Seeing that Hualan's heart was in front of him, Minas did not hesitate at all, he opened his mouth softly, and directly swallowed Hualan's heart into his belly!

It actually ate this gem directly!

This made Lin Wen startled, but the system prompt that sounded in his ear interrupted his worries.

"Ding Dong, your elf Minas, successfully absorbed Hualan's heart."

"Ding Dong, the attributes of your elf Minas have been greatly increased, life +60 points, attack +40 points, defense +50 points, special attack +70 points, special defense +60 points, speed +50 points. "

"Ding Dong, your elf Minas has learned a new skill: Hua Lan's Heart."

"Ding Dong, because your elf Minas absorbed the Hualan Heart, his surfing skills have changed, and his advanced skills are water rage skills."

A series of system prompts sounded from Lin Wen's ears!

The cute night cat stood beside him, quietly watching Lin Wen give the Hualan Heart to Minas.

After the system prompt ended, Lin Wen didn't hesitate, and directly checked the two newly acquired skills of Minas!

Heart of Hualan: The range of water-based skills is increased by 50%, the damage is increased by 25%, and the water-based damage has a 10% chance to reduce the enemy's movement speed by 30%, which cannot be stacked.

Water Rage: Surfing advanced skill, evokes small attacks to all Pokémon on the field except yourself, can attack air enemies, if the opponent is in the air, diving enemies will deal double damage


Two very powerful skills!

Moreover, after absorbing the power of Hualan Heart, the original attributes of Minas have also been greatly increased!

Its strength has been greatly improved!

After Lin Wen has the two lord-level elves, the Flash Dragon and the Leaf Elf, Minas's strength already belongs to the middle and lower levels among the elves of Lin Wen, and he is in a supporting position in battle...  ..

But now, after swallowing the Hualan Heart, its strength has undergone a qualitative change!

Although there is no way to compare with the lord-level leaf elves and flashing dragons for the time being, they are definitely not weaker than ice elves and other elves!

Feeling his own strength, Minas couldn't help but let out a cheerful tweet to celebrate.

"Okay." After Minas was successfully strengthened, Lin Wen patted its back lightly, and then retracted it into the inside of the Poké Ball.

Holding the elf of Minas, Lin Wen said in his heart: "It seems... in this large-scale mission of Team Rocket, Minas can also shine!"

The cute night cat obediently watched Lin Wen complete these actions. When she saw Lin Wen put Minas into the Poké Ball, she asked, "Brother Yangyan, shall we go?"

"Let's go!" Lin Wen replied, another Poké Ball appeared in his hand!

The light flashed, and the familiar figure of the flashing dragon appeared in place!

The cute night cat has watched the 0.2 Flash Dragon grow step by step since he was a child, and is very close to it. After seeing the Flash Dragon being released, he couldn't help but rubbed his belly with his hand and said, "Little guy ,do you remember me?"

The flashing dragon also had a deep impression on Little Night Cat. He did not resist the kindness of Little Night Cat, but instead shouted twice softly and made two dragon roars that were deliberately lowered to show his closeness.

"Okay, okay, you two don't get too close, let's go." Lin Wen said.

"Yeah." The cute night cat replied softly.

Afterwards, Flashing Kuailong leaned down, and Lin Wen first jumped onto Flashing Kuailong's back, then leaned over slightly, and gently pulled Little Night Cat, pulling her up too. .

Chapter [-] Target Golden City

On the way to Golden City, he will pass by Rainbow City, so Lin Wen plans to let this little girl take a ride directly.

After the cute night cat also boarded the back of the flashing dragon, with Lin Wen's order, the flashing dragon fluttered its wings and flew into the sky suddenly.

In the direction of the golden city, proceed quickly.


At the same time, the players in the entire Guandu area began to move rapidly.

According to the difference in strength, each player is assigned a different task location, near or far. Countless players are either walking, or riding in vehicles, and like Lin Wen, riding their own small Elf, heading towards the goal.

Compared with the hasty battles between players from the Alliance camp and players from the Rocket camp before the mission was released yesterday, today, after the specific mission was released, the players of the entire Alliance camp undoubtedly became in a certain order.

Countless players who usually hide in the elf world, or work hard to level up, or capture and cherish Pokémon, have also revealed their bodies one after another, and they are moving forward like 18's own mission goals.


In the sky, a huge dragon shadow flashed by.

With the bonus of riding experts, the speed of the flashing dragon is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people. Follow the road indicated by the forest pattern and move forward quickly!

Soon, they came to the outside of Rainbow City.

Rainbow City is a city located in the central part of the Guandu area, and it is also the second largest city in the entire Guandu area, second only to the super metropolis in the eastern part of the Guandu area.

At the same time, it is also a city with a very rich nightlife.

After coming to the outside of Rainbow City, Lin Wen directed the Flash Dragon to descend slowly.

The corner he chose was relatively remote, so it did not attract the attention of the players!

Moreover, the main focus of the players is now on this world-class large-scale mission. Even the usual fanatical fans have restrained their enthusiasm and devoted themselves to the mission.

After the flashing dragon fell to the ground, the cute night cat jumped down from its body with a sensitive jump.

Lin Wen followed behind it and jumped down.

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