Upon seeing this, he hurriedly shouted towards Lambda: "Lord Lambda, the holographic projection of Sakagi BOSS has arrived!"

"What?" Hearing this, Lambda's expression changed, and he hurried to the screen.

On the screen, the figure of Boss Sakagi stood proudly, and beside him, a small elf floated in the air with indifferent eyes.

Lambda's eyes shrank, of course he knew this elf, it was Team Rocket's most powerful combat force, the legendary elf, Chao Meng!

At the same time, not only the secret base where Lambda is located, but Sakagi's figure appeared on the computer screens used for communication in all the secret bases of the Rockets.

In the face of the upcoming huge offensive of the Elf Alliance, Sakagi, as the boss of the Rockets, obviously can't ignore it, and finally shows up!

All the members of Team Rocket, at this time, focused their attention on Sakagi, waiting for their boss's words!

At this time, the Rockets' morale was very low because they got the news that the Elf Alliance was about to attack in a big way.

Obviously... as the boss of the Rockets, no one is more suitable for this position than Sakagi!

This is a one-sided projection, and there is no communication between the two parties. Sakagi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he slowly opened his mouth.

"I already know about the alliance." Boss Sakagi said slowly (bifh).

His palm was placed on Chao Meng's shoulder by his side, and his eyes were sharp: "But what I want to say is... Rockets, fearless!"

"We already have the legendary elf combat power." Sakagi's eyes were full of madness: "With the help of the legendary elf, our Rockets will usher in a period of rapid development!"

"At a time like this, even the Elf Alliance can't stop our Rockets from moving forward!"

"Whoever dares to stop it, then destroy it!"

Boss Sakagi's eyes were full of bewitchment: "Since the alliance dares to hinder our Rockets, let's start a war with them!"

"In the dictionary of the Rockets, there is never two words to admit defeat!"

"No matter how powerful the Elf Alliance is, what is it? You know, this is the Guandu area! And our Rockets are the most powerful underground force here! We have to win this war!"

Boss Sakagi's voice became louder and louder, and his tone revealed madness and ambition!

"What's more, now we have successfully researched Super Dream!"

"Legendary elf!"

"Its combat power is far beyond the imagination of others! It will contribute a huge force to the development of our Rockets!"

Among the countless secret bases, there are countless members of Team Rocket looking at the big boss Sakagi on the screen, and the blood... gradually heats up.

"Since the Elf Alliance dares to hinder us, let them know that the bone of our Rockets is not easy to chew! It will make them break their teeth!" At the end, Boss Sakagi's eyes turned cold.

"I officially announce here that the Rockets will fully respond to the offensive of the Elf Alliance and fight them to the end! Let the Alliance know the strength of our Rockets!"

He turned around, leaving only the backs of countless Rockets members, followed by Mewtwo.

"The winner of this war...will be the Rockets."

Then, the screen goes dark, and the call ends here.

In the countless Rocket bases in the Kanto area, the atmosphere fell silent for a while.

Then, an extremely passionate voice came out!

"Fight with the people from the alliance!"

"The Rockets have nothing to fear!"

"What about the alliance? If you dare to interfere with us, then kill them all and rob them all!"

I have to say that, as the big boss of Team Rocket, Sakagi's control over people's hearts has reached a state of perfection, and within a few words, he has stirred up the emotions of the members of Team Rocket who were somewhat decadent. .

Chapter five hundred and forty-eight to the quartz plateau

For a time, the entire Rocket team was boiling with fighting spirit, and in the face of the upcoming big battle, there was no longer the slightest fear!

Come fight, who is afraid of whom?

Just after Boss Sakagi's speech ended, every player in Team Rocket's camp also received a mission!

Mission: Defend the Alliance of Elves.

Introduction: The Elf League will launch a fierce all-round offensive against the Rockets. As a member of the Rockets, it is their duty to help the Rockets survive this crisis.

Goal: Protect 50% of the Rocket bases in the Kanto area from being breached

Difficulty: SS level

Requirement: Rockets faction player

mission rewards:

Each time you defeat an alliance faction player, you will get 5 points.

Every time you defeat an ordinary NPC of the alliance faction, you will get 10 points.

Every time you defeat an Alliance faction prosecutor, you will get 30 points as a reward.

Every time you defeat an Alliance faction Inquisitor, you will get 50 points as a reward.

Every time you defeat an alliance faction king, you will get 300 points reward.

After the mission is over, you can use the points to redeem rewards at Team Rocket.

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