He quickly left here, found an Alliance member who was stationed here before, and asked, "Where did the Rockets flee?"

The guard glanced at Lin Wen and asked casually, "Who are you?"

It can be seen that his protection target was taken away by the Rockets, which made the garrison in a bad mood, and his tone was a little rushed.

"I am the Heart of Yang Yan." Lin Wen replied calmly.

"Heart of Yang Yan?" Hearing the name, the garrison's expression suddenly lit up, and quickly replied: "It turned out to be Researcher Yang Yan, and the Rockets left before heading northeast."

"Northeast?" Lin Wen looked towards the northeast and nodded secretly.

Then... he took out a Poké Ball.

The light flashed, and a huge Poké Ball appeared in place!

The garrison next to him stared dumbfounded at the huge elf that suddenly appeared beside him, his mouth suddenly grew, and he couldn't close it for a long time!

Flash Dragon!

Around here, there are countless Pokémon trainers and Silver researchers, all attracted by the movement here, and looked over.

When they saw the huge figure of the flashing dragon, they all showed shocked expressions!

The huge size of the Flash Dragon is more shocking to the NPC than the players!

Without any hesitation, Lin Wen took out two more Poké Balls, bang bang; with two beeps, two Pokémon appeared on the spot.

Shanaido, Lucario!

These two are among the elves of Linwen, the elves with the ability to track and find!

"Shanaiduo, from now on, your sensing ability must be released at any time!" Lin Wen didn't care about the shocked gazes from the people next to him, and said bluntly: "Once you find a member of Team Rocket, tell me immediately! "

"Yes, Lord Yang Yan." Shanaido responded in the telepathy.

"Lucario." Lin Wen looked at Lucario by his side: "You carefully sense the power of the waveguide here, and use the waveguide to track and track the Rockets!"

"We must do our best to successfully find the Rockets!"

The two elves nodded.

"Okay! Now, let's go!" Lin Wen jumped sensitively and arrived at the Flash Dragon. Because of the need to track, Shanaido and Lucario were also placed outside and jumped up with Lin Wen. the back of the Flash Dragon.

"Flash Dragon, we..."

Before Lin Wen finished speaking, a voice suddenly came from below: "Researcher Yang Yan, where are you going?"

Lin Wen followed the reputation and saw Dr. Ohno's eyes were focused on him below, showing an inquiring look.

"Dr. Ohno, I'm going to find a way to find Team Rocket!" Lin Wen replied, "It's not too late, I'm going now!"

"Flash Dragon, target the northeast, move forward!"

In the next second, the flash dragon rises into the sky!

It unfolded its dragon wings and fanned several times, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

On Daikan Island, only a group of Silver researchers and Pokémon trainers from the Alliance were left.

Dr. Ohno looked at the figure of the flashing dragon gradually disappearing in the sky, he couldn't help shaking his head, and muttered: "This kid... the progress is really big!"


Ride on the Flash Dragon and gallop away in the northeast direction!

It can be said that the only good news at present is that the Rockets have not left for too long, and there is still the possibility of tracking.

"Lucario, did the direction go wrong?" Lin Wen asked Lucario.

Everyone has a different wave guide power, and an elves like Lucario can sense the wave guide power and use it for their own use.


The members of Team Rocket fought the Alliance garrison on Daikan Island, and their waveguides would naturally be left on Daikan Island, so Linwen would let Lucario track them.

Lucario closed his eyes, and after sensing it carefully, he opened his eyes and nodded slightly towards Lin Wen.

"Okay, that's right!" Lin Wen lightly foreheaded, and then instructed: "Little guy, speed up!"


The one who responded to Lin Wen was the roar of the Flashing Dragon. Immediately, Lin Wen felt that the speed suddenly increased again!

The riding speed of the flash dragon is very fast, very fast, the scene below changes, no longer an endless blue ocean, but converted to land.

Lin Wen kept asking Lucario and Shanaido to avoid mistakes in his tracking direction as much as possible.

Soon, Lin Wen was riding a flashing dragon and came to the sky above the Guandu area!

He would follow him to the Guandu area, but Lin Wen didn't wonder once. As an evil force, Team Rocket has certain forces in various areas, but its most important area is the Guandu area!

This can be seen from the fact that the boss of the Rockets, Sakagi, is the gym owner of Joban City in the Kanto area.

As the Flash Dragon advanced, Lin Wen's eyes became slightly subtle. .

Chapter five hundred and fourteenth new base

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