In a certain forest, the cute night cat heard the system announcement, looked at Nianmei Yier who had successfully evolved beside him, and narrowed his eyes.

"Brother Yang Yan... he really can do things."

After seeing the new Rocket Team annihilation mission that appeared on the mission panel, Lin Wen didn't hesitate and clicked to receive it.

For him... the task limit is almost equivalent to no, and he already has the power of the king, so it is more than enough to participate in this kind of task.

This involved world missions in various regions, which undoubtedly let Lin Wen know the determination of the alliance, and also made Lin Wen full of confidence in the next mission.

At this moment, Dr. Ohno's voice came: "Researcher Yang Yan, I learned from the call with the alliance just now that the alliance's elf investigators, prosecutors, and the kings of various regions will arrive in the Kanto region tomorrow. ."

"It's up to you to decide where you want to go for the rest of the day."

"Well, I understand." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

In this world-class large-scale mission, there must be a lot of small missions involved, dividing the entire Rocket Team annihilation battle into countless station areas!

The alliance's attack on Team Rocket this time is not a big deal, and it even has a world-class wanted power. You must know that Team Rocket, as the biggest evil force in the Kanto region, most of its members are rooted in the Kanto region, but other regions, There are also divisions of Team Rocket, but the strength of those divisions is much weaker than that of Team Rocket in the Kanto region.

The league issued a world-class mission, no doubt wanting to uproot the entire Rockets.

It is clear that starting from tomorrow, I am afraid that I will be busy with the Rockets for a long time in the future. Lin Wen took a deep breath, and is not ready to go out to search for the next time, but is ready to wait for the alliance team. Come, and then decide how to act.

Players in the entire elf world were attracted by this world announcement and became excited!

At the same time, the major media that are always concerned about the Elf world have also begun to report on the annihilation of Team Rocket.

Even in the forum, there are countless detailed analyses of this "Mewtwo's Counterattack" expansion pack and world-class large-scale missions.

For a time, all players acted!


There is no airtight wall in the world, let alone such a large-scale mission that spreads all over the world.

Among the players in the Guandu area, in addition to the players from the alliance camp, there are many players from the Rocket camp.


They didn't receive any information about the mission, but the commotion was so loud that as long as they paid a little attention, they would find traces.

After figuring out what happened on the forums and various channels, these players were dumbfounded.

It turned out to be a global mission for Team Rocket!

To be honest, after these players joined the Rockets camp, they had a pretty good time. After all, as an evil force, they did not have as many restrictions as the Alliance camp, and they could do whatever they wanted.

Moreover, as the strongest evil force in the Kanto region, the Rockets have a profound background and are no worse than the Alliance in most aspects.

But now... the alliance is actually ready to attack Team Rocket, and it is also going on at the same time in the entire elf world, trying to wipe out Team Rocket.

This suddenly made these Rockets villains feel flustered!

Although it's cool to be in Team Rocket, it doesn't mean that these players don't know the strength of the Elf League!

The Elf Alliance is a huge force covering all major regions, and its comprehensive strength is definitely the most powerful in the Elf Century!

In contrast, the Rockets can only be called the largest organization in the Kanto region! .

Five hundred and fortieth chapters to find the thigh

The difference between the two is not big.

Now, the Elf Alliance is preparing to attack Team Rocket, and the result of Team Rocket... can even be imagined.

Many of Team Rocket's villain players thought sadly that, under the crushing power of the Alliance, even Team Rocket might not be able to turn a corner and would be completely defeated, and they would be removed from the Elf World from now on.

Usually, these players, as members of Team Rocket, do not have many restrictions. It can be said that all bad things have been done. Now that the Elf Alliance is ready to launch an all-out attack on Team Rocket, they suddenly have a feeling that it is not unreported, and the time has not yet come.

It's alright now... the usual bad things have been done, and the retribution has arrived.

The sentiment, intensified after a thread on the forum appeared.

"Reward unknown?Do not!Players who beat Team Rocket earn points, which can be exchanged for rewards in the Alliance Store after the mission is over! 》

The mission released by the Elf League: Team Rocket Destruction, the reward is unknown, and this post obviously explains the reward of this large-scale mission.

"The landlord personally experienced that after taking the quest, he defeated a player from Team Rocket and got two points from him!"

"And the role of points is that after this large-scale mission is over, items can be exchanged in the alliance store, and players with the top points can get additional rewards!"

After this post was up, all the players in the alliance went crazy!

Originally, the villain players of the evil forces of Team Rocket were not popular, but now that they can get points by defeating the players of Team Rocket, it undoubtedly aroused everyone's fighting spirit!

Players from countless alliance camps, crazy looking for players of Team Rocket!

This makes the Rockets players miserable!Players from the alliance camp must crush them in numbers, and their strength is not necessarily weaker.

In addition, many players have speculated more things from this post!

Since points are exchanged for rewards, and there is even a leaderboard for points, there is obviously not only one way to get points!

In addition to defeating the players of the Rockets camp, the way to get points one by one has also been experimentally or speculated by the players of the alliance camp.

Defeat Team Rocket NPCs!

Exploring to Team Rocket Base!

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