These researchers are devoted to the study of elves, and their combat power is not outstanding, so they have more respect for the strong.

The story of Lin Wen's single-handed intrusion into Team Rocket's base clearly attracted them.

Moreover, everyone here knows that the news of Yang Yan's heart defeating the boss of Sakagi spreads, and it is estimated that he will be completely famous!Because he defeated Team Rocket's big boss, it undoubtedly proved Yang Yan's heart. Researcher Yang Yan, a trainer who has just debuted, already has the combat power of a heavenly king!

"Next, Sakagi brought out a new elf."

Lin Wen didn't directly say what the elf was, instead he said, "I just realized that this secret base of Team Rocket turned out to be the base they used to study artificial elf!"

"Artificial elf?" Dr. Ohno frowned sharply: "Did Team Rocket really embark on this path!"

"That's right!" Lin Wen nodded lightly: "Not only that, they have also made substantial progress!"

".ˇ The elf that I fought against is the latest product developed by Team Rocket, the artificial elf!" Lin Wen said solemnly.

"Wait..." Dr. Ohno couldn't help interrupting when he heard this: "You just said... There are legendary elves in Team Rocket's secret base. Could it be, could it be..."

Speaking of this, Dr. Ohno couldn't help but be shocked: "Could it be that... Team Rocket actually created a legendary elf?"

Suddenly, the researchers gathered around were in an uproar!

"Team Rocket can actually make a legendary elf?"

"That's a legendary elf! It's extremely rare! I don't usually see one!"

"And every legendary elf is very powerful!"

After that, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Wen, waiting for his reply.

Lin Wen nodded slowly as everyone watched (remarkable).

"It turned out to be true?"

"Has Team Rocket's research reached this level!"

Ignoring the whispering researchers, Lin Wen continued, "This legendary elf made by Team Rocket is called Chao Meng!"

"It is said that the DNA of the dream was extracted and made, and the name Super Dream is to show the ambition of the Rockets and make it surpass the dream!"

"Super dream..." Dr. Ohno murmured.

"The current state of this Super Dream is not perfect." Lin Wen said, "Because of my sudden intrusion into Team Rocket, I almost cleaned up the secret base of Team Rocket by myself. For this reason, Sakagi had to return Mewtwo, which was not perfect, was released ahead of time."

"The current Mewtwo is not perfect?" Dr. Ohno and the others suddenly came to their senses. .

Chapter [-]: The Origin of the Elf Alliance

Everyone knows the power of the legendary elf, and the Rockets have successfully produced a legendary elf, which will undoubtedly become the number one enemy of the alliance. Now hearing that this legendary elf is not perfect, everyone immediately makes everyone wonder. Energized.

"That's right. For example, Chaomeng is a little malnourished now." Lin Wen thought of the dwarf-like Chaomeng in his mind: "Because it was taken out by Sakagi for battle too early, it has not yet developed to the perfection. At that moment. The combat power has been reduced."

A group of researchers are somewhat fortunate.

"That's okay..." Someone couldn't help but say.

Lin Wen looked around for a week: "But you shouldn't underestimate Chaomeng's combat power because of this!"

Dr. Ohno thought of a certain point in his mind and asked, "Researcher Yang Yan, have you fought with this Chaos dream?"

Lin Wen nodded lightly: "Because I found out that the state of this Chao Meng is not perfect, and its combat power is not at its peak, so after careful consideration, I did not just because the other party is a legendary elf. Immediately retreat, but summon spirits and prepare for a battle with Mewtwo." 213

"The result of the battle is..." Dr. Ohno had a guess in his heart, but he couldn't help but ask.

"I lost." Lin Wen spread out his hands: "I summoned my four elves, the flashing dragon, the leaf elves, Shanaido, and the ice elves, but in the battle with Chaomeng, I was suppressed all the way. , even... After the battle, when I evacuated from Team Rocket's secret base, Mewtwo was only broken by the super shield, and hardly suffered any damage!"


There was a sound of cold air all around!

"This super dream is so powerful?"

A group of researchers originally held Lin Wen’s narrative. He single-handedly broke into the Rockets’ secret base, defeated many opponents by himself, and successfully defeated the Rockets’ big boss. After Sakagi’s boss, he had already developed a feeling of admiration for Lin Wen.

After all... powerful heroes are respected by everyone.

And with such a record, Yang Yan researcher, there is no doubt that he already has the combat power of the king!Strength out (bibb) crowd!

But it is such a powerful Yang Yan researcher, when facing Chao Meng, he is at a disadvantage in the whole process... The most terrifying thing is that there is almost no damage to Chao Meng!

This is so scary!

As the saying goes, rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry. On the weak side, after being stressed, they can often burst out with more violent power!

The Heart of Yang Yan is not a rabbit, he has the power of a king, comparable to a tiger!

But... in the face of Mewtwo, there was nothing to do, and even after a battle ended, it just broke Mewtwo's super shield, causing almost no substantial damage to Mewtwo itself.

This gap... how big is it?

Fellow researchers, you look at me, and I look at you.

This super dream... how strong is it?

can not imagine!

The researcher who asked whether Lin Wen was too confident before said apologetically after being shocked, "I'm sorry, Researcher Yang Yan, I apologize to you for my previous remarks."

After listening to Lin Wen describe everything, he had already thought about everything.

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