Fortunately, his prestige among the players did not weaken at all. As soon as his words were spoken, the player in front of him naturally gave up a path for him to pass.

Lin Wen moved forward while thanking him.

As he moved forward, the player in the direction in front of him naturally gave way.

The prestige of the Heart of Yang Yan suddenly appeared!

On the way forward, the players on both sides could not help but ask various questions.

"God Yangyan, what are you going to do?"

"God Yangyan, what will be released in this mission? Can you reveal some inside information?"

"God Yangyan, cheating! You can stand with a few heavenly kings! It's really good for our players!"

Moreover, there was a slightly sharp female voice.

"God Yang Yan, I am from Yang Yan Tuan! I love you so much!"

"God Yangyan is so handsome, so handsome, so handsome!"

These players are very enthusiastic, and there are no so-called black fans. Their questions are not hidden questions, and there is nothing that Lin 747 can't answer, so on the way forward, he is also answering the questions raised by various players.

"I'm just looking for a friend of mine."

"About this mission... To be honest, I don't know exactly what mission everyone will get, but it is estimated that it will be the capture of the Rockets base."

"Haha, I'm just lucky and my strength has improved quickly, so I have this opportunity. Come on, brother, you can do it in the future!"

Lin Wen answered the questions that came into his ears very seriously, which made the voices of the players around him even more eager.

When Lin Wen heard the voice of the female fans of Yang Yan Tuan, he smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "Thank you for the support of all the fans of Yang Yan Tuan, I will continue to work hard."

"Wow wow! Great God Yang Yan has spoken!"

"I really like the Great God of Yang Yan ah ah ah."

Women's admiration for the strong and idols is undoubtedly even more outstanding!

The reason why the strong are popular is because they can do things that others can't, and Lin Wen's various behaviors in the Elf Century undoubtedly fit the term "strong" very well. .

Chapter [-]: Many Female Fans

One person defeated more than [-] top players in the guild, and he was ordered to change the situation of the guild battle by himself!

As a huge game with more than one billion players, Spirit Age has countless cute elves in it, and its appeal to female players is no less than that of men!

There are countless female players here!

As Lin Wen saw, the deputy head of his Yang Yan Group, Ye Xiaoyu was a female player.

There are even rumors that the founder of the Yang Yan Group, the head of the group, is also a female player!

And the members of the entire Yang Yan group are also dominated by female players!

So... there are far more female fans of Lin Wen than expected!


As Lin Wen continued to advance, he finally came to the front of the cute night cat.

The little girl had a smile on her lips and was looking at him with a very narrow gaze, which made Lin Wen glared at her.

Of course, Lin Wen knew what the cute night cat was laughing at, and he was obviously making fun of the huge battle he had come all the way!

This can be said to be both the advantage and the disadvantage of becoming famous. After all, before becoming famous, just finding someone in the player group is not the reason for attracting so many people's attention and creating such a big battle.

After glaring at Little Night Cat, Lin Wen stepped forward, looked at this little girl who made him feel very kind, and asked, "How are you doing recently? Little Night Cat?"

Since the end of the Royal Dragon Trial, the two have never met, and they only received a congratulatory message from this little girl after winning the Linwen Guild War.

"Very good." The cute night cat smiled and said, "Brother Yang Yan, my Nian Nian Bao has evolved into Nian Mei'er. It's very good now."

"Really." Lin Wen showed a smile at the corner of his mouth and praised, "It's amazing~". "

Perhaps because the cute night cat and his sister are of similar age, Lin Wen always felt a touch of intimacy when talking to her.

The players around who have been focusing on Lin's tattoo all turned their attention to the cute night cat, and handed them curious eyes.

"Who is this female player?"

"God Yang Yan came to find her?"

"I'm so envious of Ying Yingying, why didn't the Great God Yang Yan come to me?"

The players were talking.

Lin Wen and Duomeng Night Cat completely pretended not to hear. Lin Wen was used to it, while Duomeng Night Cat didn't care about other people's comments at all. Both of them were deliberately loners.

The two hadn't seen each other for a while, and now they are here, under the watchful eyes of countless players, as if no one else is talking about the past.


As the appearance of the first world-class mission in the wizard century, this Rocket Team annihilation battle has attracted the attention of many people!

Forums, media, and various live broadcast platforms have paid more attention to this big event than expected!

The continuous reports from the media have been ignored for the time being. As the number of players gathered on the Quartz Plateau continues to increase, the live broadcasts of major live broadcast platforms have also started one after another, and the real-time live broadcast of this event has begun!

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