The live broadcast of the previous guild battle between the Lingxi Guild and the three major guilds, although it was the first guild battle in the Elf Century, was very eye-catching, but after all, it was just to watch other people fight.

However, this world-class mission can be said to involve countless players, and it can be called the participation of all people!

I don't know how many eyeballs it caught.

As the main location of the world mission, the Guandu area is undoubtedly the most attractive, and the gathering of the Quartz Plateau has also attracted the attention of countless players!

Although there are also Rockets in other areas, compared with the Guandu area, there are undoubtedly only two or three small fish.

On the forum, there are also countless posts discussing information about this world-class mission in real time.

"The players who feel sorry for the Rockets camp will soon become rootless. 》

"What are you kidding?Our Rockets have a super-dream existence!How can it be defeated? 》

"Upstairs in the last struggle. 》

"Come on, according to the gossip from the NPC's mouth, the big boss of your Rocket Team, the boss of Sakagi, was defeated by the Great God Yang Yan, what else do you have to say? 》

"You are kidding me, although the heart of Yang Yan is powerful, can it defeat Sakagi who has a super dream? 》

"The Great God of Yang Yan, who sits on an equal footing with the King of Heaven, has a picture to prove it. 》

Countless players participated in it, either preparing to join the battle directly, or having discussions.

With the continuous gathering of players, more and more players gathered on the Quartz Plateau, and they have become a sea of ​​people!

Among them, there are countless guild bosses and leaders, as well as folk masters among the players, and there are also elite players who have appeared on the ranking list!

The emergence of world-class tasks has attracted the attention of all players!

It seems that the number of players gathered exceeded a point. Just as Lin Wen was talking with the cute night cat, the system announcement suddenly sounded.

"." Ding Dong, the Quartz Plateau trainers are assembled, and the task information will be released later according to the individual. "

Lin Wen looked towards the high platform, and saw that the eyes of the three heavenly kings were all fixed on him, and they were waving their hands slightly towards him, signaling him to go over.

Lin Wen showed an apologetic smile at the cute night cat, and then said: "Little night cat, I'll go up first. If you need help with this mission, please contact me and I will help you solve it."

"Well, brother Yang Yan, I know." The cute night cat showed a well-behaved smile and said, "Brother Yang Yan, you go up first."

Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then quickly walked towards the high platform.

Several heavenly kings have been waiting here for a long time.

Soon, Lin Wen came to the high platform.

He glanced down, and saw that countless players' eyes were focused on the high platform, either looking at him, or looking at a few heavenly kings.

Lin Wen came to the side of several heavenly kings.

"Researcher Yang Yan. Let's go." Ke Na said, pointing to the building on the side of the high platform: "The alliance will release the latest combat mission to us."

Lin Wen nodded lightly, then followed the three heavenly kings and walked towards the building at the other end of the high platform. .

Chapter five hundred and fifty seventh alliance's backhand

This is a relatively simple building, and it looks like it should have been specially built by the Alliance for this gathering.

At the entrance of the building, the staff of the Alliance saw the three Heavenly Kings and Lin Wen approaching, and quickly bowed slightly to show respect.

Lin Wen walked into this small building with the three heavenly kings.

Once inside, Lin Wen couldn't help but look left and right.

The surrounding environment looks very simple, just in the middle of the room, there is a large video communicator.

At this moment... the video communicator is flickering and fluctuating, and it seems that someone is contacting.

Next to the video communicator, there is an alliance staff who are busy. After seeing Lin Wen and others, they quickly stopped their work and said, "Kona King."

Ke Na took a step forward and looked at the big screen: "How is the contact? Have you contacted the top of the alliance?"


The staff member of the alliance agreed, and then replied: "It has been contacted."

As soon as he finished speaking, the big screen in front of him trembled, and the figure of a man appeared in front of the screen.

His face was young and cold, with flaming red hair and cold eyes. Through the camera in this room, he saw the Three Kings and Lin Wen.

Lin Wen was slightly stunned. What appeared on the screen turned out to be Du!

The young master of the Yulong family, Tianwangdu, a champion in the Guandu area, is better than a champion!

When he was on the high platform outside, Lin Wen once heard Kona say that the champions of various regions need to sit in various regions, and since there are no champions in the Guandu region, this task is left to Dudu to complete!

Now it seems that their mission, I am afraid, will also be conveyed through the King of Heaven!

"King Du Tian, ​​have you found out the location of Team Rocket's base?" Ke Na stepped forward and asked.

Du's eyes swept across the few people present, hurriedly swept over the three heavenly kings, and then landed on Lin Wen's body for a while before he slowly opened his mouth and said, "The legendary elves on the alliance side are going deep. Exploration, trying to find out the location of each base."

Kona nodded lightly, then looked at Lin Wen and the others: "In that case, let's wait for a while!"

The foreheads of the two heavenly kings Kazuki and Shiba, Lin Wen also nodded lightly, but there were some waves in his heart!

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