Although he is not afraid of fighting, he also hates trouble, and, as the saying goes, there are three caves for cunning rabbits, who knows if there will be other exits from the Rocket Team's secret base?

If the two members of Team Rocket contacted the personnel in the secret base, and the people inside took the mysterious meteorite and ran away from other exits, Lin Wen would have no time to regret it.

Therefore, Lin Wen directly restrained the two members of Team Rocket and let them sleep here for a while.

Looking at the rather mechanically modern gate in front of him, Lin Wen shook his head, secretly glad that the gate did not require any password.

"." It seems... Team Rocket is quite confident about the secrecy of this location. Lin Wen said in his heart, "I just don't know what's going on inside." "

Thinking of this, Lin Wen did not hesitate. Ye Elf had already been released by him, and he was not ready to take it back (Zhao Li's). After all, after entering Team Rocket's secret base, he might encounter a battle at any time!

Simply, let Ye Elf follow him and be ready to fight at any time!

As for other elves, it depends on the specific situation before deciding to play!

Walking to the front of the gate, Lin Wen took two glances and pressed the red switch on the side of the pure white gate.

A slight sound sounded, and the steel door slowly opened from one side.

Lin Wen took a step and walked in directly.

The moment he walked in, the door behind him automatically closed.

Lin Wen glanced back, and then he stopped paying attention and observed the environment in front of him.

In front... is a metal passage, which looks full of post-modern technology. The incandescent lamp above the passage is very bright and the light is slightly dazzling. .

Chapter five hundred and seventeen was discovered

The whole passage is not long, there are several closed doors on both sides, I don't know what is inside.

At this moment, in this passage, there is no one except Lin Wen.

Along the passage corridor, Lin Wen stepped forward and walked forward.

Da da da.The sound of footsteps resounded in the passage.

On the side, Ye Elf followed, but in comparison, its steps were much more graceful, and its four hooves would not make any sound when it stepped on the ground.

In the rooms on both sides, there were no windows except for the door, so Lin Wen could not see the inside of the room.

However, after a little guess, Lin Wen also believed that the mysterious meteorite would definitely not be placed here by the members of Team Rocket.

Because, Lin Wen has already seen from this side that further forward from this passage is the downward stairs, which is obviously the second floor of the Rocket Team's secret base.

This secret base of Team Rocket covers a huge area. I don't know how many floors it is divided into. Judging from this huge space, Team Rocket most likely hollowed out the interior of the mountain below the Capital Waterfall to build it. such a huge base.

Just as Lin Wen was about to reach the entrance of the stairs on the second floor, the sound of the door opening suddenly came from behind him.

Lin Wen looked back and saw that the door of a room in this passage was pushed open, and a researcher in a white coat came out with a document in his hand.

Vaguely, Lin Wen could see the inside of his white coat and the lining of the Rockets uniform.

The Rocket researcher also saw Lin Wen's figure, looked over with astonished eyes, and then turned to look at the door at the other end.

His body froze for two seconds, probably thinking in his brain.

Two seconds later, he suddenly realized that the green ivy suit on Lin's tattoo was not something that Team Rocket would wear, not to mention Ye Elf still following Lin's tattoo, who would put himself in the research base? The spirit summoned?

The next second, he suddenly opened his throat and roared, and the alarm sounded in the base.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Immediately afterwards, the researcher's palm turned over, and a Poké Ball appeared in his hand.

The light flashed, and Ba Dahou, who had been flashing with strange light, had already appeared in place.

"I've been discovered..." Lin Wen twitched the corners of his mouth and didn't care.

Seeing that he was about to go to the second floor to see what the scenery on the second floor of this secret base was like, I didn't expect such a moth to happen, which led to him being discovered.

"But... that doesn't matter." A confident smile appeared on the corner of Lin Wen's mouth.

"Leaf Elf, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

Ba Dahu, who had just been summoned by Team Rocket's researcher, has not recovered, nor has the researcher issued a password, and a series of powerful flying blade knives have already struck in front of him.

Seeing the Flying Leaf Knife attacking in front of him, Ba Dahu panicked and tried to dodge, but he was still hit by most of the blades on his wings.

So... this Ba Dahu, who was just summoned, lost his fighting ability neatly and directly, rolled his eyes, lost his fighting consciousness, and fell to the ground.

The researcher from Team Rocket stared at this scene in a stunned manner and opened his mouth wide, not expecting that the enemy would be so powerful.

As a researcher of Team Rocket, combat is not his specialty at all. The Ba Da Butterfly he cultivated is very different from the lord-level Ye Elf. It is not an accident at all, but an inevitable one. thing!

There were obviously many people in the rooms on both sides of the passage. The hoarse roar of the Rocket Researcher resounded throughout the passage (bidc), and the people on both sides pushed open the door one after another and walked out.

Except for a very small number of people, most of them are wearing white coats, and they are obviously researchers at this base.

After coming out of the room, I saw this scene in front of me.

The arrogant Leaf Elf gracefully stood at one end of the passage, and behind it stood an outsider who could not see clearly.

On the ground, a big butterfly has lost its ability to fight and collapsed on the ground.

People who saw this scene reacted after being stunned for two seconds!

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