"Flash Dragon, come out."

The light flashed, and the huge body of the Flash Dragon appeared in place.

At the moment when the Flash Dragon appeared, the eyes of the surrounding players and NPCs were passed over, and exclamations sounded.

"Fuck! It's the Great God of Yang Yan!"

"God Yangyan is actually here?"

"Yesterday, I saw the Great God Yang Yan entered Dr. Ohye's research institute, but I didn't expect to come out overnight. It's a fraud!"

"The new expansion piece this time was opened by the Great God Yang Yan! If it weren't for him, this world mission would not have appeared!"

"God Yang Yan, where is "Seven Zero Zero" going?"

"I still have to think, it must be the Quartz Plateau! The system just announced it!"

To this day, perhaps Lin Wen's face is not known to all players, but as Lin Wen's most famous elf, the appearance of the Flash Dragon, almost all players have seen it.

Either you have seen it with your own eyes, or you have seen pictures and videos about the Flash Dragon.

And the appearance of the flashing dragon is really unforgettable when you look at it.

Not to mention the huge body, just say that the skin color is completely different from other fast dragons, the first time people see it, it will be unforgettable!

It can be said that the Flash Dragon has become a symbol of Lin Wen. Looking at the entire elf world, there is only such a Flash Dragon, and when it appears, it means that its owner, the Heart of Yang Yan, has also appeared.

Not caring about the curious eyes of the players around, Lin Wen directly climbed onto the back of the Flash Dragon and said, "The Flash Dragon, the target Quartz Plateau, let's go!"

In the next second, the flash dragon rose into the sky and galloped away in the direction of the Quartz Plateau!

The flashing dragon quickly rose into the sky, with clouds on both sides, Lin Wen closed his eyes, closed his eyes and rested.


At the same time, it is unknown how many players are heading towards the Quartz Plateau at the same time.

They were either riding in spirits or in vehicles.

Team Rocket's annihilation war, as a world-class large-scale mission, will naturally include many small missions. Obviously, the Quartz Plateau selected by the Elf Alliance as the gathering point is such a place to release the mission.

For this kind of large-scale mission that covers the whole world, all players do not want to miss it, so they have to speed up their journey.

Among them, the mission release point in the Guandu and Chengdu area is naturally the Quartz Plateau, while the mission release points in other areas are different.

As a large-scale force, Team Rocket has its own branches in various regions, but its strength is far from the headquarters, but it is better than nothing, giving players from other regions the opportunity to participate in missions.

As the main location of the new expansion, players in the Guandu area eat meat, and players in other regions also drink soup.

Of course... Because there are no restrictions between regions, many people who are unwilling to mingle in the local region and have dreams have also set off for the Kanto region.

After all, as the headquarters of the Rockets in the Guandu area, the Rockets have the most rampant forces here, and similarly, the chances of getting benefits here are even greater!

No one wants to miss this opportunity.

Lin Wen flew towards the Quartz Plateau while riding the Flash Dragon, and lowered his altitude from time to time. After checking the situation below, he saw countless players heading to the Quartz Plateau!

This world-class large-scale mission is undoubtedly a prosperous world for players!

With the addition of riders, the speed of the flash dragon was very fast, and it didn't take long before it came to the sky above the quartz plateau.

Looking around, there are already a lot of NPCs and players gathered below, and the environment is very noisy.

"Little guy, let's land." Lin Wen whispered.

After hearing the system announcement, countless players consciously set out towards the Quartz Plateau, and many of them were very close to the Quartz Plateau.

In contrast, although Lin Wen's flashing speed is very fast, Joban City is indeed far away from the Quartz Plateau, so when Lin Wen came here, there were already many players on the Quartz Plateau. ........

There are also many NPCs and investigators who come here.

As soon as the huge flashing dragon appeared on the stage, it attracted a wave of eyeballs!

"It's the Great God of Yang Yan!"

"Heart of Yang Yan, he also came to the Quartz Plateau!"

"Fuck, the Flash Dragon is so handsome!"

I have to say that even if the Flash Dragon doesn't mention its strength, it is definitely a very cool mount, and it will attract countless attention wherever it goes.

Under everyone's attention, Lin Wen found an open area on the quartz plateau and slowly descended.

The surrounding players kept their eyes on him.

At this time, the most famous person among the players is definitely the heart of Yang Yan, especially, the opener of this expansion is also the heart of Yang Yan!

This made every player couldn't help but take a second look, wanting to see how the Heart of Yang Yan was different from them, and could be so cheating.

After falling to the ground, Lin Wen took out the Poke Ball and took the Flash Dragon back.

At this time, the number of NPCs and players on the Quartz Plateau is still increasing, and no one knows how many people will come here in the end, and the huge body of the Flash Dragon is too much of a hindrance for 2.7 here, so I have to put it first. It's put away.

After putting away the Flash Dragon, Lin Wen didn't move, just stayed where he was, preparing to wait for the alliance's personnel to arrive and officially start the attack on Team Rocket.

The surrounding players responded with curious eyes.

At this moment, a person wearing an alliance uniform suddenly walked slowly to the front of Lin's tattoo.

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