Ke Na, who had had an encounter with Yang Yan, immediately said, "Researcher Yang Yan, this Investigator Your Excellency seems to have something to do with you? If so, it's okay to go."

"That's right, maybe this investigator is looking for you for something urgent." Kazuki nodded lightly next to him.

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded apologetically, and then walked towards the direction of the Yulong Key.

On the way towards Yulongjian, Lin Wen couldn't help recalling the first meeting with Yulongjian in his mind.

That was Lin Wen's first encounter with a mission involving the Rocket Team's secret base!And it was still at the beginning of the game, when his strength was extremely limited.

Of course... that is, from that time on, Lin Wen embarked on a road of no return to sabotage the Rockets' plan, and became the recorded enemy of the Rockets!

No one thought of this!

After a little recollection, Lin Wen thought of the original scene.

I remember, at the very beginning, the investigating officer of the Yulong family was dismissive of himself. As a rookie trainer who had never successfully challenged any gym, he was in this high-eyed Yulong family. In front of the Dragon Clan Inspector, he is a small character who can be easily ignored.

Lin Wen exhaled.

Fortunately... Back then, Ye Elf evolved in battle and became the Ye Elf King in one fell swoop, so he finally fought for a breath in front of this member of the Yulong family, and successfully defeated his tyrannical carp dragon, finally in the mission occupy a certain dominant position.

As for now...

There was a funny light in Lin Wen's eyes, but he wanted to see what attitude the investigating officer of the Yulong family would have towards him. .

Chapter five hundred and fiftieth chapters are not what they used to be

After all, he is no longer the rookie trainer, Researcher Yang Yan, that anyone could easily ignore.

After Yulongjian called out to researcher Yang Yan, he stopped in place and looked at Lin Wen who came over in a daze.

As the Alliance's Elf Inspector, and he has been doing the task of the biggest evil force in the Guandu area, Team Rocket, this time the Alliance's expedition against Team Rocket is naturally indispensable.

The reason why Yulongjian will come to look for Lin Wen is because when the Yulong family was stationed, the contemporary patriarch of the Yulong family said that when they came to the Quartz Plateau, they could look for Yangyan researchers in the Guandu area, and help each other to complete the task together. Task!

Because, this Yang Yan researcher is already an ally recognized by the senior members of the Yulong family!

Yulongjian never thought that the heart of Yang Yan, who had some potential wisdom behind him, could reach this level at such a fast speed!

No one could have predicted this!

When he met Lin Wen for the first time, this Yang Yan researcher was still a rookie trainer who had never been challenged by a gym.

But when we meet again, the eight gymnasiums have already completed their challenges, and they have also successfully qualified for the regional competition, making rapid progress.

more important……

Yulongjian was silent.

When Lin Wen completed the Yulong Trial and was invited by the Yulong Elder, when he went to the Yulong Family, the Inspector of the Yulong Family was on a mission outside, so he did not get the news about Lin Wen in the first place. .

But after he completed the task and returned to the Yulong family, because the guardian spirit elves were involved, the matter of Lin Wen had been passed on in the Yulong family for a long time. Believe.

No one could have imagined that the little researcher who used to be a little researcher has grown to this point now.

And yesterday, because I got the news that I was going to gather at the Quartz Plateau, and I was instructed by the owner of the house, Yulongjian deliberately checked the recent events through the Yulong family's news channel.

Regarding the matter involving the legendary elf Kyurem in the Hezhong area, because no outsiders have seen it, even the Yulong family has no information, but in the capital waterfall area, Lin Wen alone broke into the Rocket Team secret base and defeated many rockets. The team members even defeated the Rockets boss Sakagi, and almost overturned the deeds of the entire base by himself, but it has long been spread among the top of the alliance!

Yulongjian asked himself, facing the leader of the Rockets, Sakagi, I am afraid there is no chance of winning.

This shows the terrifying heart of Yang Yan from the side.

Before he knew it, that little researcher had grown to the point where all the investigators of his alliance needed to look up!

The world is ever-changing.

Just as many thoughts flashed in Yulongjian's mind and his mind changed rapidly, Lin Wen finally came to him.

Seeing the somewhat stunned look of Yulongjian, Lin Wen smiled slightly and said, "Dragonian Inquisitor?"


Once interrupted by Lin Wen, Yulongjian snapped back to his senses.

After seeing that it was Lin Wen, Yulongjian smiled apologetically: "Sorry, Researcher Yang Yan, I was thinking about something just now and didn't notice that you came here."

Of course he wouldn't tell Lin Wen, all he was thinking about was about him!

Lin Wen shook his head indifferently, but he noticed the tone of Yulongjian in his heart.

He even spoke to himself with apology.

You must know that the last time the Yulong Inspector with eyes above the top in memory was not like this.

This made Lin Wen couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It really is a change in strength! In the face of people who are stronger than yourself, even if you put on a high profile, the other party has nothing to do. Who calls you weak?"

"But when facing someone who is stronger than you, even if you are a member of Yulong, you have to bow your head. After all, the other party is weaker than you, you pretend to be a cheater, but when the other party is stronger than you At times, if you are still pretending to be in front of the other party, then you have become an SB!"

Yulongjian didn't guess what thoughts flashed in Lin Wen's mind, he looked at Lin Wen twice with a slightly emotional look, and then said: "Researcher Yang Yan, the Patriarch once asked me before I set off. , let me come to you when I come to the Quartz Plateau."

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After Yulongjian finished speaking, he pointed behind him and saw nearly a hundred NPC trainers gathered in the place he pointed.

"That's the team of our Yulong family. If researcher Yang Yan encounters difficulties in this battle, you can contact us at any time. We will come to assist."

"Of course..." Speaking of this, Yulongjian's tone was a little bit twitchy. It seemed that the next topic made him a little embarrassed. After hesitating for a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "Patriarch has instructed, I hope Researcher Yang Yan When our Yulong family team is in trouble, we can also help."

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