Because... after comparing the map, he found that the direction of the flashing dragon is now passing through the Guandu area and heading towards the Chengdu area!

"Could it be... Team Rocket built the base in the Chengdu area this time?" Lin Wen thought to himself.

This guess will soon be broken!

Just as the Flash Dragon arrived at the junction between the Kanto area and the Joto area, Sanado and Lucario, who had been closing their eyes, opened their eyes almost at the same time.

"Master Yang Yan... I feel that there are human beings below!"

And Lucario's eyes became extremely sharp, and he looked directly down.

"Little guy, stop!"

In the high sky, Lin Wen couldn't see what was going on below, so he quickly commanded the flashing dragon to drop "Seven Seven Three".

With the landing of the flashing dragon, the environment below entered Lin Wen's line of sight. After seeing the surrounding environment clearly, Lin Wen suddenly became extremely stunned!

"Here, here... Isn't this the Capital Waterfall!"

After taking a look at the slightly familiar surroundings, Lin Wen immediately recognized it!

Here, it is exactly the place he came to in order to find Suicune, the Capital Waterfall!

"Could it be... Team Rocket's secret base is here?"

As soon as this thought popped into Lin Wen's mind, he thought of something, and he suddenly realized!

You know, he had met the Rockets' old Osaka Wood here!

However, he thought that the Rockets were preparing to attack Suijun, and he didn't think much about it at all. After that, he went to Hualan City with Suijun to solve the water quality problem. Next, Lin Wen rushed to the Hezhong area. Complete the Leaf Elf's Lord Template Promotion quest.

As for the fact that Boss Sakagi appeared in the capital waterfall, he had long since thrown it aside and forgotten it in the depths of his heart.

Now, after tracking Team Rocket, they came to the Capital Waterfall again, which made Lin Wen recall the incident.

In his heart, he knew that Sakagi had appeared here. Lin Wen was almost certain that there was no mistake in his tracking, and he successfully found the secret base of Team Rocket!

I'm afraid, the mysterious meteorite was brought here by them!

At this moment, the flash dragon landed on the ground.

Lin Wen jumped off it, took out the Poké Ball, and said, "You guys go back first." After that, he put all the Pokémon back into the Poké Ball.

It is speculated that there is a possibility that there is a secret base of the Rockets around the capital waterfall, so who knows if there will be guards of the Rockets around.

Carrying a few elves is too conspicuous, especially for a character like him who has destroyed Team Rocket's plan many times. I am afraid that his elves have long been known by most of the members.

Therefore, in order to temporarily hide himself, Lin Wen put several elves into the poke ball.

Then... he carefully recalled the last time he saw Sakagi here!

I vaguely remember that there was a small hole next to the Ducheng Waterfall, and Sakagi was discovered by him when he came out of there!

That hole!

It is most likely the entrance to Team Rocket's secret base!

Thinking of this, Lin Wen's spirit was shaken, and he hurried towards the capital waterfall.

The place where the flashing dragon landed was still a short distance away from the capital waterfall, but under the running of Lin Wen, he soon came to the side of the capital waterfall.

Compared with the last time I came here, the lake of the capital city below the capital city waterfall is much clearer in color. Obviously, the purification of Suicune has played a great role.

"Where was the last time...?"

He stood beside the waterfall, ignoring the splashing water droplets, and looked carefully.

found it!

Lin Wen's eyes stopped for a while, and stopped at a small hole!

It is very remote, and from the outside, it looks like a gap between several large stones stacked together.

If it wasn't for seeing Boss Sakagi walking out of it with his own eyes last time, I'm afraid Lin Wen would not have thought of this... This is most likely the entrance to the Rockets' secret base!

Without any hesitation, Lin Wen walked directly towards the entrance of the small hole...  

"The Rockets are all rats, right? Almost every secret base is hidden in a cave." Looking at the narrow hole in front of him, Lin Wen couldn't help but complain.

As a character who has destroyed Team Rocket's plans many times, it is not the first time that Lin Wen has come to Team Rocket's secret base, and he has a say in this.

This evil force seems to have a soft spot for all kinds of caves and caves, and just likes to build bases in such places.

Standing in front of the entrance of the cave, Lin Wen observed left and right, and determined that there were no guards from Team Rocket outside. He immediately took out the communication equipment and contacted Dr. Ohno directly.

After the communication device called for a while, Dr. Ohno connected.

"Researcher Yang Yan? Did you find anything?" As soon as the call was connected, Dr. Ohno's voice came over.

At this time, the heart of Yang Yan came to the news. Although he felt that there was little chance in his heart, Dr. Ohno felt that the only possibility was that the heart of Yang Yan had discovered something about Team Rocket's tracking!

Therefore, it will be the first time to ask.

"Dr. Ohye." Lin Wen paused slightly, looked at the hole in front of him, and then said, "I discovered where Team Rocket's secret base is located."

3.4 "What?" On the other end, Dr. Ohno's voice revealed shock, and he quickly asked, "Heart of Yang Yan, are you sure? Did you really discover Team Rocket's secret base?"

"That's right." Lin Wen affirmed: "I can be sure that where I am now is exactly where Team Rocket's secret base is located, and if nothing else happens, the mysterious meteorite should be here now."

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