The Alliance sent the troops to clean up Team Rocket's secret base, and at best they were led by elite trainers. You must know that the Heavenly Kings in every region have a lot of things to deal with every day.Attacking Team Rocket's secret base may not even send the King of Heaven to accompany him!

In this case, the Heart of Yang Yan, which has the power of the king, is probably stronger than the team that the alliance will send!

However, he was still ruthlessly defeated by Chao Meng.

I am afraid that even if the team sent by the alliance arrives, there is no way to face such a legendary Mewtwo!

For this matter, the heart of Yang Yan cannot be blamed at all, because no one can do better than him. He broke into Team Rocket's secret base alone, raped countless enemies, and even defeated Team Rocket's big boss, Sakagi in one fell swoop!

It can only be said that time is also fate. Team Rocket's research has made great progress, and they have successfully researched the legendary elf Mewtwo.

Otherwise... This battle of Yang Yan researcher breaking into the Rocket Team's secret base alone is very likely to become his battle of fame!

As the leader of the Rockets, Sakagi's strength cannot be easily defeated by anyone!

At this point... Lin Wen has completely recounted the experience of his trip.

Dr. Ohno clicked his tongue slightly with emotion, and then said solemnly: "This news must be notified to the Alliance immediately."

Lin Wen nodded lightly.

Immediately, Dr. Ohno put on a sighing expression and said, "I didn't expect... Team Rocket has finally embarked on this road, this taboo road."

"The forbidden path?" Lin Wen was slightly puzzled.

"That's right." Dr. Oh Ye nodded his bullet, saw Lin Wen's doubts, and explained: "As early as when the cloned elves came out, artificial elves were absolutely taboo in the Alliance, and research was not allowed."

Speaking of this, Dr. Ohno paused: "Researcher Yang Yan, have you ever learned about the origin of the Elf Alliance?"

"The origin of the Elf Alliance?" Lin Wen was slightly stunned when he heard this. He really didn't know much about it.

He immediately shook his head and said, "I really don't know that."

He is just a player. Although he has a certain understanding of the background of elves in the elves, he really does not know much about the origin of the largest force in the entire elves world, the elves alliance.

"The Elf Alliance was initially established hundreds of years ago." Dr. Ohno, as a research doctor in the Kanto region, naturally understood these things very well and explained slowly.

He glanced at Lin Wen, and then said: "The Elf Alliance is not an organization created by pure humans, but a huge organization created by humans and elves together to create a world where humans and elves coexist!"

"Create together with the elves?" Lin Wen was slightly stunned, a guess emerged in his mind, and he couldn't help but ask, "Could it be...".

The five hundred and fortieth chapters are convinced Lingfeng

"That's right." Dr. Ohno seemed to understand Lin Wen's guess and nodded: "It is the legendary elf who signed the contract with the alliance!",

"Behind the elf alliance, there are many kind and lawful legendary elves hiding in the dark, such as the Three Holy Beasts, Lugia, Hoo, etc..."

"They, together with countless powerful elf trainers, constitute the most precious strength of the alliance!"

Lin Wen was slightly shocked,

Thinking about it carefully, although it is unexpected, ~ but it is reasonable.

The elf alliance can develop into the largest force in the entire elf world. Naturally, it has a very deep background. It is completely impossible to achieve by this elf trainer alone.

But when the alliance is backed by many legendary elves who are high above, as the background, it is not too much to become the most powerful force in the elves world!

After all, Lin Wen already knew about the power of the legendary elf!

Only with the help of these legendary elves from the good and lawful camp can the Elf Alliance reach its present step by step and become the largest force in the entire Elf world, with its sphere of influence covering all regions of the Elf world.

"Sakagi, as the former Vibani City gym owner, is naturally very clear about this." Dr. Ohno narrowed his eyes: "His Rocket team dared to develop such a powerful biological weapon, which is undoubtedly a blessing to the Alliance. The toughest resistance!"

"It's also a disrespect to countless elves, and it's a remorse for the contracts signed between elves and humans hundreds of years ago!"

Speaking of this, Dr. Ohno also brought some anger in his tone. After calming his mind, he said, "Researcher Yang Yan, wait a moment, I'm reporting like a high-level alliance."

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

Now that Team Rocket has successfully researched the legendary Elf Mewtwo, how much has their overall combat power improved by one level?High-end combat power is what every faction desperately needs!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen obviously couldn't deal a devastating blow to Team Rocket with his own abilities. After involving the legendary elves, he could only start a huge alliance to deal with Team Rocket, whose strength had skyrocketed. !

Dr. Ohno turned around and went to the communication equipment, contacted the senior staff of the alliance, and all the researchers also dispersed.

Lin Wen wanted to wait for Dr. Ohye to finish his report, but who knew that at this time, he received a call from Lingfeng, the president of Lingxi Guild.

Lin Wen decisively connected the call.

"Brother Yang Yan."

As soon as the call was connected, Ling Feng's familiar voice came over: "You really are not idle all the time, and there is another big news!"

Hearing this, Lin Wen shook his head and smiled, and said casually, "The big news is right, I'm afraid I'll get a hornet's nest."

He naturally knew what the big news that Ling Feng was talking about was just to say that he actually triggered the appearance of a new expansion.

As a player, making a legendary elf appear in advance and triggering a new expansion piece is definitely a very incredible thing.

Hearing Lin Wen's indifferent tone, Ling Feng on the other end of the communication device couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly: "Brother Yang Yan, sigh, it's true that people are more dead than people, and they have to be thrown away."

As the president of Lingxi Guild, now Lingxi Guild has included Guandu, Chengdu, and two major regions, but compared with this Yang Yan Xin, he is really inferior, not at the same level at all.

At the beginning of the game, after seeing Lin Wen accidentally get the hidden quest, Ling Feng never thought that he would be able to get to the present step by step.

Totally unimaginable!

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