"Researcher Yang Yan." He said softly.

"Huh?" Lin Wen looked at him: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Kona King invites you to come over." The staff member said, pointing his right in another direction.

Lin Wen followed and looked over, only to see the ice king in the Guandu area. Ke Na was looking at him. After seeing his gaze, Ke Na showed a kind smile. .

Chapter [-]: Heavenly Kings Gather

This powerful queen has fiery red hair, a T-shirt on the top, a short skirt on the bottom, big white legs exposed outside, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, which looks like a royal sister.

"Kona..." Lin Wen murmured softly, then looked at the staff on the side, and said, "I'll go over here."

Then, in the direction of Kona, Lin Wen walked over.

There are many players around who have been watching Lin Wen, and when they see this scene, they can't help but feel full of emotion.

"People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away!"

"How bad is the Great God Yangyan? Even the King of Heaven invited him!"

"Kona, Sister Yu... resentment."

Soon, Lin Wen came to Kona's side.

As the king of the Guandu area, she has a detached status. At this time, she is on a high platform on the Quartz Plateau, and she has an overview of the whole situation.

Thanks to her, Lin Wen is here now.

After walking on the high platform, most of the 18 scenes of the Quartz Plateau can be seen. Lin Wen glanced at him, then looked at Kona, and said, "Kona King, hello."

Ke Na looked at Lin Wen with interested eyes, and smiled when he heard the words: "Researcher Yang Yan, hello."

"About your deeds, I've admired it for a long time."

To be praised by a heavenly king, Rao Shilin Wen was also a little flattered, and said modestly, "You have won the prize."

Hearing this, Kona shook his head: "Researcher Yang Yan, I never thought that the rookie trainer who wanted to conquer the ice elves would grow to such a level in such a short period of time."

There was emotion in Kona's tone. Obviously, Lin Wen's growth was beyond his expectations.

In my impression, this Yang Yan researcher was a rookie trainer who wanted to conquer the ice elves before, but in a blink of an eye, he became a powerhouse with heavenly king-level strength that could be tied with her!

Even stronger than her!Certainly, even if it is Kona, there is no absolute certainty that the boss of the Rockets will be defeated, Sakagi!

"It's not good to be too modest, Researcher Yang Yan." Kona laughed: "Your latest record, the news that you broke into the Rockets single-handedly and defeated the Rockets' old Osakagi, has spread throughout the league. , you already have the combat power of the Heavenly King, which is also a fact that everyone recognizes."

Speaking of which... Ke Na laughed at himself: "The rise of newcomers is really fast, maybe it won't be long before I can retire."

"Also, don't call me Heavenly King." Ke Na smiled charmingly and rolled his eyes at Lin Wen: "Just call me sister."

"Ugh..." Lin Wen really didn't know how to answer this topic, and immediately changed the topic and said, "Kena King..." Seeing the look in the eyes of Ke Na, Lin Wen quickly changed his words: "Sister Ke Na...others Where's the King of Heaven? Haven't they arrived yet?"

Hearing this, Kona also restrained his smile and showed a serious look: "This mission involves many regions. The Rockets have strongholds in many regions, and the king of each region will take action."

"And the champion sits at the rear."

"We are in the Guandu area, you also know it." Ke Na glanced at Lin Wen: "There is no champion, and the Dutian Wang is sitting in the Guandu area. As for the people who will come to the Quartz Plateau and participate in the battle this time, except me In addition, there are the Heavenly King Sheba from the Chengdu area, and the Heavenly King Kazuki from the Chengdu area."

"Sheba and Kazuki?"

The information of these two heavenly kings appeared in Lin Wen's mind.

Shiba is the king of fighting in the Chengdu area, a Pokémon who is good at fighting and is powerful.

And Kazuki is the super power king of the Chengdu area!The strength is very strong.

These two Heavenly Kings and Kona are among the Heavenly Kings, and their combat power is also quite strong. It can be seen that the Alliance attaches great importance to this mission.

But Lin Wen was still a little puzzled, and asked, "Kenatian...sister, are you the only three heavenly kings coming to the battle? Could it be a little less?"

"Three heavenly kings are not enough?" Ke Na obviously didn't expect Lin Wen to ask such a question, rolled his eyes, and then said, "Even if we are not enough, isn't there still you! Researcher Yang Yan."

"Even if the three of us are not enough, isn't there still you!"

Speaking of which...how can it be so comforting!

To be praised by a Heavenly King-level trainer is a very cool thing, not to mention that this Heavenly King-level trainer is still a beautiful woman, a mature royal sister!

Lin Wen's heart flashed darkly, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but put on a smile.

Kona's meaning, obviously, has regarded Lin Wen as an existence of the same level as them.

This means that his prestige and strength have been recognized by the Heavenly King-level trainers, and they are regarded as the existence of the same level.

Ke Na has said such words. If he thinks that the King of Heaven is not enough, then he thinks that he is weak, so Lin Wen nodded slightly and said, "Indeed, the battle strength of the King of Heaven is enough to 350."

"But..." Lin Wen frowned slightly: "What about Chaomeng? Compared with the information I brought back, you already know that Team Rocket successfully produced a legendary elf, Chaomeng."

Lin Wen's brows furrowed a little tighter: "I don't know if Dr. Ohno has told you the specific situation of my battle, I can be very responsible to confirm that in my battle with Chaomeng, I fell behind the whole process. , and basically did no effective damage to it."

"The strength of this Chao Meng... but it is very powerful."

Hearing this, Kona also frowned, and then said: "The alliance should have a way to deal with this."

Lin Wen wanted to say more, when he heard Kona shouting, "The King Kazuki from the Chengdu area is here."

Lin Wen quickly followed the sound and looked over.

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