Heavenly kings in various regions have too many things to do every day. The dragon is very mysterious, and it is very difficult to meet each other normally.

It is only such a large-scale mission that there will be a scene where several heavenly kings gather together, which is very rare!

Moreover, Lin Wen can always feel the envious gazes from the players on the quartz plateau below the high platform.

As the only person among the players who can talk to the King of the Alliance, how can he not be envied by all players?

There are also many players who are curious to get close when they see several queens on the high platform, but they are blocked by the NPCs of the alliance and are not allowed to approach. .

Chapter [-]: Players Gather

For two reasons, the strength is not enough, and the prestige is not enough.

This undoubtedly made the trainers of the alliance camp gathered here even more envious of Lin Wen, who could talk to the heavenly kings.

But... they couldn't get close, so they could only sigh with emotion below.

"The Great God of Yang Yan is a fraud!"

Just as Lin Wen was about to speak, his communication device suddenly rang.

Lin Wenyi was happy, okay, this one doesn't even need to be said.

Hearing the sound of the communication device, Yulongjian was also awakened, and saw Lin Wen holding the communication device in his hand, showing him an apologetic smile.

Yulongjian said quickly: "Researcher Yang Yan, you are busy."

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded towards him, holding the communication device and walked aside.

Then, he picked up the communication device and took a look.

is an acquaintance!

Cute night cat!

Seeing the remarks displayed on the communication device 18, Lin Wen couldn't help but think of the ghostly little girl, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he connected the communication device.

"Little Night Cat?" Lin Wen said.

"Brother Yangyan." The little night cat's voice came from the communication device. It was so sweet that Lin Shizi couldn't help but cry. This weird elf girl is still so innocent and cute.

Before Lin Wen could speak, the cute night cat continued, "Brother Yang Yan, it's been a long time since I've seen you, you've become even more powerful!"

"Where is it, it's normal."

Lin Wen said modestly, but a proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Since the Dragon Royal Trial, what he has done is indeed something to be proud of!

In the guild battle, one person rewrote the whole situation, found the holy beast Suijun, and finally promoted the Ye Elf King to the lord level in the Hezhong area, and finally returned to the Guandu area, and almost overturned the entire Rockets base by himself. , defeated the Rockets boss Sakagi!

Everything is something players can't even think about now!There are even a handful of NPCs who are strong enough to accomplish this!

And now, he has successfully completed it all by himself, a player!

There was a mocking tone from the cute night cat: "Hee hee, brother Yang Yan, I can see that the corners of your mouth are raised!"


Lin Wen's expression froze slightly. He was on the high platform at this time. Here, there are some high-level figures in the alliance, and under the high platform, there are densely packed players.

Holding the communicator in his right hand, he glanced at the players below.

If you can see his face clearly, it must be a player around the high platform!

Not long after, a familiar figure stepped into his eyes!

That cute little girl, who else is she?

Cute night cat!

The cute night cat also seemed to see his gaze, and waved at him slightly excitedly.

A voice came from the communication device: "Brother Yang Yan, your eyesight is very good, you found me so soon."

"That's..." Lin Wen smiled proudly.

Then, he said: "You wait for me there, I'll go right over."

The sweet voice of the cute night cat came from the communication device: "Well."

After that, Lin Wen walked directly in the direction of the cute night cat.

Soon, he walked off the high platform.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding players. You must know that although the announcement came to the Quartz Plateau, the mission has not yet been released, and all players are in a very boring state. On this Quartz Plateau, it can attract Their attention is only a few heavenly kings on the high platform, as well as the big celebrity among the players, the heart of Yang Yan.

The Heart of Yang Yan had been talking to the high-level personnel of the alliance on the high platform, but why did it come down now?

A lot of eyes were focused on Lin Wen.

After Lin Wen stepped down from the high platform, he was ready to head towards the direction of the little night cat.

However, the large number of players in front of him made him frown.

"Let's do it, everyone." Lin Wen said.

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