"This is the enemy!"

All the elves were summoned in an instant.

As Team Rocket researchers, although they are not very good at commanding elves to fight, most of the elves have been genetically modified by Team Rocket, with powerful attributes and considerable combat power.

Frog grass, mosquito-repellent frog, big tit, eagle, Nidolang, supersonic bat...

A Pokémon from the Kanto area was summoned by researchers on the first floor of Team Rocket's secret base.

Behind Lin Wen is the entrance to the stairs on the second floor of the secret base, but if he enters now, it is estimated that he will be besieged by members of the Rocket Team on the first and second floors.

There are more than a dozen researchers on this floor. At one time, more than a dozen elves filled the entire passage, and all kinds of noisy sounds came.

The elves of Team Rocket stared at Lin Wen and the Leaf Elves.

Ye Elf's golden eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a flash of contempt in his eyes.

"The quantity is quite large..." Lin Wen smacked his tongue: "It's a pity the quality..."

"Ye Elf, use Ye Feng!"

Leaf Storm: The advanced skill of Flying Leaf Knife. It uses sharp leaves to roll up a storm to attack the opponent. It has triple the damage of Flying Leaf Knife. After each use, its own special attack is reduced by 5 points until the end of the battle.

Ye Elf nodded lightly.

In the next second, in the entire passage corridor, countless leaves emitting fluorescent green light appeared!

Towards the other end, the elves of Team Rocket swept away!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

In this slightly narrow corridor, a dozen elves of Team Rocket have long occupied most of the place, and now Ye Fengfeng, which covers an extremely wide area, is attacking, and they don't even have a place to hide!

Can only resist!

And the powerful skills of resisting a lord-level elf, can these elves bear it?

the answer is negative! .

Chapter five hundred and eighteenth layer by layer

With the weakening of Lin Wen's skill bonus, and the king's wind of the leaf elves, under the suppression of the quasi-god, the attributes of this group of elves have been greatly weakened!

Not to mention, their original attributes are vastly different from those of lord-level leaf elves!

That's a huge difference!

Under this circumstance, the powerful Leaf Storm from the Leaf Elf caused a very terrifying effect!

Almost as soon as Ye Fengfeng hit his body, some elves immediately lost their ability to fight, and as Ye Fengfeng continued, in the blink of an eye, the elves summoned by this group of Rocket researchers turned over one after another. White eyes -, no more ability to fight!

With one shot, more than ten elves can be killed in seconds!

For a while, the entire passage was silent!

Lin Wen didn't bother to say anything, but these researchers were simply dumbfounded.

Looking at the group of researchers whose elves had lost their ability to fight, Lin Wen shook his head and asked himself that the group of non-combatants should not have the courage to stop him. With Ye Elf, he turned his head and prepared to move towards the second secret base. Layer progress.

The goal of his trip is the mysterious meteorite, and the mysterious meteorite will definitely not be in the first floor, not to mention, in this capital waterfall, there is a secret base with such a large scale of the Rockets, but it makes Lin Wen a little bit. Curious about the reason for the construction of this secret base.

What is this secret base used for?

Lin Wen's idea was indeed correct. When the elves in their hands lost their ability to fight, these researchers who were not combat personnel really had nothing to do with Lin Wen.

You know, this time the enemy just released an elves. Who knows if he will have other elves with amazing strength?

Seeing Lin Wen walking towards the second floor, all the researchers look at me, I look at you, it feels extremely tricky.

One of the researchers suddenly patted his companion next to him. Seeing that Lin Wen was about to step up the stairs to the second floor below, he turned around and ran towards a room next to him.

In this room, there is a laboratory, and various experimental equipment are placed in a mess, but the researcher's attention is not here at all, and he quickly ran to the side of the laboratory. Here, there is a lightning symbol. red button.

He stretched out his palm and slapped it suddenly!

Just as the filming took place, a buzzing and harsh siren suddenly sounded throughout the base!

Lin Wen had just stepped on the stairs to the second floor when he heard the alarm sound. He was slightly stunned, and then turned around and glanced at the group of Rocket researchers behind him, knowing it in his heart.

It seems... there is an alarm on the first floor...

"But...I'm not what I used to be!"

In response to the harsh warning sound, Lin Wenyun shook his head lightly, his footsteps were firm, he stepped towards the second floor, and continued to walk.

Soldiers will block, water will cover, from the beginning, he has hidden traces, not because he is afraid of facing the Rockets' large army!

For the frontal battle, Lin Wen at this time is fearless!

He went down the stairs and aimed straight at the second floor of the secret base!


The Rocket Team's secret base located at Ducheng Waterfall extends down from the entrance and has three floors in total.

At this time, in the laboratory on the third floor, a group of researchers are doing serious research.

On the side of the laboratory, a figure in a black suit stood proudly!

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