Destroy the Rockets base!

Etc., etc……

With the wisdom and efforts of countless players, the scoring method of this large-scale mission has not been used for a long time, and everyone has been thoroughly touched!


In his short free time, Lin Wen has also been watching the forum and other sources.

After he figured out that the mission was to exchange points for rewards, he was not in a hurry at all.

Defeating a player from the Rockets faction only has two points, and he... is not very attractive.

Although all the alliance players can't wait, frantically looking for the Rockets camp players to improve their points, but for the current Lin Wen, if you want to do it, it must be a big ticket!It is no longer in line with his identity habits.

After all, now he is a researcher Yang Yan who has a heavenly king-level combat power and is very famous among NPCs!

For the current Lin Wen, the biggest difference between him and ordinary players is his high prestige and strength!

For many ordinary players, the current Heavenly King-level NPCs, the middle and high-level characters of the Elf Alliance, are still out of reach, and it is difficult to talk to each other.

But for the Yang Yan researcher who is now in the alliance, all this is not a problem. He can even chat and laugh with the king, and many members of the Elf Alliance will show respect when they see him.

All of this is due to strength and prestige.

Lin Wen, who has the power of the king of heaven, even though his debut time is very short, but the people in the alliance no longer regard him as a rookie trainer!

What's the best way to get the most out of such a large quest in the elven world?

Naturally, follow the NPC action!No matter where you hold your thighs, it's really dripping!

No matter what kind of online game, before the players really rose, the real high-end tasks in the game were performed by NPCs, and the current players' combat power was not enough to support high-end battles.

And participating in high-end battles, the points that can be obtained will obviously be a very considerable number, all of which are to accelerate the growth of players and let them experience the fun of the game.

Therefore... Watching the players from the Alliance camp frantically looking for players from the Rocket camp to fight, Lin Wen didn't panic, taking advantage of this rare free time to take a good rest, waiting for the arrival of the alliance team tomorrow!

The current battle between players is, after all, just a small fight.

Only tomorrow will it be time for the curtain to open!


In the Guandu area, near Hualan City, in a hidden cave.

A secret base for Team Rocket is located here.

This is a small research base, which is one of the many bases of the Rocket Team, and has a high-level cadre of the Rocket Team, Lambda.

At this time, he was supervising a group of rocket researchers to concentrate on their research.

 (What? Li Zhao) At this moment, outside the laboratory, a member of Team Rocket ran in with a face full of panic: "."Lord Lambda!Lambda-sama 々 "!"

He was sweating, his voice full of urgency, and he didn't know what was going on.

Even when he ran not far in front of Lambda, his footsteps suddenly stumbled and he almost fell to the ground.

Such a big movement alarmed many researchers in the laboratory, and they all turned their attention to it.

Lambda's brows instantly wrinkled, and he said coldly, "What happened? So urgent?"

"Lord Lambda!" The Rocket member steadied his body, and his tone also revealed panic and fear: "I just got the news... Alliance, Elf Alliance."

"The Elf Alliance?" Lambda's eyes narrowed: "What happened to the Elf Alliance?".

Chapter [-] Crazy Rockets

"The alliance is ready to fight against our Rockets!" The Rockets member finally understood what he said, and then added: "The Elf Alliance has issued a wanted order for the Rockets all over the world, and I have received news that the alliance's The Prosecutor's Unit, the Heavenly King trainers from various regions have begun to gather..."

Speaking of this, the Rockets member's tone was a bit bitter: "The's us!"

Although Team Rocket reigned supreme in the Guandu area, when they really fought against the most powerful force in the elf world, the elf alliance, it was clear at a glance who was stronger and who was weaker.

This is something that every Rockets member has in mind.

"What?" Lambda was shocked, frowning: "How come? Why is the alliance suddenly ready to attack us?"

The Rocket team member lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I heard that it is because Boss Sakagi has successfully developed a legendary elf, which has attracted the attention of the elf alliance! They think that the artificial elf is completely out of the ordinary. The limit of what can be tolerated, so get ready to attack our Rockets!"

"How could this be?" Lambda's mind was full of various thoughts, very confusing.

The legendary 713 elf - the appearance of Chao Meng.As one of the top cadres of Team Rocket, he is naturally very clear, and he was even excited in his heart. After all, with the legendary elf in charge, the strength of Team Rocket will undoubtedly increase a lot.

But now...because of Mewtwo, it has attracted the attention of the alliance, and even wanted to annihilate them in one fell swoop!

Even if there is the existence of the legendary fairy Mewtwo, can it really resist the attack of the alliance?

As one of the top cadres of the Rockets, he naturally has a certain understanding of the alliance's heritage.

But the more you understand, the more desperate you become. The alliance is absolutely beyond imagination. When this behemoth really wants to make up his mind to deal with the Rockets, the future of the Rockets can be said to have fallen into darkness and the future is worrying.

"Pick up Boss Sakagi for me!"

After a lot of thoughts flashed through his mind, Lambda yelled at the correspondent on the side.

"Yes." The correspondent shrank his head when he heard the words, not daring to offend Lambda, who was obviously not in the right mood, and agreed.

Just as he was about to connect with Boss Sakagi's call, he saw a figure suddenly appear on the big screen in front of him!

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