"Where are you now?" Dr. Ohno asked quickly.

"I am at the junction of Guandu area and Chengdu area, Ducheng Waterfall." Lin Wen replied: "The secret base of Team Rocket is here!"

"Okay." Dr. Ohno's voice revealed a surprise. He had the opportunity to find a mysterious meteorite, which he obviously never thought of. It seems that the choice to bring the Heart of Yang Yan was right. .

Chapter [-] is different from before

"Heart of Yang Yan, you wait there first and monitor the movement of Team Rocket. I will contact the Alliance and send investigators and trainers to attack the secret base of Team Rocket!"

"Okay." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Dr. Ohno hung up the connection of the communication equipment. Obviously, he was very concerned about this matter and was ready to contact the top of the alliance immediately.

Putting away the communication equipment, Lin Wen's eyes fell on the entrance of the cave, hesitating slightly.

He was considering...whether or not to wait for the arrival of the Alliance troops and the Elf Inquisitor.

Although, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements from the alliance will make things more stable, and it will not be easy to have any accidents, but after thinking about it carefully, Lin Wen realized that even if he enters by himself, I am afraid there will be no accidents at this time.

After all... he is no longer the heart of Yang Yan that he used to be!

In the past, when he attacked Team Rocket's secret base, because of his strength, he could only serve as an assistant to assist the Alliance investigators in their missions.

But now that he is 18, he has two powerful and rare lord-level elves, and the other elves are not weak at all, and he has the strength to attack Team Rocket's secret base by one person!

Today is different!

That being the case...

Lin Wen's gaze towards the cave gradually became firmer.

"Well... After entering, check the situation carefully to see if there is a chance to directly take the mysterious meteorite away. If it is found..."

"Then let's fight happily!"

As these thoughts crossed his mind, Lin Wen no longer hesitated, and walked directly into the hole.

The entrance of this cave was initially very narrow and could only be passed by one person, but as it continued to move forward, the roads on both sides gradually widened.

In the end, it directly evolved into the size of the hall!

I have to say that although Team Rocket likes to build secret bases in caves, they are absolutely ready to praise the seriousness of building secret bases.

After entering the cave and walking forty or fifty meters, Lin Wen did not see any members of Team Rocket.

However, the lights erected in the cave told Lin Wen that this was indeed where Team Rocket's secret base was located.

When he came to a corner, he heard a sudden sound from the other side of the corner.

Lin Wen quickly lowered his footsteps, reached the corner, and looked over slightly.

I saw that two members of Team Rocket are talking!

"I heard that they robbed the mysterious meteorite this time, which is very useful." A member of the Rocket team said.

"That's it..." Another member of Team Rocket agreed: "The boss will probably reward them well."

Lin Wen's gaze stayed on the two of them for a while, then jumped his gaze and looked around.

Then... he couldn't help frowning.

Behind these two people, there is a huge white mechanical door, which is obviously the entrance to Team Rocket's secret base!

Other than that, there is nowhere to enter!

Obviously, this secret base of the Rockets, this is the only entrance.

Lin Wen waited for a while. The two members of Team Rocket were still talking and had no plans to leave here. Obviously, they were most likely the gatekeepers specially deployed by Team Rocket here.

"Since that's the case...then there's only a hard way!" Lin Wen flipped his palm over, and a Poké Ball appeared in his hand.


Ye Elf's gorgeous figure appeared beside Lin's tattoo.

Although the sound of summoning an elves was slight, it was particularly harsh in the empty cave. The two members of Team Rocket immediately looked over here and shouted, "Who?"

Ye Elf walked in front of him, Lin Wen followed behind, and walked out slowly.

He glanced at the two members of Team Rocket who were slightly nervous, grinned, and said, "My name is Yang Yanzhi, and I am your enemy!"

The next second, Ye Elf kicked his hind legs and suddenly started sprinting!

The two Team Rocket members reacted quickly, quickly took out the Poké Ball, and prepared to fight!

The light flashed, and two elves appeared in place.

Fire dinosaur, big rock snake!

"Ye Elf, seed bomb!" Lin Wen whispered.

Then, the shocking scene of the other two members of Team Rocket... appeared!

The leaf elf opened its mouth slightly, and the seed bomb emitting a dazzling green light quietly formed.Head straight for the enemy fire dinosaurs and giant rock snakes!

Seed Bomb: A huge amount of wood-based energy is attached to the seed, causing it to explode instantly when it hits the enemy, causing a huge amount of grass damage. The damage is related to the special attack.

In the next second, the seed bomb was already in front of the two elves!

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