After the psychic ball hit Ye Elf, it exploded violently!

The powerful psychic power swept the surrounding area, and Ye Elf suffered a lot of damage!

"Ye Elf, are you alright!" Lin Wen shouted with concern.

When the power of thought power dissipated, Lin Wen finally breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Ye Elf who was still standing here, proud and unyielding.

At the same time, he secretly sighed that he underestimated Ye Elf.

After being promoted to the lord level elf, the attributes of the leaf elf have undergone earth-shaking changes and are much stronger than before!Now, under the bonus of the moving forest, all attributes have been significantly improved. .

The five hundred and thirtieth chapters are constantly moving

When fighting in the forest environment, the leaf elves may be recovering their stamina every moment!

Under such circumstances, how could it be defeated by Mewtwo, who is not in a perfect state at present, with a psychic power ball?

After confirming that Ye Elf was fine, Lin Wen's eyes focused on Chao Meng again.

The speed of the Leaf Elf and the Psychic Power Ball is extremely fast, and in this case, the rapid battle between them is only a moment's effort.

And at this time... the Dragon Meteor, which has received the bonus of the leader of the army, the flashing dragon... finally charged up ~ complete!

The secret base of the Rockets is in a cave, and the light inside is provided by various lights.

At this time, the third floor of this secret base, in the sky, seems to have opened a passage to another world!

In the dark sky above, huge meteorites congealed quietly!

Dragon Meteor!

Or the Dragon Meteor that has been doubled by the leader of Wanjun!

Powerful, can't imagine!

Boss Sakagi also noticed this. He had never spoken and felt the power of this skill, so he couldn't help but said, "Super dream, is it alright?"

Mewtwo, who was suspended in mid-air, did not answer, just raised his head and forgot a glance at the sky, then withdrew his gaze and landed on the flashing dragon who released his skills.

This made Lin Wen couldn't help but frown slightly. Chaomeng seemed to not care about Tianlong Meteor... Could it be that such a powerful attack can't cause damage to it?

What a joke!

The next second, the meteorite crashed down!

Immediately afterwards, a situation that made Lin Wen stunned appeared!

With the addition of the Wanjun leader, the meteorites that appeared in the sky at this time, large and small, were as many as hundreds!

Just looking at it is terrifying!

However, after they crashed, Mewtwo, who was at the center of Tianlong Meteor's skills, began to move!

Like a walk in a leisurely garden, the meteorite that fell quickly was evaded by Chao Meng.

It's true that the power is powerful, but the premise... you have to be able to hit!

The enemies that Lin Wen used to use Tianlong Meteor to face were players. With such a powerful skill, when the meteorites were dense and fell quickly, the speed was too late to dodge.

And as long as you eat a skill, you will basically lose your combat ability and declare GG.

However... Now Chao Meng's performance has undoubtedly taught Lin Wen another lesson.

You must know that the incomplete body Chaomeng at this time is a little guy only half a meter tall. In this case, coupled with its powerful attributes and elusive speed, it is simply not easy to avoid the Tianlong meteor!

And when it encounters a meteorite that cannot be avoided, the psychic ball quickly condenses and rushes forward!

In the face of powerful super power, no meteorite needs a second attack!


Lin Wen never thought that Tianlong Meteor would have such a simple solution.

Of course, it's easy to say, but what can really be done requires very high attributes and agile movements.

The super shield on Chaomeng is flickering, and anyone can see it. As long as there is another attack, the shield will be broken, but there is no meteorite that can attack it. Threats were easily evaded by Chao Meng.

Lin Wen was even thinking... In fact, Chao Meng could completely dodge the previous round of his elf's skills, but because of the existence of the super shield, it simply did not dodge and chose hard resistance.

Effortlessly dodging the meteorites in the Dragon Meteor, Chao Meng raised his right hand, and the super power condensed again!

The sharp blade is condensed and formed!

Mental Blade!

Spiritual Blade: Mewtwo transforms psychic power into a blade, inflicting powerful physical damage to the opponent.

Holding a sharp blade, Chao Meng's figure flashed past, and when he reappeared, he had already advanced a lot, and he was getting closer and closer to the Flash Dragon!

Seeing Chaomeng coming quickly, Lin Wen frowned and shouted, "Ye Elf, Vine Whip! Find a way to trap Chaomeng!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

"Xanaduo, use psychic power!"

"Ice Elf, use the frost aura! Slow down Mewtwo!"

Frost Aura: A rare skill that can only be obtained by the ice-type Pokémon with special talents, it can emit a powerful frost aura when it comes out, reducing the movement speed of all nearby Pokémon except the ice-type Pokémon by 30%. Inflict an additional ice-based special attack damage related to the special attack attribute value once every five seconds, and the effect of sunny days is halved.

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