Chao Meng's face was expressionless, and not hitting the enemy had no effect on its mentality. With a wave of its right hand, the psychic ball condensed again.

one, two, three...

Very relaxed, this time, more than one psychic ball appeared in the sky!

But a full five!

Lin Wen couldn't help but groan!

Are you kidding me?

The power of one mind power ball is so huge, five mind power balls, wouldn't that kill people?

Chao Meng was suspended in mid-air, the super shield on his body flickered, and above its head, five psychic power balls lined up in a row, staring at the elves below.

Lin Wen's heart was full, and he no longer hesitated, and said, "Flashing fast dragon, use the leader of the army!"

Leader of Ten Thousand Armies: Lord-level skills, double the effect of all related skills, immune to 50% of the attacks of Tongxi Elf, increase all attributes by 15%, gain 15 additional fixed attributes for each upgrade, and have a high probability to order the same Elf To perform a service, use it for a certain period of time.

The lord-level skills of the flash dragon, the leader of the army!


In the dragon cave, and when fighting against the three major guilds, this skill played a great role, especially the command effect, which caused confusion in the enemy camp!

Of course, there is no dragon-type elf that can be used in this Rocket Team's secret base for the Flash Dragon to fight. However, the powerful bonus ability of the leader of the army alone has increased the strength of the Flash Dragon by one level. Floor!

"Flash Dragon, use... Tianlong Meteor!"

Lin Wen's order came out!

In the battle on the upper floor, in order to clean up Team Rocket's blocking personnel, Lin Wen had ordered the Flash Dragon to use the original dragon breath. Now it has entered a ten-hour cooldown, and there is no way to use it.

The most powerful skill is only the Dragon Meteor!

Moreover, the power of the Dragon Meteor has been further enhanced with the doubling of the skills of the same lineage of the leader of the army!

Just after Lin Wen's order was issued, the five-shot mind power ball condensed by Chaomeng finally moved!

I saw that like five (bidd) stars in a row, five psychic power balls came straight towards Ye Elf!

"Want to attack Ye Elf?"

Lin Wen's eyes flashed, and in its view, Chaomeng was undoubtedly looking for the wrong object.

Ye Elf's posture is very agile and the speed is very fast. Now, with the bonus of the moving forest, its attributes have been greatly improved, and the speed has been doubled. Although the speed is not slow, it definitely takes a lot of effort to hit the flexible Leaf Spirit!

"Ye Elf, be careful to avoid the attack of the psychic ball!" Lin Wen calmly said.

Ye Elf lightly forehead, golden eyes full of seriousness, facing the incoming psychic ball, performing the most perfect dodge!

The five psychic balls were initially arranged side by side in a row, like a five-star streak, and attacked the Ye Elf, but in the process of moving towards the Ye Elf, the positions of the five psychic balls kept changing, as if under the control of Chaomeng, trying to Looking for the most perfect attack angle, to seek the dead end of the leaf elves!


The first mind ball, come first!

Ye Elf made a quick jump and flashed past the psychic ball. The psychic ball slammed into the ground and blasted out a deep spherical pit!

At the same time, just as Ye Elf was in midair, the second psychic ball struck again!

The green figure bent into a strange angle, very elegant, and the psychic ball almost rubbed the body dangerously.

Then, the Leaf Elf fell to the ground.

It kept moving and was highly nervous. The moment it fell to the ground, it seemed to flash away from its side.

With the speed bonus of the moving forest, the body is almost invisible to the naked eye.


The Psychic Ball is empty again!

The fourth psychic ball followed closely, but was still avoided by Ye Elf's agile figure.

Chaomeng, suspended in mid-air, squinted imperceptibly, its eyes turned to Ye Elf, and their eyes suddenly radiated light.

When an invisible force struck, Ye Elf, who was about to avoid the fifth psychic ball, gave an indiscernible meal, and his speed slowed down a bit.

In the next second, the Psychic Power Ball followed closely and slammed onto Ye Elf's body fiercely!

"Ye Elf!" Lin Wen shouted!

And behind Mewtwo, the boss Sakagi, who leisurely acted as a passer-by at the beginning of the battle, had a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The power of can you understand it?"

Secret power!

Secret Power: The powerful power hidden in Mewtwo's body uses special energy to attack the enemy. Depending on the place of use, the additional effect of this move will also vary. (Skills that use the terrain to counterattack, use in the cave may make the pixie, retreat, reduce the attack, reduce the speed, etc.)

After several psychic balls were swiftly dodged by Ye Elf, Chao Meng used his second skill!

Team Rocket's secret base, built in the mountains of Ducheng Waterfall, is exactly the cave environment, and it acts on Ye Elf, triggering the effect of speed reduction!

It's like a sports car driving at [-] mph and suddenly being forced to slow down to [-]!

In this case, Ye Elf couldn't deal with the reaction in time, and fell into a panic. Then, Ye Elf, who couldn't dodge in time, was bombarded by the psychic ball!

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