There was firmness and relief in his voice, and this decision was obviously made after deep thought.


The Team Rocket researcher who was concentrating on hearing the voice looked at him in astonishment, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

Boss Sakagi frowned: "Release the latest research product immediately!"

"BOSS." This time the researcher heard clearly, and couldn't help but say: "The latest research product has not been completely completed, and it will be released now. The product may be out of control..."

Even other researchers in the lab couldn't help but look over.

"This is an order!" Boss Sakagi didn't explain, but said firmly.

At the same time, his eyes fell on the nutrition tank on the side of the laboratory.

In the nutrition tank, there is a strange-looking little elf sleeping with his eyes closed.

Its stature is short, and its entire body is about less than half a meter in size. Its whole body is purple-blue, and it is very similar to the legendary elf and dreamlike appearance.

This... is the artificial elf that Team Rocket has been working on for the past three years, Chao Meng!

Pokémon beyond fantasy!

Lin Wen's guess was not wrong. A Rocket Team base of this size naturally has its own special purpose!

This secret base was selected and established three years ago, and it was finally determined under the inaccessible capital waterfall. The function of this base is to study the artificial elves of the Rockets!

And Chaomeng, under the leadership of Sakagi, is the latest product that this base has started to research, the legendary elf in the future!

The members of the entire Rocket Team who know the news have high hopes for this, because if the research is completed and Mewtwo appears in the world, then it will be the highest achievement of the elf gene research technology and artificial elves!

To this end, the boss of Sakagi attaches great importance to this project, and even personally went into battle and oversaw it.

Lin Wen was able to meet Boss Sakagi twice at Ducheng Waterfall, and it was precisely because he supervised the research on Mewtwo that the Rockets attached great importance to Mewtwo!

Hearing the affirmative tone of Boss Sakagi, although the researcher was reluctant, he did not dare to resist the big boss above his head, and quickly controlled the machine.

In the sight of Boss Sakagi, the top cover of the nutrition tank was opened, and the elf inside revealed its figure.

Its eyes were still tightly closed, and it seemed to be still in a deep sleep.

The Rocket researcher on the side handed over a specially-made Poké Ball with both hands, and said, "Boss, this is a Poké Ball specially made for Mewtwo, and it should be able to temporarily order it."

He paused and said: "Because our research on Mewtwo is not complete, it is still in its initial state at this time, and we name this state: the first form of Mewtwo, which probably has the strength of a lord. "

Listening to the researcher's introduction, Boss Sakagi nodded slightly.

After the introduction, Team Rocket researcher looked at Boss Sakagi's face and couldn't help but ask, "Boss, what happened next?".

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Sixth Super Dream Appears

After the initial shock, the Rocket researcher also came back to his senses. Boss Sakagi paid great attention to the research items of this Mewtwo. If something major had not happened, he would never have used Mewtwo, which had not yet been completed!

Boss Sakagi's eyes became cold, and he said coldly, "This is not something you should take care of, just concentrate on your research."

At this moment, the first form of Chaomeng in the nutrition tank suddenly opened his eyes.

It had no emotion in its eyes. After opening its eyes, it got up in a daze, moved its body twice, and then jumped up from the nutrition tank and jumped onto the ground of the laboratory.

"Super dream, here."

Boss Sakagi put on a smile, holding Chaomeng's Poké Ball in one hand, and said pleasantly.

Hearing the voice, Chao Meng's eyes seemed to brighten a little, like a newborn baby seeing its parents, and walked towards Boss Sakagi very obediently.

Looking at Chaomeng approaching in front of him, the corner of Boss Sakagi's mouth was slightly upturned, and he finally showed a satisfied expression, and the gloom in his eyes was frightening.

"Heart of Yang Yan, today is your death..."


The elves of Team Rocket are flooded in front of them, blocking Lin Wen's way forward.

Seeing Boss Sakagi in the Capital Waterfall area again, Lin Wen had a deeper guess in his heart besides wanting to retrieve the mysterious meteorite.

What is this secret base used for?Will Sakagi personally sit here?

Obviously... At present, as long as you defeat the Rocket Team members in front of you and continue to track down, you can get the answer!

Thinking of this, Lin Wen had no plans to spend it with them, and said directly: "Little guy, use the original dragon breath!"

Primal Dragon Breath: Dragon-type active and profound skill, spewing a deadly dragon-type at the enemy, causing huge damage and reducing the opponent's special attack and special defense by 50%. It lasts for three natural days and cools down for ten hours.

As a profound skill, the original dragon breath is extremely powerful!At the same time, it is also a range skill. It has been tried and tested, and it is often able to perform extraordinary feats in battles with one enemy and many enemies!

To deal with the hordes of elves in front of them, in addition to Tianlong Meteor, the original dragon breath is naturally the best choice!

Hearing Lin Wen's instructions, the flashing dragon roared, and the dragon's mouth opened wide!

All the members of Team Rocket saw this scene, and they were on guard. Unlike Ye Elf, the shape of the Flash Dragon is extremely oppressive, and people can feel its power at a glance!

However, they can never imagine what they will face!

In the next second, the powerful original dragon breath swept out and swept in!

The elf summoned by Team Rocket didn't have time to dodge, and was contaminated by the original dragon breath, and whimpered in pain. Under the powerful attributes of the Flash Dragon, he lost his fighting consciousness almost instantly!No fighting ability!

With one blow, all the spirits of Team Rocket are destroyed!

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