This is not the first time this scene has appeared!

As a powerful skill with a very long cooling time, the power of the original dragon breath is obvious to all. Every time it appears, it is a scene of destruction!

This is true when facing the player, and the same is true when facing Team Rocket's NPCs!

The powerful strength of the light purple level brings the crushing of the battle!

After the original dragon breath, the ground is full of unconscious elves, a mess!

The members of Team Rocket will never have the chance to stop Lin Wen!

It was like walking in a leisurely court, the shining dragon was in front, the ice elf and the leaf elf followed, and Lin Wen walked towards the third staircase!

The members of Team Rocket, their elves have lost their ability to fight, they can no longer have the courage to block, and there is no way to stop Lin Wen's pace!

Stepping on, Lin Wen and the three elves came to the third floor of the secret base.

Here is the last layer!

Lin Wen recalled everything from when he entered here, and suddenly felt like he was playing a game.

The first level, the second level, the third level!

"I just don't know, even the boss Sakagi was repelled by me, so who will be the guarding boss of the third level"?" Lin Wen thought to himself.

By now, he has come here. As long as he completely defeats the enemy inside, the mysterious meteorite can naturally be snatched back.

One person single-handedly picked the Rockets' secret base. This credit is absolutely huge in the alliance, and it is estimated that there are many benefits from the alliance!Moreover, there are also many prestige rewards.

The third floor of the secret base has a huge area. It can be seen that Team Rocket paid great attention to the construction here. The buildings are arranged in an orderly manner and are very spacious.

Lin Wen took a step, went down the stairs, and was about to walk forward when suddenly there were footsteps on the opposite side.

He paused, and the elves beside him also stopped.

Then, a familiar figure walked over from the front.

Lin Wen squinted slightly: "." Boss Sakagi! "

The one who appeared here turned out to be the boss Sakagi who had escaped directly on the second floor before!

"Boss Sakagi, do you still want to stop me?" Lin Wen shook his head slightly and said, "Although you ran away directly before, everyone knows that you have lost the battle between us."

Boss Sakagi showed an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth, and said meaningfully: "Really?"

After he finished speaking, he clapped (Qian Zhao's) hands and said, "Come here."

Very slight footsteps sounded.

Lin Wen's ears moved!

His eyes looked straight ahead.

The first time he saw it, Lin Wen's eyes suddenly solidified, and he stared blankly at the figure walking slowly, that was a elf, that was a purple-blue elf, that was a Just like a dreamy elf!

Lin Wen's eyes instantly widened, and he murmured in disbelief, "This is... Super Dream?"

"Oh?" It seemed that he heard Lin Wen's voice, and Boss Sakagi frowned: "Researcher Yang Yan, you actually know Chaomeng?"

do not know?How could it not know! !

As a loyal player of Elf Century, Lin Wen naturally understands the background of Elf Century, especially this invincible artificial Pokémon! .

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Seventh Expansion Open

Chaomeng, the future legendary elf, in the original work, it is said that it is a Pokémon cloned through the DNA of dreams, it is said that it has power beyond the legendary elves and dreams!

At the very beginning, it was owned by the boss of Sakagi, and even once served as a guard elf in a gym in Vibrant City, which attracted countless trainers to bow down.

In the back, it was directly out of the control of the Rockets and became independent.

Its strength is very strong, it is definitely the strongest body among the artificial elves, and its combat power is unmatched!

And now... Mewtwo has been researched by Team Rocket?

Moreover, the intimate performance with Boss Sakagi just now, is it actually under the control of Boss Sakagi?

Lin Wen almost subconsciously had the intention to retreat. After the battle between Ye Elf and Kyurem, Lin Wen had already clearly understood the strength of the Legendary Elf, which was absolutely unmatched!In this case, it is not a very mature idea to fight with Mewtwo, which is controlled by the boss of Sakagi.

However... 757... At this moment, Lin Wen suddenly realized that something was wrong.

His eyes fell on Chao Meng, and he carefully looked at Chao Meng on the side of Boss Sakagi, and an idea suddenly popped up in his heart.

"This super dream... why is it so short?"

Chaomeng is a Pokémon that was born out of a dream, but Chaomeng's body is much taller than that of a dream, and now, Chaomeng, who is following Boss Sakagi's side, is only about half a meter in height, and he is completely a dwarf. It's just the same as the legendary elves, the height of the dream is about the same!

That's weird!

An idea suddenly popped into Lin Wen's heart.

Could it be... This Chaos Dream is not a complete body yet?

A series of messages in his heart were connected together, causing him to make all kinds of guesses!And getting more and more certain!

Why does Mr. Sakagi appear at the capital waterfall many times?

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