For players, the system can send out their respective goals directly through tasks, but for NPCs, it is obvious that they need to contact each other.

After the three Heavenly Kings briefly checked the information on the communication device, Ke Na spoke first: "It seems that the location information of the Rockets base has been sent, and we are going to be separated temporarily."

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

As the strongest players in this battle in the Kanto region, when they were not sure where Sakagi Boss was located, they obviously wanted to fight separately, which had increased their efficiency.

Even if he didn't see the information received on the communication devices of the other three Heavenly Kings, Lin Wen could imagine that their goals were definitely different from his own.

Only after confirming the position of the boss of Sakagi, these trainers with the strength of the king will gather and attack the Rockets in one fell swoop!

Kazuki and Shiba obviously understood this clearly, Kazuki said, "Yes, my combat target is a Rocket base around Deadleaf City."

"I'm going to Hualan City." Shiba answered.

"Well, in that case, let's start the action now!" Kona opened his mouth and glanced around, then said, "I wish us a smooth battle this time!"

"Everything went well!" Lin Wen said, and he was the first to walk outside the room!

This world-type mission finally opened the curtain, and Lin Wen could also have a hunch that there must be many battles waiting for it, which made his heart very excited.

When Lin Wen opened the door and came to the high platform, he saw that the players on the Quartz Plateau had already started to leave one after another. They each received a quest, and they had to go to their respective quest target locations at a very fast speed to earn money Get points, fortunately, in this mission, you can get a good reward.

In this upsurge of players evacuating the Quartz Plateau, they still noticed that there were a lot fewer players on the high platform, and the reappearance of Lin Wen did not cause any waves.

After walking out of the room, Lin Wen stood on the high platform, glanced left and right, and keenly noticed the cute night cat near the bottom of the high platform.

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Now that many players are starting to leave the Quartz Plateau, this girl has not moved in place and is very easy to find.

When Lin Wen looked at the cute night cat, the little girl also looked at Lin Wen, which warmed Lin Wen's heart a little, obviously... the cute night cat also received the task, but was waiting he.

"Little Night Cat." Lin Wen whispered, and then nodded slightly to the three heavenly kings who also came out of the room behind him. He left the high platform first and walked to the bottom of the high platform.

His speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the front of the cute night cat.

"Little Night Cat." Lin Wen couldn't help but ask, "Where did you receive the mission in the Guandu area?"


According to the introduction of the task, it is obvious that other players also received the task of destroying the Rocket team's base, but according to different strengths, the assigned bases are obviously not in the same location.

Hearing this, the cute night cat froze for a moment, then blinked his big eyes and smiled: "Brother Yang Yan, my mission is in Rainbow City."

"Rainbow City..." Lin Wen couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

In his opinion, for the mission of destroying Team Rocket's base this time, each base will be assigned to more than one player, and the mission that can fall on him must be a more difficult base!

The strength of the cute night cat is not weak. Lin Wen originally thought about whether he could be assigned to a mission base with her by chance, but now it seems that he is thinking too much.

The cute night cat saw Lin Wen frowning and asked with concern, "What's wrong? Brother Yang Yan? Where is your mission goal?"

Hearing the cute night cat's voice, Lin Wen retracted his mind and replied, "My mission target is around the Golden City." After speaking, he said with a little pity, "It seems that we can't carry out the mission together. "

The cute night cat heard the words, and his expression became a little depressed.

"However..." Lin Wen suddenly said: "On the way from Quartz Plateau to Golden City, I have to pass through Rainbow City. I can take you for a ride."

Chapter [-]: The Growth of Minas

Take you for a ride, of course, using the Flash Dragon!As the most powerful elf in the forest at present, the Flash Dragon is not only a powerful fighter, but also a very qualified mount, galloping back and forth, and the speed in the sky is extremely fast.

Hearing this, the cute night cat's eyes showed anticipation. Obviously, this girl once rode the Flash Dragon and was very impressed with the Flash Dragon.

With the passage of time, the players on the quartz plateau have become less and less, and everyone has to complete their own tasks.The crowds on the Quartz Plateau also loosened up.

The NPC team also left one after another, and several heavenly kings set off immediately when Lin Wen came to look for the cute night cat.

"Brother Yangyan." The cute night cat's eyes swept left and right, and then he said, "Sixty-sixty", "Are we going now?"

Lin Wen wanted to agree, but something suddenly flashed in his mind, and he said, "Wait a minute."

"Huh?" The cute night cat made a puzzled voice and looked at Lin Wen.

Lin Wen took out a Poke Ball, and after the light flashed, a figure appeared on the spot!


The cute night cat on the side had also seen Minas, and when Lin Wen greeted him, he waved his hand towards Minas to say hello.

Afterwards, Lin Wen turned over his backpack and searched for the props.

Soon, Lin Wen's eyes lit up: "I found it!"

Then, a gem was found by him!

The heart of Hualan!

The best props of the water system, the heart of Hualan!

As early as after completing the task of finding the Suicune in Hualan City, this gem of a water elf appeared in Lin Wen's backpack, but because he had to hurry up and go to the Hezhong area to complete the advanced quest of the leaf elf, it was mysterious. The mission of the meteorite followed one after another, and Minas' current combat power could not help much in these two missions, so this superb gem had never been used.

But next... This time, the raiding mission for Team Rocket is undoubtedly a large-scale and time-consuming large-scale battle!The water-type Minas will definitely come in handy here, so Lin Wen is going to use this Hua Lan Heart for Minas now!

After Lin Wen took out the Hualan Heart, Minas stared straight at the Hualan Heart in Lin Wen's hands. As a water-type elf, it obviously felt that the gem had an impact on him. effect.

"Okay, don't worry." Lin Wen raised his hand, patted Minas' back lightly, and then handed the Hualan Heart in front of Minas.

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