"What? Researcher Yang Yan actually broke in?"

"Alone? You're really brave, as expected of a Yang Yan researcher who has a great reputation recently. If you accidentally get caught, you don't know what will happen, please."

Some researchers couldn't help but said, "Researcher Yang Yan, since you have discovered Team Rocket's secret base, wouldn't it be good to wait for reinforcements from the Alliance? Wouldn't it be terrifying if you broke in alone?"

"Team Rocket has time to transfer, it's entirely the result of your rash actions!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were focused on Lin's tattoo, ready to see how he answered!

This is indeed the case. Although individual heroism is admired by many people, everything must depend on the outcome.

After Lin Wen discovered Team Rocket's secret base, instead of waiting for reinforcements from the Alliance, he rushed in alone.

If he can really overturn the secret base of the Rockets by himself, it would be a heroic deed of course, and it will be rumored for a while, 213 But now, it is obvious that he did not do it!

On the contrary, it was a surprise, giving the Rockets a chance to transfer.

This is undoubtedly his own behavior that led to the Rockets' escape, and he returned here after fleeing.

Lin Wen's gaze stayed on the researcher who said this for a while, then shook his head and smiled: "To be honest, I don't think there is any difference between the alliance team and me going alone."

"The result will be the same. If you can't stop the Rockets, you can only let them go."

The researcher who spoke earlier frowned and said coldly, "Researcher Yang Yan, are you too confident in your own strength?"

Lin Wen just glanced at him without much expression.

Then he said seriously: "This researcher, I just want to ask you, can the Alliance send a team that can defeat the legendary elf at once?"

Lin Wen said a word, and the air fell into a strange silence.

Everyone around was thinking about the meaning of what Lin Wen said.

Dr. Ohno sucked in a breath of cold air and asked, "Researcher Yang Yan, you mean a legendary elves? Team Rocket has a legendary elves?".

Chapter five hundred and forty-one man-made legendary level

"That's right." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

He glanced at the researcher who had spoken earlier, and the other party was also in shock because of the legendary elves in Lin Wen's words.

"Since I dare to break into Team Rocket's secret base alone, I naturally have an absolute grasp of my strength."

Lin Wen said lightly: "You have seen it before, and you all know that I have a lord-level flash dragon, which is powerful, so now I can tell you that in addition to the flash dragon, I also have a lord. Level elf!"

Two lord-level elves!

The researchers were dumbfounded.

The rarity of the lord-level elves, that is the powerful combat power that countless kings and even champions yearn for!

And the Yang Yan researcher in front of him actually already has two.

This undoubtedly proves his power!

Thinking of the recent news about Lin Wen, a group of researchers couldn't help but guess, this Yang Yan researcher's combat power at this time is probably comparable to that of the king!

A trainer who defeated the Eighth Avenue in the Guandu area, after such a long time, his strength must have undergone earth-shaking changes, and he must be much stronger!

"This time, I broke into Team Rocket's secret base, and it started very smoothly." Lin Wen recounted: "I also said before that this base of Team Rocket is divided into three floors, and I hit the third floor all the way. "

"I don't know how many members and cadres of the Rockets who were defeated during this period." Lin Wen paused and said, "Even when Sakagi directed his genetically modified elf to fight against me, I was successfully dealt with by me!"

Sakagi!Team Rocket's big boss!

Former Joban City Gym Owner!

Now, in the battle with Researcher Yang Yan, he has also been solved!

If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. Only when the strength of the enemy becomes stronger can one's own strength be revealed.

So... how strong is this Yang Yan researcher now?

A group of researchers did not believe what Lin Wen said. As a rookie trainer whose reputation has grown recently, there is no need for Yang Yanzhi to lie about this kind of thing, because strength is the best proof of everything, if everything It's all blown out, it's naturally a mirror, and it will be defeated in future battles.At that time, facing him, it is an endless crusade.

Lin Wen's narrative continued.

"After defeating Sakagi, I thought that breaking into Team Rocket's secret base this time would be very smooth and successfully recapture the mysterious meteorite...〃ˇ..."

As the topic of Lin Wen deepened, the attention of the researchers was completely attracted, and they listened carefully.

Even the researcher who had questioned whether Lin Wen was too confident was listening attentively at this time, because Lin Wen mentioned the legendary elves earlier!

Now, from Lin Wen's mouth, he even defeated Team Rocket's big boss, Boss Sakagi, which caused him to fail. Now, it is obvious that only the legendary elf is returning here!

What kind of spirit is it?

"Until I came to the third floor." Lin Wen said slowly.

"The third floor of this secret base should be the most important place for the Rockets. There are many laboratories, and there are many new machines with different uses."

"Here, I once again met the boss Sakagi who fled after fighting me before!"

Lin Wen's voice stopped.

"Researcher Yang Yan, what's next?" A researcher couldn't help but ask.

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