Researcher Yang Yan's deeds have long spread throughout the league. As the newly emerged rookie trainer in the league, every major thing he has done is known to everyone.

287 Destroyed the plan of the evil forces by himself. He became extremely powerful in a very short time after his debut. In one fell swoop, he defeated the Eight Great Avenues in the Kanto area and obtained the badge.

Each one is very commendable.

After hearing that this is the Yang Yan researcher who has been in the limelight recently, the Silver researcher took a serious look at Lin Wen, and then praised: "You are really young and promising."

Lin Wen bowed slightly and said, "I've won the prize."

To be honest, he still enjoys the feeling of being licked by NPCs in various ways. Looking at the entire Elf Century, he is the only player who can achieve this level now.

"You can introduce our (bfej) destination to Researcher Yang Yan." Dr. Ohno said suddenly.

Silver's researcher nodded and then introduced it to Lin Wen.

Not long after, with the sound of the whistle, the passenger ship slowly started.

And listening to the introduction of researcher Silver, Lin Wen also had a certain understanding of the landing site of this mysterious meteorite.

This time, their destination is Daikan Island in the Orange Islands!

This time, the place where the mysterious cloud fell is Daikan Island!

After a brief introduction to Lin Wen about their destination this time, Silver's researcher went to the side and concentrated on his research.

Lin Wen came to the window of the laboratory. From here, he could see the situation outside.

The azure blue sea is vast and boundless, and this passenger ship is riding the wind and waves, heading towards the Orange Islands at a very fast speed.

After all, it is a special action ship for the alliance, and it is extremely fast. There are also many alliance staff and accompanying Pokémon trainers on the ship.

Obviously... these trainers are here to protect the mysterious meteorite.

Team Rocket also got news about the mysterious meteorite, which is definitely a piece of information worthy of caution for the Alliance. After all, Team Rocket will definitely have a plan for the mysterious meteorite.


After a period of sailing, the destination of this trip, Daikan Island in the Orange Islands, has finally arrived!

Many researchers on the passenger ship were obviously very excited. After arriving at the port, they quickly got off the ship and rode in the car towards the place where the mysterious meteorite fell.

Their speed is extremely fast, obviously very urgent.

The cloud landing site of the mysterious meteorite is located in the northwest of Daikan Island. After a period of running around, the final destination of this trip has finally arrived!

However, after getting out of the car, looking at the situation in front of him, Lin Wen noticed something was wrong.

Because of the importance of the mysterious meteorite, after discovering the location of the mysterious meteorite, the alliance dispatched nearby personnel as soon as possible, and simply established a base around it to take precautions.

Therefore, living equipment such as field tents can be seen everywhere around the place where this mysterious meteorite fell.

And now... it's obviously a little messy here, I don't know what happened.

On the other end, Dr. Ohno and the researchers of Silver Corporation also connected with the original guards here.

Lin Wen looked over from this side. The two parties did not know what they were talking about. Dr. Oh Ye's expression changed again and again, obviously he had heard very bad news!

what happened?

Lin Wen was puzzled and hurriedly walked towards Dr. Ohye's direction.

When Lin Wen came over, the conversation between Dr. Ohno and the others had ended with the original garrison here. Dr. Ohno's brows were deeply wrinkled together, and there was still residual anger on his face. He didn't know what happened.

"Dr. Ohye, what's wrong?" Lin Wen asked when he walked to his side.

Dr. Ohno turned his head and glanced at Lin Wen, and then said solemnly: "Not long before we came here, the Rockets raided this place and broke through the defense of the Alliance personnel. The mysterious meteorite... has been captured by the Rockets. It was taken!"


Lin Wen was also taken aback. No wonder Dr. Ohno's expression changed so much. This time the biggest target was snatched away by Team Rocket.

Lin Wen also frowned and asked, "Dr. Oh Ye, what should we do next?"

"They have already reported it to the alliance." Dr. Ohno sighed deeply: "It depends on what the alliance will do next."

"But... Team Rocket's trail has always been very secretive, and the Alliance has no specific intelligence information. This mysterious meteorite... I'm afraid." Speaking of this, Dr. Ohno stopped his voice and turned into a long sigh.

Obviously... the mysterious meteorite stolen by Team Rocket has a very small chance of being recovered, and even Dr. Ohno does not report much hope. .

Chapter five hundred and thirteenth return to the hometown

Lin Wen frowned.

He doesn't care too much about the ownership of the mysterious meteorite, because it will definitely be made into a master ball, and whether it is made by the Alliance or the Rockets, the master ball will definitely not reach him. And whether it is a real finished product has to be mentioned twice.

Even if the Rockets use this to make a master ball, a master ball will not necessarily increase the Rockets' strength, because the premise of recovering the elf is to defeat the elf or get the other party's approval, which is obviously not simple. thing.

Especially on the legendary elf with intelligence not lower than that of human beings, it is even more difficult.

Therefore, what he cares more about is... his own mission.

The mysterious meteorite was looted by Team Rocket, which undoubtedly made his mysterious meteorite mission, which had finally progressed, come to a deadlock again.

After all... the most important prop: the mysterious meteorite, has been snatched away, so why continue the mission?It must only end in failure, and with his experience of success all the way down, this kind of failure is destined to not be easily accepted.

Seeing Dr. Oh Ye's dejected expression, Lin Wen quickly thought in his heart, and he had to find a way.

"Have it!"

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