixies they've transformed."

The researcher frowned: "The alliance got the news in a hurry, and the protection of mysterious meteorites is probably not perfect. We are accompanying a large number of trainers this time to protect mysterious meteorites.".

Chapter [-] The Meteorite That Was Stolen

"I've heard about the Rockets' idea of ​​hitting meteorites for a long time, so I brought Researcher Yang Yan here. I believe his strength should be able to help you." Dr. Ohno nodded slightly.

Lin Wen listened and finally understood what the many Pokémon trainers he saw outside the cabin were used for.

It turns out... not just the Alliance, but even Team Rocket covets mysterious meteorites.

Think about it, this kind of important material that can make a master ball, I am afraid that any evil force will not give up easily after getting the news, it is a superb item that even a legendary elf can capture.

"Well, how are you preparing now? When can you leave?" Dr. Ohno asked.

"You can leave in a few minutes," the researcher replied.

Then, his curious eyes fell on the Lin tattoo on Dr. Ohno's side, and he asked, "Dr. Ohno... who is this?"

"This is the heart of Yang Yan, researcher Yang Yan." Dr. Oh Ye replied.

"This is Yang Yan researcher?" The Silver researcher's eyes changed when he heard it.

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