Even, even this time, Lin Wen followed the mysterious meteorite, and even met Boss Sakagi in the secret base of Team Rocket.

You must know that as the big boss of Team Rocket, Boss Sakagi has to deal with a lot of things every day. In this case, he even met Lin Wen when he came to Ducheng Waterfall twice.

This is obviously no coincidence!

Because, this proves that Boss Sakagi is very likely to be resident in this secret base!

After thinking of this slightly malnourished Chao Meng before now, a guess appeared in front of Lin Wen.

"Is it possible that this secret base is used by the Rockets to study Chaomeng?"

"When I was on the second floor before, Sakagi fought against me, but I didn't use Mewtwo, but now I use it, obviously! Because he found that the elf in his hand was not my opponent, so he had to release the elf that has not been thoroughly studied. The completed super dream, let's do the last fight!"

"This can also explain why the Chao Meng in front of him is actually a small one!"

One by one guesses appeared in Lin Wen's mind!

I have to say that Lin Wen was able to get into this world in the elf century, and his brain was indeed very active. He even guessed things closely!

Guessing this in his heart, Lin Wen immediately hesitated.

If it was the full version of Mewtwo, he would naturally turn around and run away without saying a word. After all, he was just looking for abuse by himself. Lin Wen didn't have this habit.

But now, the Mewtwo in front of me is obviously not fully developed (bgec), and its strength is definitely not as terrifying as I imagined, so... do you have to run directly?

Lin Wen hesitated in his heart.

"I am definitely not an opponent of a legendary elf with complete strength, so it is obviously not a elf in its heyday, and I am not an opponent? Lin Wen thought to himself.

You must know that his current elf team can definitely be called very luxurious!

Flash fast dragon, leaf elves, two lord-level elves, powerful attributes and strong strength!All are good at fighting!

In addition, he also has a quasi-god-level ice elf, as well as the nine tails of Alola!

Not to mention, there is also a fairy girl Shanaido with a high special attack value and a powerful attack ability!

This is a perfect lineup that can still be called luxurious in the hands of any player, even a powerful NPC!

In this case, in the face of a super dream whose strength is definitely not in its heyday, is it to retire?Is it war?

Just as Lin Wen was thinking, three consecutive system announcements suddenly sounded, interrupting his thoughts.

"Ding Dong, due to the private action of the player Yang Yanxin, the legendary elf Mewtwo appeared in advance. The Quartz Plateau expansion piece - Mewtwo's Counterattack is officially open, and the future fairy Mewtwo will come to the Elf world!"

"Ding Dong, due to the private action of the player Yang Yanxin, the legendary elf Mewtwo appeared in advance. The Quartz Plateau expansion piece - Mewtwo's Counterattack is officially open, and the future fairy Mewtwo will come to the Elf world!"

"Ding Dong, due to the private action of the player Yang Yanxin, the legendary elf Mewtwo appeared in advance. The Quartz Plateau expansion piece - Mewtwo's Counterattack is officially open, and the future fairy Mewtwo will come to the Elf world!"

The system announcement lasted three times in total!

Then... the whole elf world boiled!

Super dream... strikes!

Not every player is the same as Lin Wen. He can see Seagod Lugia when he was extremely weak, and then he has seen the huge fast dragon of Dragon Sanctuary, Kyurem of Arrow Cart Forest, legendary level. The elves have seen a lot, and their knowledge is extraordinary!

For ordinary players, since the opening of Elf Century, the top elves of their own, that is, the boss-level elf who have been cultivated hard after they are caught, have never seen a lord-level elf hair, let alone a higher level. The legendary elf, that really can only be imagined in a dream!

Before, in the game, there was no information about the beasts, so although countless players coveted and dreamed about the beasts, there was still no way!

And now, the first legendary elf has finally officially appeared! .

Chapter five hundred and twentieth eight full server turmoil


Every player who is familiar with the world of elves will not be unfamiliar with legendary elves!

And the player who made it appear is also a name that everyone is familiar with!

"Heart of Yang Yan!"

This name has been circulating among the majority of players in recent times!

After hearing that the opening of this expansion was because of the Heart of Yang Yan, the majority of players had a feeling of being a matter of course!

Of course!

If any player has opened the documentary, I am afraid that the majority of players will think that this guy can open the expansion, but I can't open it?

But on the long-renowned Yang Yanzhi, all these doubts disappeared.

For the Great God Yang Yan, who can rewrite the result of a guild battle with one enemy and 60 points, what kind of thing does that count as opening an expansion?

Take it easy!

Of course, many players also complained about this system announcement.

What is it: Because of the private action of the player's Heart of Yang Yan!

What the hell is this!

A player's private action can actually lead to a legendary elf and a beast. Who can tell me what this guy is doing!

Simply unimaginable!

The appearance of the expansion pack in the Quartz region involves legendary elves. After the announcement came out, it immediately attracted the attention of other regions, even foreign regions!

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