
The Royal Dragon family...

In Lin Wen's mind, Yu Longdu's indifferent face, and his father, the scheming look of the contemporary Yulong Patriarch, passed through his mind.

To be honest, after the Yulong Trial was over and he was invited to the Yulong Family Residence, after the first contact, Lin Wen's impression of the Yulong Family was not very good.

After all... the top forces in this city's capital area showed a little less energy, and they tried to find a way to take back the Flash Dragon from their own hands.

But now, the contact has gradually deepened, and Lin Wen's perception of the Yulong family has gradually recovered a lot.

After saying the suggestion of becoming an ally with himself, he is also fulfilling the duty of an ally, and after he asks for help, he does his best to help.

As the Patriarch of such a big force, how many things do you have to deal with every day?But when he came to the door for help, he did not send himself to a subordinate casually, but took the initiative to ask for help, which can be seen from here.

It can only be said that the Yulong family, as a city area, can be called the No. 1 force in addition to the elf alliance. Naturally, there are many dark sides, but there are also many bright sides! .

Chapter [-]: Leader of the Royal Dragon Family

Only in this way can you sit firmly in your position and inherit it for a long time without being shaken at all.

After Yulongjian finished speaking, his eyes fixed on Lin Wen.

His heart was very arrogant, and he didn't want to say such words of help, but after seeing Lin Wen's record, even with the arrogance of Yulongjian, he had to admit that this Yang Yan researcher, the current strength It is indeed bigger than him!

As the biggest evil force in the Guandu area, Team Rocket will inevitably have many trump cards. As the saying goes, a dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and a rabbit bites someone in a hurry. Under the powerful offensive of the Elf Alliance, the Rocket is born at a disadvantage. The team will inevitably explode!

Even the Yulong family didn't dare to say that they firmly settled on the Rockets.

In this case, the "Two Four Three" Heavenly King of the Yulong Family, who was sitting in the Guandu area again, did not come to participate in the war. Naturally, the Yulong Family wanted to find a powerful trainer for shelter.

It stands to reason that Kazuki, Sheba, and the two heavenly kings in the Chengdu area are all considered by the Yulong family. After all, one is the most powerful force in the Chengdu area, and the other two are the heavenly kings in the Chengdu area. , Yulong family and their relationship is relatively close.

Even the other Heavenly King in this battle, Kona, and the Dutian King of the Yulong Family are also the four Heavenly Kings in the Guandu area and have a certain connection, so they can also come to seek help.

However, after Lin Wen's latest battle data was obtained by the Yulong family, the head of the Yulong family decided to find the new Yang Yan researcher!

At the family meeting of the Yulong family, after the head of the Yulong family made this proposal, he received a lot of objections, but after he said two points, everyone was silent.

One, the Heart of Yang Yan is an ally of their Yulong family, and the descendant of the patron saint is his elf, and they are close.

30% reduction in dissent

Second, the strength of the Heart of Yang Yan is so strong that it defeated Team Rocket's leader Banmu. Even among the Heavenly Kings, there are not many people who can do this!

Another 50% reduction in dissent

The number of affirmative votes was directly rolled over.

Whether public or private, the strength of the Heart of Yang Yan is the root cause of this situation.

You must know that defeat and draw are two completely different concepts.

Although Mr. Banmu's unique genetically modified elves are very powerful, even under his command, they are ranked among the top ranks of the Heavenly Kings.

However, there are still many Heavenly King-level trainers, and they are confident that they will not be defeated when fighting with them.

And those who are sure to defeat the boss Sakagi in the battle will have to be reduced a lot.

In this case, the heart of Yang Yan not only successfully defeated Boss Sakagi, but according to his description of the battle, the two elves of Boss Sakagi were almost instantly defeated. Although there is a possibility of exaggeration, winning is a win after all.

This powerful combat power has been recognized by everyone.

It is also the main reason for the Yulong family to quickly pass the proposal!


Hearing Yulongjian's words, and seeing the look in his hand, Lin Wen smiled slightly and nodded, "Of course you can."

"If you encounter any trouble, you can contact me immediately, and I will rush over to help as soon as possible."

Invest in peaches and repay them with li.As an ally of the Yulong family, it is of course impossible to stand in his position and not seek his political affairs. If the Yulong family team does encounter any trouble, he will naturally go to help.

Of course... In fact, this chance is very small, and Lin Wen also knows that the Yulong family is also prepared.

After all, as the most powerful strength in the Chengdu area, it trains dragon-type elves with powerful combat power. Each member of the Yulong family is not an ordinary trainer, and each is powerful!

After receiving Lin Wen's affirmative reply, Yulongjian's face showed a faint smile, which made no sense. After a while of silence, he said, "Researcher Yang Yan... I really didn't expect that you would improve. So fast!"

The last time I met, I was a rookie trainer who didn't get any gym badges. Although the potential of wisdom and elves has been respected by Yulongjian, Yulongjian also felt that this Yang Yan researcher would have a lot of fun in the future. As, but he never thought that this day would come so fast!

In such a short period of time, the strength of this Yang Yan researcher is far superior to him based on the record alone!

"It's just luck..." After all, he is a member of his ally family. Even though he was very proud when he first met him last time, Lin Wen didn't take this to ridicule, he was just humble road.

Yulongjian nodded and took a deep breath, not knowing what he was thinking.

Not far away, the members of the Yulong family have been looking at this place and gathered on Lin Wen's body.

Lin Wen went to the Yulong family many times, and many members of the Yulong family knew the trainer who had the descendants of their patron saint, and were very curious about him.

Lin Wen also noticed these gazes, and after thinking for a while, he raised his hand and waved towards the members of the Yulong family team not far away.

After all... he and the Yulong family are in an ally relationship, so it would be better to be a little closer.

Seeing what Yulongjian seemed to be thinking about, Lin Wen immediately prepared to leave and return to the side of several heavenly kings.

After all... this kind of opportunity to communicate with a Heavenly King-level trainer is very rare, even with his current status of strength 4.1, it is not something that can be seen by sight!

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